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Keyblade King 12

KH3D *Spoiler* What if the bad guys aren't real?

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Okay, yes I realise that the title's a bit confusing and it sounds weird but bare with me for a second.

Cast your mind back to COM, where in Riku's storyline, the main villain was in fact just a complex illusion caused by Ansem.

Is it possible that Ansem, Xemnas, Young Xehanort, Vanitas are all illusions caused by Yen Sid? As if he's infecting the realm of sleep with some of his own personal nightmares and there's no true reason of their being there than that.

I'm beginning to wonder how much Yen Sid is going to be interfering with this realm to make it more difficult for Sora and Riku to really test them and also to teach them some of things revolving around Master Xehanort. To me, it seems that Yen Sid is pretty omnificent, so it wouldn't surprise me if he knew a lot more about MX than even we do as the audience.

I'm saying this because during the parts where we see Young Xehanort, Vanitas and Xemnas, they come off as non-violent. I'm also wondering if the Mysterious Figure could be one of the cloaked figures and he might be real and actually intent on killing Sora and Riku.

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eh, I don't know, could go either way I guess. I suppose it would actually make more sense if you thought of it as Yen Sid testing them, but I do wonder...I think it's possible that Yen Sid might have put certain things in there and sort of hit the go button, letting things enfold as they were. It seems kind of weird to think that Yen Sid has control over these things, but we'll see.

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I like the idea except for Yen Sid being the manipulator. That's Master Xehanort's job, and frankly I don't think Disney would be too happy with Nomura using Yen Sid in that way. I think there was just a I need to save those in the dream world and a need to give Sora and Riku the MoM, so Yen Sid is killing two birds with one stone. But it could be in the nature of the dream world to make dreams real, so the villains being illusions is plausible.

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I think the correct is to think that, since they are in sleeping worlds, they need to sleep to get into them, and, since they are sleeping too, their own dreams and nightmares a influencing the sleeping worlds, causing them to appear.

This would explain why Vanitas appear there, since Ventus' heart is sleeping inside Sora.

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I think this makes sense (except for Yen Sid being responsible for it. They're probably being born from Sora and Riku's memories, if anything). Xemnas and Ansem SoD are LONG gone, so that's the only real way that their return would make sense. For Vanitas, if this isn't the reason why he's back, then simply put, how in the f**k is he back? He was destroyed by Ventus and Aqua along with the X-Blade, so unless someone found a way to give Ven the darkness in his heart back and then extract it again, there's no logical reason why he can be there, unless he isn't really there at all.


The one I'm most curious about is the younger looking Xehanort, because he doesn't seem like something that would have appeared because of their memories or dreams.

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