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Organization Titles

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O think there was a thread similar to this but that one was only names.

Make a name for yourself in the Organization, it doesn't really matter if you use your r ieal name, but after that make title and description like the rest of Org.XIII do


Here's mine:


No.XV WerXand-The Lone Hunter

Hood up and mouth shut, business comes first with this hunter from the SHADOWS. Bound by true nature, he feels as if he shouldn't act like he feels his non-existant emotions



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No.XIV Rixku-The Shadow's Light

Quiet and smart by nature as she wields two keyblades at once. She's skilled in the art of stealth and has great knowledge of many things. She constantly does things that involve fighting Riku for the sake of being able to test herself. She also doesn't seem to be straight with her personality and has many problems with others.

Soul Eater and Way to Dawn

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No. XVI Xoctts, The Mad Mage.


A good natured mage would acts like he has a screw lose, he keeps up a happy, funny face to conceal a cold rage.


Weapon: None, uses magic in melee battle.

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No. XX? Leaxel, the awesomeness


Making everyone laugh but has many secrets.


Weapon: A GIANT PURPLE *****!


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No.XXI Maddox- The Book Worm

Not liking to speak out of turn, Maddox instead relies on his knowledge of life. His lone book spills many secrets.


Weapon: Book of spells.

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No. XVI Daxuslej - Archer of Night


Insists upon all missions to be at night, this member is a sharp shooter and never misses anything or anyone.


Weapon: Bow and Arrow

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No.17 Xaroy- Soul of Fire


Acts a little distant, but loves to be with friends, uses a special type of keyblade that blazes small flames, and gets brighter the more enraged he gets. His destiny was revolved around Sora, and he was supposed to protect the balance of light and darkness. His soul burns with a feiry passion, he will never quit even in his darkest hour. He is hard to understand when he keeps secrets, because he will change the topic faster than most.


Weapon: keyblade named: Eternal twilight

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I'll come up with my own later but for now.... I'm going to do my sisters....


No. XIV Xlycojen - The derpy scorpion.


I suck at discriptions.


bahaha she's gonna kill me

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No. IIIV <--Infinite Lexa - The Infinitismal Seeker.


Fiery temper, sharp wit, and always says the first thing that comes into her head, regardless of consequences. Outgoing, always up for new adventures, and friends, is a bit overconfident, and overprotective of her friends. Rather enigmatic to her enemies, but always open for her friends.


Weapon: Bond Of Flame++ ->Bond of Flame w/ black rather than red

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Number infinity *cause god knows how many people already took the VIV status* Celxira - THE B.A.M.F.

weapon : snark, intimidation,and her bare hands...and a gun if all else fails

A mysterious young lady who is intimdating,itellgent,determined,sliver tongued foul mouth kid, yet also extremely loyal and caring friend who just wants to get her life back on track.

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unknown number : Haxus - The Unknown Light


weapon: keyblade called the Plasma Diviner


Age: 15


An unknown nobody who just appeared one day. He has the power of energy. His massive power makes him one of the most powerful nobodies. He tries to be friendly to the other members but none of them trust him. His sole purpose is to find his somebody

Edited by crashrobot55

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The little hurricane (been my nickname ever since i was really little...that and little miss twister)


a giant mallet and 2 shiney razor sharp sizzors


age: 18


hight : 4"11


proxella is a trainwreck, though quite small all her energy makes her a force too be reconed with, has the power of a hurricane and is quiite possible more then slightly insane, only problem is shes quite easily destracted, verry moody, but easily amused. acts alot younger then she is loves sweets.

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Number: ?



AverageGoddess: GrimReaper

A sycthe, duh.


Many wonder how she got this title, seeing as she doesnt speak unless spoken to and seems quite gentle. Of course, then you see her fight. Will stop at no cost until mssion is complete, and has a love for seeing pain and torturuing. With her hidden madness and black lightning, you might as well give up now.


Age: 14

Edited by AverageGoddess

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No. XXI Hexcas, The Solid Child.


Young, and fairly new to the organization, he is very curious and restless, often playing tricks and making fun of the other organization members. despite his age and size, he is extremely powerful, using his command over Metal. When he's not fighting, or playing games with other members, you may find him on the beach, wondering what true emotions feel like.


Weapon: A large Club called Cobalt Assault. It is colored blue, and is huge, but Hexcas can hold it with ease by turning his whole body into a stronger metal. he attacks by slamming and slashing away at enemies.

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