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Wolf on the Run

This Is Our Generation Sequel to (Return and Survival of the Keyblade and an ahead of time Sequel to Battle of the Dream Realm)

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Its been 100 years since the events of Return Survival of the keyblade and Battle of the Dream Realm and since that time all our old Heroes and Villains have all pasted away either throw battle or old age in this happen a path has been made for the new generation to step forward and with it an Organization of Light wielders who have managed to bring peace to the worlds by stopping any dark plans made by any dark wielders they could find but unknown to the Organization of Light Wielders there was an Organization of Dark wielders forming who made a plot thats about to turn all the Light Wielders worlds upside down



no god modding

no taking control of other peoples original characters

language allowed but don’t go overboard

no killing anybody else's character without permission

post your favourite kh character at end your character

so I know you read the rules

lets keep it Pg 13

No ending or starting sequels to this rp without my permission

all posts must be over 4 lines

This whole rp will take place in the dream realm

You can have more than one character if you’re up for it


Heres the Setup





Descendant of a former character of the series:(Optional and if yes name)


Keyblade or normal weapon:

Home world:



were involved with any of the prequels to this rp:


Heres My Setup

Name: Zoey Mahon

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Descendant of a former character: Yes Joe Mahon and Sakura Haruno

Side: Light

Keyblade or Normal Weapon: Oathkeeper Multipule Ninja weapons

Home world: Hidden Ninja World

Appearance: post-28602-0-76275700-1324079898_thumb.jpg

Bio: Zoey grew up in the hidden leaf village all her life having a secret about herself being hidden from her. Zoey had always been close to her great grandfather Joe up until he passed away when she was 7 after Joe passed away was also the time people began to avoid Zoey more and more Zoey always wondered why people in the village avoided her but lucky some of the other kids didnt do this and stayed her friend although it seemed as if all the elders in the village always seemed to look down on her but in the time when joe was still alive he though Zoey many things including how to use the keyblade although Zoey can be a bit childish at time and she is always getting herself into trouble she is a kind hearted person who just wants to be accepted by everyone

were involved with any of the prequels to this rp: Yes


Make shore you double check the rules cause i always inforce them and have fun

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Name: Rosalinda Stargazer Rocecrant

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Descendant of a former character of the series: Azura Stargazer Rocecrant

Side: Light

Keyblade or normal weapon: Rythm of the screams (Keyblade)

Home world: Twilight Town

Appearance: http://i624.photobuc...nime_music1.jpg

Bio: A young and calm girl from Twilight Town with a passion for music. She is a decendant from Azura so that gives her family the record of having strong darkness within their blood that can be used at any given moment. Rosalinda is pretty calm,so her darkness is not noticable. But when she snaps,she becomes a beast on the battlefield. She lives in Twilight Town,mostly hanging around teh clocktower,making up new songs. But whenever trouble comes,she is ready to attack with her keyblade by her side.

were involved with any of the prequels to this rp: Yes~




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Name: "Nightmare Lord" Yami Kage.

Age: 100.

Gender: Male.

Descendant of a former character of the series: (No.)

Side: Evil.

Keyblade or normal weapon: Katana.

Home world: The "Nightmare World".

Appearance: Black Hair,Red Eyes,White Bodysuit,White Gauntlets and White Greaves.

Bio: A "Nightmare" That was Created over 100 Years Ago when Peace was Finally Brought to All the Worlds and Who Wishes to Conquer both "Reality" and "Dream" Alike, Other Information on How he was Created Still Remains Unknown.

were involved with any of the prequels to this rp: No.



