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tutti frutti. It would be pretty hard to say since it would depend on when Nomura sent the script and on the voice actings that they need for the game. If they can get the same actors for Sora and Riku for example, then it could save time. But for having to get new voice acting could also take some time. I think that if SE(Jap.) sent the script to those overseas as soon as it was finished, then that could have helped speed up the process for voice acting. If everything was ready to but put on product and to be finalized, sending them to the other SE branches would greatly help in shipping them out in a more timely manner. Though, I'm more so guessing that we may get it here in NA around September/October at the latest.

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i think that it might be in like may or june or earlier because remember awhile back when Richard Epcar hinted at the next form of xehanort well don't voice actors not know about what there doing until they get there lines in the studio meaning that they've done some of the voice acting already. and squares is good at getting games out in different regions quick, take final fantasy 13-2 that came out last week or something like that in japan and comes out at the end of January for the US

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I don't get why it takes forever to get out a game like kh 3D out when final fantasy 13-2 comes out like a month and a half after jap release to usa. Plus that game is both on Playstation 3 and XBOX 360! I think it is going to come out during June or July if they get off of their lazy asses and start early. Why cant square enix send the cutscenes ahead of time or have the translators their at the same time while making the game.

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yes really, dont hold your breath lol


i tend to agree with it being similar to bbs (eight months), since they are both cutscene/translation heavy games.


november 27, 2012. yep.

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Maybe because Final Fantasy has a higher priority in localizing than KH does? I don't know if it does or not, but it's a possibility. It was like that for XIII, too.


@Izzo: No. It was stated to be localized faster than the other KHs, or recent ones. I'm looking at a March-July release.

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How many cutscenes were there in Days. Like... 13? That took 4 months. Coded--about 15 cutscenes, they all of these were really short, too. Thus, it makes sense why the release dates are closer together.


BBS took 8 months, but the whole entire game was dubbed. No bubble-text cut scenes. We are expecting that kind of format for Kh3D. So I can only expect 6-8 months. So between September and November is my guess.

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Maybe because Final Fantasy has a higher priority in localizing than KH does? I don't know if it does or not, but it's a possibility. It was like that for XIII, too.


@Izzo: No. It was stated to be localized faster than the other KHs, or recent ones. I'm looking at a March-July release.


god i hope they're not lying to us. i really hope lol

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Calm down people. At least we're getting close to Kh3. This is the LAST spin off game and then it's Kh3. Well kh3d is not really a spin off but still, we're getting there people.


please i hope you are right,i dont want Nomura to present us any other kh game before kh3,bbs ,recoded,days and 3d are really great games but its finally time for kh3

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Calm down people. At least we're getting close to Kh3. This is the LAST spin off game and then it's Kh3. Well kh3d is not really a spin off but still, we're getting there people.


I always laugh when someone says spin off.

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Maybe after japan gets it march release of KH: 3D we can get KH:3D in the U.S and Europe in the summer since it's going to be it's 10th anniversary my guess for the release date for the game in the u.s. is U.S.: June 7 (Last day of sophmore year chhs) Europe: July 4th that's my guess because i liked summer a lot and i am thinking summer would be perfect for kingdom hearts 3D dream drop distance to come into the u.s and europe after japan's release so summer 2012 it is.


They have already started the English Version. So it wont take as long as Birth by Sleep.


my guess is to say that the game would come out in the us during the summer time because summer is my favorites

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Or more. BBS was released in Jap on January, while the english version only came out on September [8 months Dx]

But re:coded released on October in Jap, while the english version came out on January [3 months xD]


but BBS came later because Nomura added the stickers and extras it would have came out in june(5 months)

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