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Comic Reviews By Deadshot: Peter Panzerfaust,Batman and Daredevil

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All reviews are done by Deadshot(That's me)

This is where am going to put all my comic reviews for now on and update when i reviews comics for the week

Comic Book Reviews for 12/7/11

DC Comics


Action Comics #4

When i heard Grant Morrison was doing Action Comics i was excited and i was thinking it was going to get Superman like All-Star Superman but sadly it has not live up to the hype.Not to say that comic is bad,it’s actually good but for Grant Morrison people expect more.The story this issue introduces Steel and does a good job at it but rest issue is good but feels too fast but overall an enjoyable story and it’s only matter of time until we get what we want out of this series.Now the art in this issue at times is great and has good detail in those panels but the characters face look down right weird and goofy.In my opinion i can say that about of character designs in this issue they look goofy.All characters look too young and look like cartoon.Even with my issues the issues is still good and it seems like action comics is on right track.


7 out 10


Penguin: Pain and Prejudice #3

Penguin:PAP is on pace to be one of the best mini-series i have ever read the story and art are both amazing and it’s great character study on the Penguin.First off i will be talking about the art which my only problems is it can be hard to see few things off of how dark it is and Batman looks odd one panel where looks like he’s corpse but when darkness is not affecting your vision is makes look dark and beautiful with leads to amazing looking character models which really fit the tone of the story.The story in this issue is about how Death of Penguin’s mom affect him and him meeting blind woman while still causing crime.While i feel i can predict where this series is going is enjoyable,dark and great character study.The relationship with Penguin and his girlfriend is well set up this issue but sometimes i scratched my head at few panels it still amazing on how they set this stuff up for character like the Penguin.The crime Penguin does can be tied to other parts of story show how evil the Penguin can be.It might not have same punch #2 had it’s still one of most enjoyable and beautiful comics i have read this year.


8.5 out 10


Animal Man #4

One thing most DC comics have been missing this reboot is family because for reasons that puzzle alot of fans but thankfully Animal Man has great focus on family and is one of main reasons this comics works.The story dealing Buddy and his 4 year old daughter try to stop the threat the rot this plot is overall fantastic.The characters are great,the writing is smooth and great to read and plot moves at fun and unpredictable rate.The art is wonderful and does good job of capturing the feel of story but my only problem with it is sometime art looks sloppy and rushed but overall that’s minor complain with overall great issue that’s much read.


9 out 10


The Huntress #3

In Huntress live does not appear to be happy song and this issue continues the trend with her (slowly) try to stop problems with woman in Italy.This issue does good job of doing nothing and act like it’s moving the plot along not to say it’s not bad issue it’s actually good but it’s annoying that you don’t feel plot move forward for mini series that only as 6 issues in it.The reading of this issue is fun but some parts drag on to long and bored me a bit.The action was well done but to other series it’s not as good as best series out there.One thing that i do like about this issue is the art,the character models look sharp and reactions are well done but some times to can see corners that were cut in the issue.The art is also very colourful and captures everything very well.I wanted to like this issue more but not pushing plot forward seems like cop out in mini series.


6.5 out 10


Swamp Thing # 4

If i did not mention it in Animal man review i will put it here these two comics have opening arcs that stories are being tied into this each other in a way where you only need to read one issue to find out what going in story but early in the story arc so who knows if it will change.Swamp Thing artist i guess is taking break this issue and Rudy is doing art for this issue it might not be as good as last artist it has good detail and does weird looking creatures well.The layout in issue are also like rest issue in this series very well done and add to story nicely.Talking about story the story for this issue introduced the villain for this arc which does make me interested in villain and i want to see how this villain deal with Animal man and swamp thing.The other part issue is about Alec and girl who’s name i forget.The green tried to get Alec to be swamp thing because he is chosen one to guide the green to beat rod which leads us to find out that girl with Alec is actually part of the Rod and leads to cool image for two lying down with one on happy side and one dark side which looked wonderful.Alec and the girl story is great and has setup for great ending between to.The cliff hanger is creepy and going to set up Animal man and swamp thing well.Overall i don’t like this series at much as Animal man but is still one of best comics DC you can find it new 52 with good art and Scott Snyder great writing which proves how good of writer he is when i can’t say anything really bad about his story and how well script is layout and done.


