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Our World RP

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i'm not sure if the meeting is over so if it is still going then sorry


summer was thinking about the meeting.oh well i guess i need to talk to some one atleast.she grabed her cat and walked off.crap this is boring and at the same time we can't fight the world guys she thought.her ears gave a small twitch as she continued to walk down the hall.

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Flash turned around and saw Paul and Hyp coming. "You guys? Verywell then, i think we still need one join to my group" Flash said and went to look around places and tried to think someone suitable for this job. "Who i can trust, and who is strong enough to come along?" Flash went in archive to look information of members to find someone suitable. Then he found one certain man who was almost perfect in Flash's opnion, Markhart Noir, Flash left and went straight away to Markhart's room and said: "Markhart, I'm here to ask you to special mission, you don't have much of opnions but still: Do you want come with me?"

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Markath was lazily reading a book when Flash came into his room. Markath immediatly stood up, tucking the book away.


Flash asked him to join on a special mission.


Markath nodded. "I will join you and the others on this mission." He said, pulling out his Gunblade.

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