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In the trailer (8 min), we see Sora about to fight someone in the Tron Legacy world. Many, and I, have thought it to be Clu, the villian from Tron Legacy. But there is my new thinking, what if that person is not Clu, but instead Tron! In the movie, Tron had 2 Disks at the same time and the guy in the trailer has 2 disks, plus the fact of the program color. This is just my thinking! What do you guys think about it?

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Well, I did see Rinzler(Tron) pull out two Disk so im sure we will fight Rinzler, and prolly have to deal with Clu in some sort of way because Clu never really faught anyone just planned things out for his Programs to do his dirty work.

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Umm you do know that Clu said that Rinzler is Tron turned evil correct?


I dont remember him saying that Rinzler is Tron turned evil, but I remember the peices coming together of who Rinzler was.

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Wow, that would suck for Sora since he became pretty good friends with Tron in the real world and then he has to fight him? Sora will end up changing him back anyway probably.

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