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In an all out battle would Final Fantasy characters beat KH characters?

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After this long battle concluded, only one warrior was left standing. That warrior was Moogle.




So it was actually a three way tie between Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and Secret of Mana?

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it seems like ever inportant that dies in kingdom hearts produces a heartless and a nobody. so in layman terms. one death= two revivals.. i would have to vote for kingdom hearts.

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tutti frutti. That is a very hard question to answer. You have the FF series, that deliver their own form of self-disciplined out-of-nowhere moves. While the KH series, varying from novice to expert in skills, everyone seems to find that loophole to immortality. Personally, I don't think that this is a battle that can be decided so easily. Especially if each side has full access to their abilities.

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Sora and Riku deflected,literally over 9000 lasers. They could take on The Empire and emerge unscathed. I'm sure they can handle a few guys on roid rage that would also stop fighting if they broke a nail. They need to look perfect for the fangirls you know!

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Sora and Riku deflected,literally over 9000 lasers. They could take on The Empire and emerge unscathed. I'm sure they can handle a few guys on roid rage that would also stop fighting if they broke a nail. They need to look perfect for the fangirls you know!


^Yes. Yes. This post.

But, to be completely fair, Snow, Cloud, Lightning, Auron, and Leon would have a good chance.

Lasers are lasers. Final Fantasy characters don't need lasers. They have better things than lasers.

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^Yes. Yes. This post.

But, to be completely fair, Snow, Cloud, Lightning, Auron, and Leon would have a good chance.

Lasers are lasers. Final Fantasy characters don't need lasers. They have better things than lasers.


Swords that are so heavy they probably have back problems and can't fight at all?

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Swords that are so heavy they probably have back problems and can't fight at all?


But Snow has massive fists, Lightning has a light gunblade.

Cloud and Auron don't show any trouble with carrying these swords.

Leon is questionable.

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Final Fantasy would win xD.

Just get Ultimecia to initiate Time Kompression... or have someone piss off Terra Brandford. Once she snaps, it's game over xD.


In all honesty though... FF characters have more-- how should I put this, unrealistic moves.

*cough* I'll just leave this here... *cough*

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