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The World That Never Was

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Zexion looked at a mirror with a wide eye as his mouth stood open and wide as well as he looked at himself. "I didn't know it would take me this far back with age............" He said it was childish as he continued to stare at the familiar look with amazement. As long as Xigbar didn't come in he would have no problem but Xigbar would most likely see why he went to his room so early. "I better grab my book and smaller clothes............"

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Xigbar gave Albert a dubious look. He pointed a finger at the monkey's face.

"No poo flinging, buddy." he instructed.

He looked at Demyx. He had hoped for something more interesting then this, but not all secrets could be fun.

"You trying to keep him out of Vexen's lab, eh?" he asked Demyx.

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Zexion had got up and managed to find some of his old clothes as he grabbed his book and got on the bed with a bit of difficulty. "As long as Xigbar doesn't come in here......... Why did I say that he's probably going to pop in eventually........" He sighed before falling back. His old clothes consisted of a V-neck vest that was a light green with a black pair of jeans and the same style of boots he always wore.

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Demyx nodded putting the monkey into the box and giving him another cracker.

" You can't tell ANYONE." He said his face turning as close as Demyx could get to mean.

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Xigbar laughed. The idea of telling everyone about Demyx's pet would be worth the reaction. The the idea of doing what Demyx asked danced through the Freeshooter's mind. He got nice thoughts like this to rarely, that he felt that he should give into them every once in awhile.

"Alright, alright. Fine." he said, throwing up his hands in compliance. "I'll keep your monkey a secret. Just warn me if it starts eating people."

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Zexion had grabbed his book carrying somehow through the hall right past Demyx's open door but apparently no one saw him as he continued on not making a sound as he planned to grab something before going to another portal. "Why am I doing this? If someone sees me it's not going to be good.........." He sighed before tripping as he yelped when his head smacked against the wall. "Oh i'm doomed now..........." He looked at Demyx's door which he was not far away from as he waited to see if anyone heard him.

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Demyx who was already alert from having Albert out immediatly heard the yelp from outside. He quickly closed the box and peaked out of his room.

" Uhh Zexion.. what are you doing?" He asked tilting his head a little. Usually it was him that was running into things not Zexion.

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Zexion went wide eyed over Deymx's reaction. He certainly thought Demyx would notice the fact that he was now seven years old with a heart than ask what he was doing. He sighed again before letting his head hit the wall again this time he ignored the pain as slumped. He would have to possibly deal with this for three days oh the joy.

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" And why are you so short? hehe Xigbar look Zexion shrank!" Demyx said walking over to him. He smiled looking down at Zexion, it wasn't like he didn't look down at him before, this was just funnier.

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Zexion's eye twitched before he opened his book and held out his hand toward Zexion with a evil smiled on his face. "Thunder!" As soon as this was said Demyx was electrified while Zexion stood up still pretty short and brushed himself off as he grabbed the book. "Don't call me short unless you want to see what else I can still to you or when I get back to normal. Understand?" He said in a command tone. He hadn't lost his authority yet with younger members as he folded his arms with a childish pout.

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Demyx used water to direct the lightning the the ground then continued to smile.

" Zexy your so cute!" He cooed bending down to Zexion's new height.

" So why are you so small?!"

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(Long post wow...................)

This time he pointed the electricity right at Demyx's head before letting it go as he fell to the ground before brushing himself off. He sighed once again before speaking. "It was but something happened so I was aged back more than needed. The simple fact of why I was trying this is what I got out of it. Right now I am not a Nobody but a Somebody for the next three days. I was trying to do a year so I wouldn't look any different but the spell had other idea's in mind so went back to being seven. I swear you call me short and i'm going to put a stop spell on you to last till next week." He said crossing his arms before opening the book once more with a slight smile. "At least i'm saved for five hours at a time." He had a transformation spell waiting for the morning from the new problems he has. He then looked at Demyx his smiled growing. "Demyx if you tell anyone about this your not going to like what I do to you and maybe show the monkey to Vexen and see what he does with it." He smiled knowing the threat would keep Demyx quiet about this but Xigbar was another story.

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" How do you knwo about Albert?!" Demyx demanded rubbing his forehead which now had a black mark. He glared at Zexion holding back the many remarks he was dieing to make. Then his glare went to Xigbar, as he was the only one he had shown Albert to.

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"It should work for the most part as long as Xemnas doesn't pop up. I saw the monkey when I went past the door Demyx so keep quiet and I won't tell about it." He stated simply before grabbing his book as he got ready to leave the easy way if needed. "I have to grab somethings just in case so if anyone else knows i'll just make them forgot." He said before he began walking off with his book.

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"I already told you. Right now I am not a Nobody. This age spell gave me a heart back for three days. It's rather interesting what we'll do to have a heart and this was something I was willing to try to get it even for a while." he said simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world as he continued to walk on. Three days to enjoy himself and 'feel' it was the best thing he had to anyways right now.

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Zexion sighed before replying as he continued walking. "Still going to be Zexion Vexen anyways this is only going to last a few days." He stated before giving up as he vanished into a Dark Corridor. He had little luck landing as he landed flat on his face in his room as he shivered slightly.

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