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Name: Aisu Crosa

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Side: Light

Keyblade or normal weapon:

Home world: Radiant Gardens

Appearance: http://t1.gstatic.co...VQIw9RoiNfHYKUs

Bio: Aisu had a sheltered life since Radiant Gardens never really had any heartless or any danger until a couple years ago and then he discovered his keyblade. During the fight, his light abilities found it's way into the keyblade and he found he had exceptional light abilities and he chooses to fight for everything that he believes in. Though he sometimes experiences high flashes which makes him stop fighting and has extreme head aches that only last a couple minutes or seconds even but if an enemy attacks him at that slick time they could almost take him down or severely hurt him.

were involved with any of the prequels to this rp: No

(My keyblade is on the bottom I had to fix it up since the pic I chose had a billion keyblades on it)

Oh and favorite character is Axel


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Joemahon1 said I could start it for him so I shall

Aisu looked around the bleak, empty town as less and less people were in the streets. "Seems to me that everyone wants to leave the streets early tonight." Aisu told himself silently. As the last person disappeared off the street, something in the shadows started to move. "Of course this would happen." Aisu said as he pulled his hood down from his jacket. A creature started to form from the shadow and it started to multiply almost every second. "Well it seems that they want to play hard ball." He said and his keyblade appeared in his tightly gripped hand with a flash of light. A small light aura started to form around himself and the creatures started to pounce. He slashed upward and a huge slash of light came out of nowhere and vanquished some of the creatures. Aisu recuperated fast and sprinted toward them and sliced most of them so fast they blinked and most of them were gone. "Light speed ..." He said softly and ran faster then sound around the rest and light exploded after he stopped and all of the creatures disappeared. Aisu breathed in deeply but he grabbed his head and screamed in agony. "Not ... now!" He said as he fell to the ground and grabbed his head. The agony stopped after 5 seconds and he blinked. "Oh thank God that it was just 5 seconds. They're always random." He said and walked off with his keyblade still in hand.

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It was early morning in the hidden leaf village and Zoey was in her bed room fast asleep when a voice echoed up into her room "Zoey Mahon would you get out of bed already come one its 9 o'clock and you have work today dont you" Zoey moaned in bed then quietly saying with her head in her pillow "five more minutes" just as Zoey said this a small dog jumped up onto the bed and began to lick her face trying to wake her up Zoey laughed "stop it Max I'm up I'm up" Max then barked happly as Zoey mom yelled up the stares "thank you Max" Zoey looked at Max "traitor working for mom were you" Max just smiles and Zoey smiles back at him then going off to get dressed once Zoey was dressed she tied her headband into her hair and then looked at a picture that she had on her bed side table it was a picture of her and her great grandfather Joe Zoey smiled thinking back to something Joe had told her back the day that picture was taken


Zoey was 5 years old and was spending the day with her grandfather when she ran up beside him she looked at her grandfather "Granddad Joe how come some many people look at me with such a cold stare" Joe looks to his Granddaughter "now Zoey whos staring at you like that" "a lot of people mainly the village elders its like they hate me or something" Joe smiled at his granddaughter then placing his hand on her head "Zoey listean to me nobody hates you if anything there just jealous of how cute you are compared to them since the village elders are all so old they all just look like beat up old bags" "but Granddad Joe arent you old to" Joe laughed "ya i am old but unlike the other village elders I'm not jealous of you I'm proud of you" Zoey smiled then hugging her grandfather joe then reached into his pocket and pulled out Kairis good luck charm "Zoey i want to give you this" Zoey looked at the charm "what is it" "its a very old family that belonged to one of our ancestors do you know what that means" "am its means that it belonged to someone from are family a really long time ago" "right and since that time its been pasted down throw the family for luck and now i want you to have it" joe then kneels down to Zoeys level of hight "Zoey your going to go throw so much in your life when your older you'll feel alot of pain and you will go throw many trails but as long as you keep this charm with you you will always have me there by your side to push you forward" Zoey looked at her grandfather confused "your a but young to understand what im saying yet but someday you'll understand"


the memory then faded and Zoey looked around her room she then looked at Max "come on boy lets go down stairs and get some breakfast" the small dog barked happily as Zoey put down the picture and the two ran down stairs

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Name: Nate Silverston

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Descendant of a former character of the series: Alex Silverston and Sarah Farron

