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The World That Never Was

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Demyx heard xigbar in his room and ran back into it jumping on his back.

" Don't open that!!!" He yelled frantically pulling him away from the box.

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Pulled away from the box, Xigbar gave Demyx, or as much as he could see of Demyx, an amused look. He then looked at Vexen.

"Some really, really valuable air, apparently." He commented, trying to shrug the younger nobody off of him.

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" No! No he did not." Demyc said before Xigbar would have a chance to open his mouth. Demyx then took it uponj himself to push xigbar out of his room.

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Zexion absently waited for them to go to sleep as he continued to look at the book he had not wanted to touch for so long ago. Memories in it where the things he normally hated but for not it was alright to look at it with a smile on his face with no Xigbar to catch up on the plan after it was done. It couldn't be reversed till it was over so no one could actually stop him and no one knew either.

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Xigbar teleported out of Demyx's grasp, and reappeared by the box.

"Bad news, bud." he said, grinning. "You have piqued my curiosity. I want to know what's in the box."

He placed a hand on the box, then removed the hand.

"Of course, I'm more than willing to let you explain."

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Zexion silently began the spell as he smiled still never ending as curiosity began to form in the wonder of the spell. "Soon I have three days and day one will soon begin.........." He thought as he continued not making a sound to tell anyone what he was doing.

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Demyx's eyes widened and he just stared at the box.

"You promise not to tell anyone?" Demyx asked still staring at the box.

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Demyx smiled and peaked out of the door looking both ways down the hall before quickly closing it.

" Ok I'll show you but you have to be nice to Albert ok?" He said glancing at Xigbar as he placed the box on his lap and he sat on the edge of the bed.

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Demyx pulled a small creature out of the box, obviously not from this world.

" This, is Albert." Demyx said a completely serious expression on his face. The creature itself appeared to be a small monkey.

" I found it while i was on a mission to the deep jungle. Isn't cute!?" Demyx asked holding the monkey up to closer to xigbar.

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