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The World That Never Was

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Demyx shrugged shooting a wall of water at a large heartless.

" Oh well" He smiled cheerfully.

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Demyx looked over at Vexen and continued to fight off heartless as roxas and vexen talked.

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Demyx noticed all the haertless were gone and walked around whistling.

"This place is huge..." He said as he walked up to some weird glowing doorway.

" Oh...... Cool!" Demyx ran through it without a second thought.

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Demyx looked around him, there were multiple doors before him.

" Uh....." Demyx started whipsering eni mini mo to decide which door to take.

" Ok this one then." He said walking up to the door infront of him.

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Demyx pushed open the door and peaked inside.

" These definatly need to redecorate.." He murmmered stepping inside. He watched the door slide shut behind him.

" Hmf.." He didn't think anything of it and walked down a path leading away from the door.

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