Side: Light

Keyblade or normal weapon: Two Become One Keyblade

Home world: Radiant Garden

Appearance: http://media.photobu...irthday-279.gif

Bio: Nate is the Great grandson of keyblade master Alexander Silverston and has inheritted a similar like keyblade along with some of his power. Alex had died of old age at the age of eighty years old and had passed his legacy on to his family. When Nate turned eight, his family was attacked by a group of cloaked keyblade warriors commanding the powers of darkness. It was a massacre, the entire family was killed and Nate was left for last. When the keyblade wielding warriors came for Nate, his anger took control and power circled his body. Nate's hair had gone from the Silverstons trade mark, golden blonde hair to jet black and his eyes had gone from sky blue to crimson red. Nate had killed the men who had destroyed his family with brutality, just as they had. Nate has now gotten older and has power has become stronger and he is searching for the men who had come tokill him and to take revenge for his family.

Were you involved with any of the prequels to this rp: Yes


Fav Character: Roxas

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Oblivion22 accepted


Once Zoey made it down stairs her mother looked at her "its about time you got up dont you have work today" "ya so" "ya so dont you think your team mates will be waiting for you" "a let them wait" "how are you like this neither me or your father ever were so how did you end up like this" "you say that like its a bad thing" Zoeys mom glares at her "okay okay i'll get moving then Zoey then bends down and pets Max on the head "see ya later boy" Zoey then grabs some toast and runs out the door" once outside a man was leaning against the wall to her house "your late again Zoey" Zoey stopped dead were she stud slowly turning "owe am Kakashi sensei (call him like a great grandchild of Kakashi cause i couldnt come up with anything else) well you see am hey wait if your only here then your late as well well whats your excuse" kakashi laughed rubbing his head "well ya see there was this little old lady who needed some help" "Ya shore you used that one last week" Zoey and Kakashi then began to walk towards the Hokages mansion

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Nate was spending another day in his house, alone, as he tried to figure out a way to pass between worlds. "Grrrrrr, this is so frustrating." Nate jumped to his feet and walked over to a wall with a map of the world on it with some pins pointing to different areas. "I've been to all the major places on this map, but there's always nothing their." Nate sighed and looked to the sky. "I need some air." Nate then left his room and found his way up on top of the roof of his house. "This world is always the same, the technology is amazing, but it's still lacking something. It's still lacking..." Nate then stared at the horizon as the sun rose into the sky. "... peace." Nate looked down as he remembered the night his family was murdered. "I just need a sign!" Nate shouted as he looked up at the sky, he then began to walk back inside and suddenly heard a young and familiar voice in his head. "Then what are you waiting for, if you wanna leave then leave. You already have the power, you just have to realise it." Nate's eyes widened a little and he looked around quickly. "Where did that come from?" Nate then suddenly felt something at his finger tips and his hand began to raise. "What am I...?" Nate's hand then flexed open and a portal began to open infront of him. "How did I...?" Nate then grinned. "Yes! This is my chance to escape, to visit these worlds that I've heard from my great grandpa's journals of how he travelled the worlds with his friends, saving them from the forces of darkness. With this power to create portals, I can finally find those cloaked keyblade warriors and get my revenge." Nate's hand finally lowered and he began to run for the portal. "New world here I come." Nate then ran into the portal as it closed behind him.

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The sound of the strings of a guitar filled the quiet air of Twilight Town. It was a peaceful afternoon. Besides the murmuring of people talking to eachother,the guitar sound seemed to be different from the rest. If you were to follow the sound. You would end up at the top of the old,legendary,Twilight Town tower. It was still standing,with a few extra desighsn and modifications. If you looked at the top,you would see a lonely simple girl,playing her guitar,with her headphones on her head,over her ears,trying to invent new songs to play. "Something is over the horizon,cause I know that,this world is nothingbut a peck of dust~I just wish it could be a dream,that way I could wake up from this nightmare,that's eating me aliiiiiiive~"The girl sang as she played her guitar. This girl's name was Rosalinda,Rosalinda Stargazer Rocecrant. Those two names have been in her family for ages. It has never changed. Ever. Keeping those two names alive. She then heard some noise come from the bottom of the tower. She looked down and could see some Heartless started to crawl around. She just calmly stood up and strapped her guitar to her back. "Battleling in the rain...~"Rosalinda sings. She slowly summoned her keyblade and stood on her tip-toes. "Time go for heaven awaits!~"Rosalinda sings. She then jumps. She spun a couple of times before landing racefully on the ground and slicing a Heartless in two. She looked up and could see the Heartless sorround her. She looked up and smiled. "Let the bloody rain wash the bloody pains away!!!~"Rosalinda says as she swung her blade and fought.

