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What do you get for a four year old child you have never met?

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So my college baseball team is very active in the community. Apparently, they have a Christmas party each year for orphans and foster kids and each player gets assigned a kid for the night. Before the party is even set up, we find out what kind of kid we have. I have a 4 year old girl named Ashley as my kid for the night. We have a $20-$30 cap. I want to get the girl a good gift but I(obviously) have never been a 4 year old girl, also, I have no idea what kind of girl she is. So for all I know, she could be a "tom boy" and she'll hate the cop out barbie doll gift.


So any ideas?

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hmm, go on Amazon, and get her a wisdom form Sora for like $25 dollars, who Doesn't love Sora? And you'd be setting the kid off on the right path.


Okay, seriously, four year olds don't know how to be tomboys yet, trust me my niece is four, if you go for some Tangled playset or something, or something Disney related, she'll love it.

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I don't know. Stuffed animals are kind of generic.


My sister used to do that stuff, and she said to get her an art something. Not paints or anything, but like somehting artsy to play with. Think Etch-A-Sketch but cooler. (Is there such a thing?!)


Get her an Etch-A-Sketch. Or a book on Harvard Law. You can never start them too early!

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I think the toy piano and Etch-A-Sketch are the best suggestions so far, although the other ones are good, too. Since the cap is at $20-$30, maybe what you could do is get her a couple of gifts, like two gifts that are each $10-$15? That way if she doesn't like one, maybe she'll like the other!

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