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Is it so hard to use grammar and capital letters?

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Sora... you often misuse "your/you're, there/their/they're" quite often. Who are you to come and correct a person's grammar when you don't even get that correct?



But as long as people make posts that are somewhat understandable I'm fine. However, if they're trying to be serious the least they could do is write correctly so I can understand they're trying to make a point.


I'm not perfect myself and I do often make little mistakes that I do try to correct if I see them but I mean come on dude... nobody is perfect.


Ha ha. To be fair in 2011 I had a crap English teacher. I've only had one good English teacher which was back in 2010.




Sora96, I remember when you used bad grammar. :) -is tempted to look back at your old posts-


But you like my old posts. ;)

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I try to use the best grammar that I possibly can. Not because it looks neater, not because it's what others expect from me, but simply because it's like a second nature to me, and it's easier for me to type like this. I can live with other people using improper grammar, like say, not capitalizing 'I' or capitalizing my username. When people make a complete mockery of the English language, like this:

y4ll jus7 pissd cuz u dun no haow 2 sp33k c00l le1k 4ll t3h pplz taht r 2 k3wl 2 talk f4ncy le1k u. fuk c4ps n gramer.


that's when I get annoyed.


But either way, nobody's perfect. I've made my fair share of grammar and spelling mistakes, and I'm POSITIVE everybody else here has as well. I don't see the need to call people out on their grammar, because then I'd seem like a perfectionist, or a grammar nazi, but most of all, because it's unnececcary. If someone speaks like my good friend Chaosx's example back there, then sure, but if it's just a capital letter or something like that, just let it slide.

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. If someone speaks like my good friend Chaosx's example back there, then sure, but if it's just a capital letter or something like that, just let it slide.


You... FRIEND?

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I don't see the need to call people out on their grammar, because then I'd seem like a perfectionist, or a grammar nazi, but most of all, because it's unnececcary.

That's how to best explain it.


In time, I will become a grammar nazi. It's a fact. You just have to let me build up to it...

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if it's readable i don't give two shits. don't start accusing people of bad grammar until every single one of your own posts is utterly perfect, btw. which they're not. so yeah


My posts may not be perfect, but they still can be read fine and look good. Grammar and capital letters are very important.

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sure, in a workplace environment or when writing stories/poems/etc.? yeah. on a kingdom hearts forum? not so much. as long as it's readable, it's fine. if your posts aren't perfect then shut your mouth, as you really have no right to call anyone else out lol.

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sure, in a workplace environment or when writing stories/poems/etc.? yeah. on a kingdom hearts forum? not so much. as long as it's readable, it's fine. if your posts aren't perfect then shut your mouth, as you really have no right to call anyone else out lol.


You're supposed to write to the best of your ability though. And there is a large number of posts on the forums which are not readable.

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try not to start sentences with conjunctions


like some of the ones you've reported? looked fine to me, you're just far too picky for someone that can't write that well themselves lmao.

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try not to start sentences with conjunctions


like some of the ones you've reported? looked fine to me, you're just far too picky for someone that can't write that well themselves lmao.


To be fair I've only had one good English teacher. And it's called a simple mistake, I can easily fix. Ever hear or the words "bad typo" or "I forgot."?


Also please stop acting like a bitch to me.

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either "one I can easily fix" or "I can easily fix it"

remember to use a question mark in a question or it looks like an awkward statement


don't be hypocritical. if you want to correct everyone else, everyone else has the right to correct you.

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either "one I can easily fix" or "I can easily fix it"

remember to use a question mark in a question or it looks like an awkward statement


don't be hypocritical. if you want to correct everyone else, everyone else has the right to correct you.


I don't see anything wrong with it? I see a question mark fine. Yes, you have the right to correct me. I am fine with that. But you do not have the right to act like a bitch towards me while doing it.

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don't make a lot of fragment sentences, if you have a bunch of short sentences together just combine one or two


after you edited it....

i don't see anything i've said that's mean to you. i haven't even called you a name, which is exactly what you're doing to me. seems a tad bit immature, hm?

anyways, i'm going to stop posting now because i have better things to do than try to help an immature teenaged boy with his grammar and punctuation on a kingdom hearts fansite.


You told me to shut my mouth, and it's been the way you've been talking to me.. And now you've just called me "an immature teen aged boy". To be completely honest I've been told by many people I can be very mature for my age.


And I never called you a 'bitch'. I said that you were acting like one towards me. There is a big difference.

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You told me to shut my mouth, and it's been the way you've been talking to me.. And now you've just called me "an immature teen aged boy". To be completely honest I've been told by many people I can be very mature for my age.


And I never called you a 'bitch'. I said that you were acting like one towards me. There is a big difference.


Well maybe she had a point by telling you to shut your mouth if you were gonna be a hypocrite.

At times you can be mature but saying "ooh but I'm so mature" isn't. If you were mature you'd just accept,fix and move on.

That is all.

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lal gais chilax letz au tipe lyke vi want k


Translation: lol guys chill out. Let us type like we want okay?


Anyways, I try to type to the best of my ability. It really does look better.

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Translation: lol guys chill out. Let us type like we want okay?


Anyways, I try to type to the best of my ability. It really does look better.


It's actually "let's all type like we want okay?" but you got the message lol

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