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Aisu walked through the streets of Radiant Gardens again, the sun finally poking out over the crowded horizons. "Another sleepless night huh?" Aisu said to himself as he sat on one of the tallest buildings in town. He gripped his keyblade tight in his hand and remembered the night he just endured. He put his index finger on his eye and slid down to where he would see as black lines under his eyes. He laid down on the cold, yet seemingly soft, rock ceiling of the building. "I need to find a way to sleep, I haven't sleep for almost a week from the heartless attacks that has been happening ever night. The town said they had it under control but I never trusted them. And they must be counting their blessings that they are because most of the towns people would have left the first attack." He said, a bit of resentment in his tone. He lifted his upper body and kept the position by putting his arms behind him. The sun rose a little more over the horizon, finally peaking through some of buildings in the back. He rolled his eyes and plopped down and put his arms over his eyes. He heard a scream, pretty much from a girl around the age of twenty. "Ugh this morning?! Now!?" He shouted and jumped off the building and slid down the side and jumped off after he was at a safe distance from the ground. He snapped his fingers and light aura formed around him and he ran in toward the screaming woman.

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once Zoey and Kakashi reached the Hokages mansion Zoey saw two people there waiting for them Zoey smiled and began to wave and run towards the two at the same time "Hey Trent (descendant of Kiba) Amii (Descendant of Ino and Shikamaru)" "owe hey Zoey late as always i see" "owe give it up Amii i was waiting for Kakashi sensei" Kakashi looked at Zoey with a cold stare after what she said "come on you three we need to go get are mission" "ya what ever lets just get moving" trent said as he began to walk into the room were the missions were given out Zoey and Amii then walked in behind him while Kakashi just looked at them all shaking his head "how is it these three were able to pass my team work test back then there one of the weirdest team set up any one could ever see" kakashi then followed them into the room once inside the see the council for giving out the missions everyone from team kakashi stud in a straight line infront of the council when the hokage spoke "okay you four today you will be getting a C rank mission your to escort this man to the land of waves hes been hired to lead the repairs on the great naruto bridge your job is to make shore this job is done with out any interference" Zoey just looked at the Hokage "owe come on thats all your giving us a simple C rank escort mission" the Hokage looked at Zoey "you listean to me young lady you yourself have only just made chunin rank so dont think you'll be getting high rank missions right away" Zoey then crossed her arms "i bet if granddad joe was still around he would of trusted me enough to give me a higher ranked mission" "what was that" "you heard what i said ya old bag" "why you little" Zoey and the Hokage were ready to jump at each other when kakashi sensei held zoey back and a few of the council members held back the hokage "sorry about this Lady Hokage but you no Zoey she cant hold her tongue at times even when its for her own good" Zoey glared at Kakashi as the man they were meant to escort looked at them "are you shore ill be safe with this group" the hokage then sat back down "ya you should be fine since Kakashi is there" "alright then"

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Nate had finally found his way out of the dark corridor and he has appeared in a new world. "Alright, things are getting exciting." Nate looked around and he seemed to be in a completely different world from Radiant Garden. "Hmmm... If I remember from my Great Grandfather's Journals, this is the ninja world in wich his friend Joe spent his remaining life." Nate began walking around, feeling as if everything was somehow familiar. "I guess Grandpa Alex must have come here at some point." Nate then saw a big red bulding. "Hmmm, seems like the type of place that the leader would stay." Nate then began walking towards the Hokage's mansion, but when he arrived he was stopped by two guards. "Who are you? You don't look like you're from around here, are you here to see Lady Hokage?" Nate then closed his eyes for a second and searched his mind for the journal he read on this world. (The Hokage is the leader of the village hidden in the leaves and my clothes are probably giving away the fact that I'm from another world.) Nate then looked back at the guard. "Yes, Lady Hokage is expecting me right now." "Very well then, you may enter." Nate grinned and walked into the building. "Well, so far so good." Nate then found himself near a big double door where he could hear talking inside. "Well well well, what do we have here?" Nate gulped and turned around to find a jonin ranked ninja looking at him. "Hi there!" Nate said trying to sound friendly, but he knew he was in big trouble. The man then knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Come in." The man then went in and Nate followed behind. "Exscuse me Lady Hokage, I brought these documents that you asked for and, on the way, I found this boy listening in on your conversation." Lady Hokage then turned her attention to Nate as he looked around the room, noticing the ninja's that seemed to be given missions. "What is your name young man and where do you come from?" The Hokage asked, Nate then turned his attention back to her. "My name is Nate Silverston and where I come from, let's just say it's very far away. I am sure that you know what I mean Lady Hokage."

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Rosalinda slashed around. Her keyblade suprisengly started to let out screaching sounds as she swung it around. She then stopped and stood in her pose as the Heartless were defeated. She lowered her blade and looked up and looked around. Peace was again with them. She then started to dance around slightly. She got her headphones witch had a small mic on them. She turned it on and setted the settings to techno. "Rosalinda Stargazer Rocecrant:50,Heartless: 0~"Rosalinda sung as her voice was tehcnofied by the mic. She then dismissed her blade and turned off the techno on her mic. She then took the guitar back into her hands and started to play it. She satted on the edge and camly played the guitar. "Today another normal day as the Heartless appear I slice them with my blade~Cause you know what,I have one final wish,and it is to meet,someone like me~"Rosalinda sang. She then setted it down and looked back up into the sky. "I know there are many worlds out there. But I wonder...what kind of words excist beyond this galaxy of light?"Rosalinda says.

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the Hokage looked at Nate after what he said and then looked quickly at Zoey Biting her lip she then signally Nate to come to over to her which he did the Hokage then whispered into Nates ear "be careful not to let on your not from this world that girl over there her great grandfather was also from another world but as far as she knows he was from this village and thats how he wanted it to be kept for some reason" Nate then looked at Zoey Zoey looked back at him wondering why he was looking at her like he was she thought in her head "that dam stare again i get it off everyone even people i dont know what the hell is up with that" Kakashi then looked at the new arrival as he walked up to the top table and spoke to the Hokage "Lady Hokage why do i get the feeling this boy has something to do with Joe Sensei" the Hokage looked at Kakashi "yet to be seen" the hokage then looked to Nate "tell me Nate how did you get here i was under the impression Joe and only three other outsiders new the location of this world how did you come to find us"

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Nate then whispered back into the Hokage's ear. "I came here via portal, a dark corridor oppened infront of me and it led me here. It would seem that someone wanted me to come here." Nate then felt a little bit of concern about Zoey. "You said her great grandfather came from another world, right? That man wouldn't happen to be Joe Mahon, would it?" "How do you know that name?" "It was in my Great Grandfather's journal, his name was Alex Silverston." Lady Hokage then crossed her arms and sat back. "Hmm, well this explains everything. So I assume that you have a key?" Nate nodded, making sure not let anyone else on to what they were talking about. "Does she have one yet?" Lady Hokage shook her head. "Not yet." Nate sighed. "I see." Nate then gave Zoey another quick glance and it seemed like she was getting angry over something. "Anyway, the reason I came here is to find out if you had any information on the men wearing plain black cloaks? The ones who possess the dark keys."

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the hokage looks at Nate "let me send them on there mission then i'll tell you what i know i just dont want Zoey to hear any of this before Joe passed he made it clear he didnt want her knowing any of this unless she gained control over a keyblade" Nate nodded as the Hokage stud up "okay team Kakashi you have been given your mission now move out and Zoey no more complaining about this being a C rank" "hum" Zoey then turned her back to the Hokage "what ever" she said as she walked out the door Trent and Amii looked at her as she walked away "great now shes going to be in a mood the entire mission this is going to be a real drag" Amii said as her and trent followed Zoey out of the room and just as Kakashi was walking out the door the Hokage stopped him "kakashi when you return i'll need to fill you in on whats happening about things me and Nate are about to talk over" "understud" Kakashi then left the room the Hokage then looked around the room "i would like everyone to leave except for Nate" everyone then noded leaving the room the Hokage then sat back down and looked at nate as she pulled out a folder from a drawer in the table "I always hopped this day wouldnt come but looks like it is" the Hokage looked at Nate "before joe passed away he spent his last few years in research he could sense some strong darkness growing all over the place alot of the time as fast as a presence of darkness appeared it was destroyed most likely by the organization joe and your great grandfather made a group of light wielders designed to work in secret to keep the balance of light and dark of course only a select few keyblade wielders work inside of the group Joe and Alex were clear with the laws they set when the organization was formed although the laws of the group was one piece of info joe never reveal to me he was very secretive about them for some reason which is most likely why the group works so well although there was a number of dark wielders the group was unable to either track or defeat Joe managed to put together a black book about them before he passed" the hokage then passed Nate the book actual before i go on and explain about Zoey and things Joe asked us to keep hidden is there any info you already no that your parents or so might have passed onto you they joe did not to us"

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"Not really, my entire family was murdered when I was eight and the first time I summoned my keyblade is when I..." Nate then began to drift in to the memory. "Nate?" Nate then came back to reality. "Oh right, sorry about that. I was never told anything about the worlds, but my I did read my Great grandfather's journals and they seem to have information on all of the worlds." Nate then suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah, I just remembered somehing." Nate then searched his pocket's and found an 'X' shaped necklace. "They said this belonged to grandpa Alex, it came in an envelope adressed to me. Their was a letter inside and it said that if things were to become dark then I should follow the light because I am the key."

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the Hokage looked at Nate "that letter Nate im sorry but i dont understand it but with them charms seems both yours and Zoeys great grandfathers thought the same thing passing dam charms to both of you although Zoeys is a bit different it has a powerful light seal on it" Nate looked at the Hokage confused "what im about to tell you is top secret Nate remember that" Nate nodes "okay when Zoey was born joe was already quiet old and we were exspecting him to meet his death at anytime so ahead of time we removed a demon from inside his body known as the nine tailed fox im shore alex had something in his journal about the fox in it now the thing is joe only held half the demon inside him while are former 6th hokage Naruto Uzumaki held the other half now Naruto passed away a fair few years before Joe and his half of the nine tails had already been placed inside a type of sealing jar but when it came to adding the other half of the nine tails inside the jar the power was to great and well joe wouldnt of been able to have to nine tails resealed inside him so it was decided that the both halfs of the nine tails would be sealed inside Zoey joe was highly against this at first but at the time nobody else was compatible with the beast so joe had no choice but to go along with it now joe knew how the villagers would treat Zoey if they knew she had the beast inside her so joe made it look as if he still had the beast inside and joe always kept Zoey close filling her with love but when joe felt himself near death he placed a powerful seal on the charm he gave Zoey to reinforce the seal that had been placed on her when she was a baby" Nate nodes "now the thing is Zoey has no idea of the beast inside her and that was how joe wanted it to stay he was also scared of a few other things that may happen to her but he never reveal much he kept most of this info hidden with in his family i say the only one who knows everything 100% would be Zoeys father James"

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Rosalinda played her guitar for a while and eventually stopped. She yawned and stretched as she strapped her guitar back onto her back. She jumped onto her feet and looked around. "Well then,let us start shall we."Rosalinda says as she took out a holographic notebook and stared at it. She started to check everything that was done for the day. "Defeat heartless,check,make new lyrics,check. Now to go and look for some ice-cream."Rosalinda says as she went to the main part of Town and went to the ice-cream shop. "One sea-salt ice-cream please."Rosalinda says as she handed over the money and took teh ice-cream. "So good."Rosalinda says as she eats.

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