8.5 out 10


Marvel Comics


Daredevil # 6

I’ve said this before but i will say it again Daredevil is my favourite superhero and Mark Waid new take on the character is great with great art has made this the best ongoing comic for me.The story continues and it’s still great with the plot moving along well and has awesome ending that will make for a good upcoming comic.The writing is well spread out with humor,action and good character pieces.The art is smooth doing both action and plot well and still fits the new series.It’s not perfect and some things could be handle tad better but it’s still as good as the other issues.

ible to care about the red skull i don’t know but this series as shown how he became the Red Skull.The comic is dark and creepy but is well done story that doesn’t have best ending to series i’ve seen.The art is nice and detailed with good character designs.The mini series is great one and is one of my favourite red skull stories even with problems i’ve had.


9 out 10


The Punisher # 6

It’s one of the best newest comics at Marvel and ongoing series is great for the fresh new Punisher look.The story shows how great of writer Greg Rucka is by having two stories going on and meeting in the end which builds to good plot twist where makes you want to pick up #7.The writing well done and still puts Punisher in story with out making him talk to much.So you can tell that i think the Story is great so it disappoints me to say Art is not that great.At times character look fine but everything looks off like part where Punisher is looking over guy just looks funny.Most of the characters faces look off and the snow gets in way of the rest of the art which bothers me.

7.5 out 10


Venom #10

Truth be said i’m not big fan of Venom but herding prase of Rick Rememder new series i had to try and i got to say it’s worth the hype people are giving it.The story of this Issue is that Jack O’Lantern shows up when Flash is giving a eulogy about his father.It leads to Flash having to work for criminal to save his family but before goes to Vegas for mission he meets Captain American who is trying to close Project Rebirth which is what gave Flash the powers of Venom.So Venom fights Captain American and it leads to tons of action and is overall good story of the new arc.The cliff-hanger is awesome but predictable and builds story up well.The art in this issue is great and there’s no overall problems with it.The action and story move well thought the art.Overall there’s no much more to say other then it’s great issue.


9 out 10


The Amazing Spiderman #675

It’s start of this review on opening page i like how it talks about what’s going on in Daredevil without talking up that much room but that’s not really important so it’s begin the review.I have not read Amazing spiderman in a while but decided to give this issue a chance and i enjoy it.The writing is normal to a spiderman issue mixing jokes and action well even if some jokes fall flat.Spiderman and his ex-girlfriend are working together to solve crimes that turn out to lead to an old vulture who training young people to do his biding like an Evil Witch.The issue is predictable on how plot moves along but it’s fun and Vulture stuff in the end is cool.The writing is almost smooth and seems in place with what you would want in spiderman story but ending while i want to know what Mary Jane and Spiderman newest Ex talk about Spiderman and spiderman’s reaction to this seemed little corny.The story overall is good read and puts cool spin on Vulture which is nice.The art while the set pieces,character and lighting look good the character reaction look weird and out of place but at least action well drawn.Overall i enjoy the issue of Amazing Spiderman it’s very solid issue but it’s not much more than that.


7.5 out 10


Marvel Holiday Magazine 2011


There free so i can’t say anything that bad about them


Cold Hearted Christmas




Read it: It’s FREE


It’s about Spiderman


Logan’s Lost Lesson




About X-men playing hockey(Being Canadian and seeing the X-men hockey is cool and it’s best one so far)


Both sweet stories that are fast reads


O’L Saint Nick




It’s Free and it’s about Nick Fury.Not big fan of the character and i’m not fan art.



Red Skull Incarnate # 5 out 5


is possible to care about the red skull i don’t know but this series as shown how he became the Red Skull.The comic is dark and creepy but is well done story that doesn’t have best ending to series i’ve seen.The art is nice and detailed with good character designs.The mini series is great one and is one of my favourite red skull stories even with problems i’ve had.


8 out 10




The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #1


This comic does remind me of early Image work with huge amounts of violence but unlike early image work this is fun and violent comic that has cool story that set up this six issue mini-series well.Truth be said i have not read much image stuff other than walking dead and few other series.This comics story is about a man named Luther Strode who talks about how we came who he is now after brutal killing a bunch people in current time.The flashback goes back to high school where is your “typical nerdy” kid who does Hercules workout and gives him super powers.He gets a “girlfriend” and has to deal with a bully who this new superpowers beats the shit out of.The story goes back and fourth between past and present events very well and gets it entertaining,fun and brutal which is nice to read comic that does not take self serious while still being good read. The art in this issue is cartoon like but fits tone of story to me and violence is well done but speed effects look confusing.So effects in the issue are hit and miss on how they look they can either would nice or be tad odd to look at but art does good job of capturing what issue was going for.This issue does what it’s meant to do well but if your fan of over top violent stories you properly won’t like this but the way the series look to be going is going to fun guide to take.


