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Since the game is coming out in Japan in March when do you guys think we'll get it. My guess is sometime at the end of spring before Summer. Late May maybe? I don't think we'd have to wait too long seeing that the only changes they'll have to make are the Voice overs, and the Voice over animation. What do you guys think?

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Might be in the end of July if we're lucky, or probably on August. [normally it takes 6 months]


Six months?? T_T

Is that the average it took the other KH titles to make it to the U.S when released in Japan?

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Voice overs would begin before the game had fully been released. As soon as all the cutscenes are done and they're sent to the American studios. After that, the studios have to try and get a hold of all the needed voice actors, which I doubt will be an easy feat considering the cast list of this game. Then they have to audition for new voice actors, if some of their cast can't make it. Then the voice acting begins and while that's happening, the editors are going through the cutscenes and changing them so they fit with english dialogue more. Then they have to go through a censor and then finally it gets all wrapped up in a nice little package. Then the sales and marketing team have to figure out adverts, release date, where they should be shipping the games to and in what supply.

I would say Lu Xun's right. That whole process would take about six months. But it depends on the sheer size of the game, which we're still unsure of. It'll probably be as large as BBS though, or perhaps longer given the size of the trailer. Still I doubt as long as KH2, maybe the same as 1 or COM.

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Six months?? T_T

Is that the average it took the other KH titles to make it to the U.S when released in Japan?


No, it's the average of every game ever made. You haven't been paying attention.


Also, since Nomura said overseas production should be faster this time, I expect it out early summer in June or July, but I'm hoping for May.

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Six months?? T_T

Is that the average it took the other KH titles to make it to the U.S when released in Japan?


Or more. BBS was released in Jap on January, while the english version only came out on September [8 months Dx]

But re:coded released on October in Jap, while the english version came out on January [3 months xD]

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No, it's the average of every game ever made. You haven't been paying attention.


Also, since Nomura said overseas production should be faster this time, I expect it out early summer in June or July, but I'm hoping for May.


May *-* The month of my birthday xD

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It took BBS 8 months to get to NA (January to September), and since KH3D is most like this game, I'd assume that NA gets it in October (around Fall?) Hopefully they'll surprise us and release it earlier.

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It usually takes 3 months.

We're gonna get it the end of June probably.


It can take three months between the European and America release dates! It only took Re:coded a little time but they didn't have to change that much nor record very much. This game's going to take a least double that.

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Let's check the last three releases:


358/2 Days 4 months

Birth by Sleep 8 months

RE Coded 3 months


Average: 5 months


So, I'll say 5-7 months that will fall in a release window Octuber-December. I highly doubt that it will be released before E3, in fact, I'm expecting some sort of announcement from the event.


Yet, both RE Coded and Days had little voice work, and that's an important fact.

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No, it's the average of every game ever made. You haven't been paying attention.


Also, since Nomura said overseas production should be faster this time, I expect it out early summer in June or July, but I'm hoping for May.


I've heard people say that it would be faster, but never seen it myself. Do you remember what interview it was or the time that it came out?

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I believe the game is being translated along with production and Final Fantasy XIII only had a 4 month difference between Japans and the US/EU release so I wouldn't think May would be totally out of the question.

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It took BBS 8 months to get to NA (January to September), and since KH3D is most like this game, I'd assume that NA gets it in October (around Fall?) Hopefully they'll surprise us and release it earlier.



The only reason BBS took 8 months unlike the other games which was because they were adding MF and other stuff(redoing scenes, and Sora, Riku, and Kairi's faces). It clearly was harder than the other extras we got in previous games.


Or more. BBS was released in Jap on January, while the english version only came out on September [8 months Dx]

But re:coded released on October in Jap, while the english version came out on January [3 months xD]


What I said to J. Severe


I've heard people say that it would be faster, but never seen it myself. Do you remember what interview it was or the time that it came out?


I don't remember, but it was this year. I could search, but since I don't have an idea of the date and there isn't a section on the site for Nomura's interviews....it's hard work.

As you know, I'm a man who states facts.

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If they do a crap job like Dissidia 012, it'll be out by the end of March/April. If they do the awesome job like BBS, it'll be out September/October


I heard many complaints about the voice acting in BBS.

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I heard many complaints about the voice acting in BBS.


BBS had ten times the voice work done compared to DD012. I hold an actual game with quality acting in higher regard than an expansion pack with rushed acting that continues to fall short.

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