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The World That Never Was

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" What Roxas left me on purpose?" Demyx said shocked looking at Roxas.

"Thats not very nice you know...."

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Axel deftly ducked, throwing both Chakrams into the Heartless. It exploded in a shower of flames and dark particles.


He then turned when someone called his name. There stood Vexen, as boring as ever. "What do you want, Vexen? Zexion and I are almost done."

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Axel sighed with annoyance. But, he still obeyed his surperior. Lifting up his hands, several Assasin appeared. They swarmed the Heartless, eliminating the rest.


"There." Axel said, "Jobs done. Now, I have a very important event. I must leave" Axel promptly left via a Dark Corridor.

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Demyx walked around the castle bored out of his mind.

" I've only been ehre for five minutes and I'm already bored." Demyx crossed his arms and looked around.

" This place is so dull." He said then a smile came across his face.

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Axel went ahead and approached Roxas.


"Hey Roxas! My work for the day is done. Had to beat up some Heartless in Halloween Town. But this time I had to work with Zexion. I don't like him." Axel smiled, opening another corridor. "How 'bout we head to the Clock Tower? First one to the ice cream stand has to buy the other ice cream."

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" Huh" Demyx jumped not expecting Vexen to be there.

" Oh, no reason." Demyx's smile dissapeared.

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"Alright, but I know I will beat you." Roxas opened a corridor and ran through. When he arrived at the tower, he needed to Gond tge stand that had the ice-cream. It took Roxas awhile to find the stand but when he did. Axel was already there waiting for him. "That was not fair Axel." "Fairs fair Roxas." Roxas got the ice cream and had to pay. They sat on the tower watching the sunset. "Hey, Axel"

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Zexion caught up to Vexen to tell him what he found. "Nothing much but I did find that Maleficent was there trying to find out about something with the Kingdom Hearts we plan to create. She left before I could catch her and question her." He took a deep breathe before beginning to walk off. "Now if you don't mind Vexen i'll be in the library................"

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