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1. For those who use Gamefly. Is it as good as people say it is? I am thinking about renting a few games from that site but don't know if I should though. I heard that you can rent games and keep them for as long as you want without worrying about late fees. And I think you can even buy games from there can't you? Is this true?


2. Should go and just import Tales of Xillia? it's a Japanese exclusive game in Japan that's for the PS3 (which I have). But I don;t know if I should import it because everything's in Japanese. Well, to tell you the truth, I can read Japanenese and speak it, myself (not fluently yet though). And i can of course read a decent amount of stuff in Xillia. But is there a way i can get through the game in Japanese? Like is there some guide I can use that tells me all the stuff translated? Only reason i sk is because i have never played a japanese game before and because so i can know what I equip when choosing what attacks I use in Xillia.

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1. I've also thought of renting from Gamefly, but never did.


2. Remember the Final Mix games? People patched it and translated it into english. Try finding someone to patch it for you since it implies there are no guides(was not sounding like a douche).

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1. I've used gamefly before its good. I like it because you can keep the games as long as you want(: And yes if you decide you want a game you can buy it and they will send the case to you.

2. cant help ya there

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