FFxChainlessSoulxKH 56 Posted January 31, 2012 Roxas thought that would work, so he decided to take Xigbars advice and bang on Axel's door. BANG, BANG! "Axel, come on out, were going to have ice cream." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted January 31, 2012 Groggily, Axel opened his door. "Whaddya want Roxas? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" Axel smiled, fully knowing how long he had been sleeping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFxChainlessSoulxKH 56 Posted January 31, 2012 "Come on Axel, were going to have ice cream" Roxas tryed to put on his best begging face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted January 31, 2012 Axel sighed. Roxas' begging face was as good as Demyx's. "Oh all right. You win. I'll come. Is Xion coming?" Axel asked, wanting the ice cream eating to be as fun as possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFxChainlessSoulxKH 56 Posted January 31, 2012 "Of course, come on already!" Roxas opened a black corridor rushing through to the tower. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted January 31, 2012 Demyx held on tightly to his sitar with one hand as he walked through the mansion. " Zexy?" He called walking throughout the house. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted January 31, 2012 Zexion was at the basement unable to hear Demyx as he continued to think before spotting the computer. "I bet I know the password........" He mumbled as he headed to it before he turned it on while it told him it needed a password. "S-E-A-S-A-L-T-I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M" He mumbled before I let him in as he gazed at some of the information before turning it off. He wasn't going to let the Superior see this if it was the last thing he did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFxChainlessSoulxKH 56 Posted January 31, 2012 Roxas sat on the tower with Axel and Xion by his side. "Today was hard, the sent me to Port Royal." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axel12345678 16 Posted January 31, 2012 "What to do, what to do?" Vexen thought to himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted January 31, 2012 Axel chuckeled. "And I managed to slip by Vexen's radar and spend the entire day sleeping. I'm starting to become more like Demyx....if you see me sturmking a guitar, I give you the right to smack me. Or get Marluxia to do horrid acts against me. Whichevers easier." Axel smiled, than laughed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axel12345678 16 Posted January 31, 2012 Vexen go to where the trio hangs out after every mission and appears behind Axel. "I heard that." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted January 31, 2012 Demyx looked at the door to the basement and groaned. " But thats the creepiest part......." He sighs and walks down the stairs to see Zexion. " There you are!!" Demyx exclaims. " Hmm i forgot why I was sent here...." Demyx looks around trying to rememebr. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFxChainlessSoulxKH 56 Posted January 31, 2012 "Vexen, how did you get here?" Roxas was suprised, only he Axel, and Xion have ever been here, none of the others ever came here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axel12345678 16 Posted January 31, 2012 "Lets just say, I appear when I want." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFxChainlessSoulxKH 56 Posted January 31, 2012 "Ugh, thats annoying." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axel12345678 16 Posted January 31, 2012 "You be alright." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted January 31, 2012 Xigbar took in a deep breath. relaxing was fun, at times, but he wanted to do something now. He jumped up and cracked his knuckles. "What have you been doing, Zexion?" Xigbar asked himself, a sly grin playing on his lips. Xigbar pulled on his hood and followed Demyx to the Old Mansion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted January 31, 2012 Zexion cursed when he knew Xigbar came into the Mansion. So he did the only thing to escape. He pulled up his own hood and vanished into a Dark Corridor after shutting off the computer. "He wasn't going to tell anyone about what he had saw. Vexen would be way to interested in it to let it go and if Xigbar found out he would never hear the end of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted January 31, 2012 Xigbar stuck his head in to where Demyx stood alone. "Found the sniffing wonder yet, Demy?" he asked in a cheerful tone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted January 31, 2012 Zexion had appeared somewhere else in Twilight Town as he sighed. "So he didn't see me leave well that's okay." He grabbed a Sea-Salt ice cream before wandering with this hood while he thought deeply making sure that if Xigbar or someone else found him he would be able to get out of there before they could ask him why he took so long. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFxChainlessSoulxKH 56 Posted February 1, 2012 "Dont worry Axel, i will be the one to smack you if you ever start to act like Demyx." Roxas started to laugh at the thought of Axel ever acting like Demyx. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted February 1, 2012 ( You having a problem?????? Cause i can send my clones after youuuu O.O) " He was right there." Demyx pointed to a spot of empty air infront of the computer. " Then he left, and didn't talking to me." Demyx looked slightly upset by this matter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted February 1, 2012 Xigbar walked over and put his arm around Demyx. "Don't worry, it's not 'cause of you." he said. "Big, bad Xigbar popped up and scared poor Zexy away." Xigbar's mind turned with what Zexion was doing. He had been acting oddly lately. He was up to something. And if it was one thing the Freeshooter could not abid around him, it was people having secrets he didn't know about. "What was he doing when I scared him off?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted February 1, 2012 " I dunno he was at the computer." Demyx shrugged leaning against the wall. He tapped his fingers against the wall in a sloow pattern Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted February 1, 2012 Xigbar looked over at the computer. He didn't have the skill with it as Zexion did, so he didn't know how much he'd learn from it. Of course, Demyx would have to vamoose before he could take a look. Best to check it later, if at all. Xigbar shrugged. "Oh, well. I guess that's it then." he said in a fake dejected tone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites