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A Twist In Disney

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How did Belle and Aurua meet? What happened when Alddian met Simba? What made Snow White fall down the rabbit hole into Wonderland? Now is the time to find out everything!


In this tale, the disney classics are contained into one world. The tale makes all the stories come into one. That means that villians have teamed up. Now is the time for heroes to team up and save the world.



1. Must be a character from a disney classic. (Lion King - Cars)

2. Must be a reak character. NO MADE UP OR ORIGINAL!!!!!!!!!!

3. No Godmodding

4. Follow the rules of KH13

5. May use bad words, but not all the time.

6. Have Fun

7.Put "XEVEEMON IS PARTY ROCKING!!!!!" at the end to make sure you read the rules


Character Sheet:

Character Name:

Disney Classic:

Picture of Character:



My character:

Character Name: Simba

Disney Classic: The Lion King

Picture: Posted Image



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Welcome aboard, Captain Jack Sparrow! Accepted.


Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum.



Hey, because nobody is offering, could I take the role of Barbossa?

You know, he's the villain in Curse of the Black Pearl.


Name: Barbossa

Disney Classic: Pirates of the Caribbean

Picture: Posted Image

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Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum.



Hey, because nobody is offering, could I take the role of Barbossa?

You know, he's the villain in Curse of the Black Pearl.


Name: Barbossa

Disney Classic: Pirates of the Caribbean

Picture: Posted Image


Everyone can be the villian from the disney tale that their character is from. So I will accept it.

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THE TWIST BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Simba was being chased by three heyans after he watched his dad die. Simba didn't know what to do but he needed a way to get over a bunch of rocks to get to the other side. Then as the heyans were coming closer and closer to Simba a flash of light passed the area and the rocks were gone. On the other side was a desert area. Simba ran into it and fell down into a tunnel. The heyans tried to get into the tunnel, but they were too big. "Well now what do we do? He is down there and we can't get there to him?" Banzi asked. "Well he is as died down there as ever. And if he comes back, we will kill him." Shenzi said. Ed just laughed. Then the heyans were gone leaving Simba in the tunnel.

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Bageera skillfully climb a tree in the jungle watching over Mowgli and Baloo as they played and ate fruit on the jungle ground below. He couldn't help but feel uneasy, it was too quiet in the jungle today. Bageera stretched out across a thick branch scanning the folaige, he saw small movements in the bushes but nothing too alarming.

" Your being paranoid." He said quietly to himself. He looked back to the spot where Mowgli and Baloo were to see they were gone.

" Baloo?" He called his voice echoing out across the jungle. He jumped off the branch landing lightly on his feet.

" Mowgli!"

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Jack checked his compass feverishly. He was following the twisting ways it was leading him. He looked up. He saw a vast desert, with a giant rock a little in the distance. He avoided going toward the rock and fell into a canyon. It was a short fall, and he landed on an animal carcass that was a lion. "Oh, sorry mate. I'm a little shabby at this landing thing." He looked at the compass again and followed the twisting directions and bumped into a canyon wall. He heard a shrill whine. He rubbed his head, and saw a cave. He peered in and saw a lion. He watched nervously, not letting it see him.

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"You can come out of hiding. What good is this world now?" Simba began to cry more and more. The death of Simba's dad was getting to him more and more. He didn't have anywhere to go, he was lost in the world now.

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Timon and Pumbaa walked out from the jungle to see what was with all the noise that Bageera was making. "What is with all this noise?!? Don't you see that I am tring to sleep?" Timon asked Bageera.

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Bageera stopped and turn to see Timon and Pumbaa.

" Well im sorry to desturb your sleep while children are missing." He growls a little and turn to keep walking down a path of trampled grass. They must have gone this way. Bageera says to himself. He calls out again with no answer.

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Jack Sparrow reached into the hole and clenched his fist on some fur, and pulled Simba out. He placed him on the sand. "May I ask why you were in there?

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"Well a....a few heyans were chasing me. They almost had me until I fell in there. But I should have just let them eat me." Simba was crying more.


"Timon, a kid is missing. We got to go help him." Pumbaa said. "Pumbaa are you crazy that would never work, but what if we help save this kid? That would be the hero thing to do. I mean who has the brains here?" Timon asked him. "Umm." Pumbaa replied. "My point taken. Lets go!" Timon and Pumbaa went after Bageera. "There you are. I told Pumbaa here that it would be great to help you find this this kid." Timon told him. "So, what type of animal is he?" Pumbaa asked.

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" He is a man cub." Said bageera flatly still following the trail. He was starting to think he was going the wrong way when Bageera saw some of Baloo's fur on a branch.

" They must be close." He said to himself speeding up a little.

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