8 out 10


Best Comics i didn't review that came out this weke

-Detective Comics #4

-iZombie #20

-O.M.A.C #4

-Sweet Tooth #28

-X-Factor #228


What do you think of my reivews and comics that came out this week?

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Upcoming Reviews of Batman:The Dark Mirror and Batman:Noel

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may i just say ... holy shit dude!


This week is busier than usual since Marvel i think are getting comics out before the christmas week.

Also this week was around 30$ worth of comics with some of these comics coming out last week.Next week should be around 5 comics which is good for the wallet.I'm happy to also say this is great week for comics.




Here are Top 5 comics within these reviews

1)Daredevil #6

2)Animal Man #4

3)Penguin: Pain and Prejudice #3

4)Venom #10

5)Swamp Thing #4

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Here's what my 1-10 scale means for each number

less than 1:Disaster









5/5.5: Meh






Thanks MarluXia it's mine too

Here's what i'm reading: Batman Noel,Batman:The black mirror and Lex Luthor:Man of Steel.I might change i review comics from time to time.

Here's what i think i'm picking up next week


-Batgirl #4

-Batwoman #4

-Demon Knights #4


-Avengers Academy #23

- Captain America #6

- Journey Into Mystery#632


-The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #2

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Batman:Noel Review

Batman meets Christmas perfect match?



Batman Noel story can be some up to a Christmas carol in Gotham City but it’s so much more than that.First off “spirits” are in order Catwoman,Superman and the joker.They take idea of spirits and make them believable within batman universe,the first and second one’s were really well done but 3rd one does not make as much sense or works as well as other two.Scrooge in this story is Bruce Wayne on both parts of his life he is a scrooge and is becoming a worst human and people forget the days he use to help Gotham.The story changing enough elements to it to make it feel fresh to the other stories.Overall the story is great and one of best Batman graphic novels in years with no other batman story quite like this one.The characters are well done and pacing is great never sticking in one scene to long and it’s good character study to boot if it might have few miss steps overall but nothing major.



Art and others:

The art like most of this writer/artist work is beautiful and sometimes jaw dropping.The details are great and most of time never fell rushed.The layouts are great with the right amounts of splash pages and never quite over doing it.Sometimes the art can look weird but overall is great and does good job of helping tell the story and adding atmosphere all and all the art is one of best things about the book.The lettering in this graphic novel is great with the lettering on onomatopoeia are great and narrator text is catching and does overflow book but feels the tone quite well.



Like i said this is one of best original graphic novels about Batman in years.It captures Batman never letting his past ago and uses it as an advantage.The supporting characters are well done and keeps there interesting personally while being good for new readers.A great elseworlds tale with fresh new ideas for Batman comics and it’s a lot of fun to read with amazing art and lettering.


9 out 10

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By Deadshot


Batman:The Black Mirror Review



1) Beautifully Art with Francavilla designs and colour choice is great adding to atmosphere and making it add to overall story.The two artist are both amazing and barely do anything wrong and add so much to story and overall product.

2) James Gordon Jr is shown off to be one of Best Batman villains and maybe even darker than Joker.His character is sick,crazy and interesting which makes great villain with great amount of character depth.

3) One of darkest Batman comics ever made.

4)The Best Jim Gordon story since Batman:Year One

5)The three story arcs are wonderful and show off cast of Batman characters.It uses the past and build on like Zucco daughter which was great story.The writing and script are wonderful.

6)Best Batman story since Batman:The Long Hallowen

7)Keeps you on your feet and is addicted to the story

8)The Joker charactization as man who acts like children because he wants his Batman back is genius and every different take.

9)The Covers are wonderful(one's my avatar)

10)Bonus features are great like art,james gordon.jr,covers,Detective Comics#871 original script which is amazing and shows how well detained he is.

11)The story elements being used like the Skelton key,Gordon family(which is one best told about them)and Grayson background story are amazingly done

12)Everything done in story and art is basically perfect

13)The Perfect way to end Batman in Old DCU


1)The Binding of Book will affect the way a splash page looks and hurts the art because of bind

2)There's one occasion that puts what should be a page-turn reveal on the right side, spoiling the splash page early.


Overall i give Batman:The Black Mirror a 10 out 10

Get this comic right now it's in Top 5 favourite Batman comics with Batman:Year One,The Long Hallowen,The Killing Joke,Arkham Asylum.It's these best graphic novel that came out this year and it deserves multiple reads.

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Comic Reviews for 12/14/11

Note: Journey Into Mystery will be review later because of me being busy



Batgirl #4

Batgirl first arc comes to close it seems with her facing off against Mirror.This issues start to grown relationship between Babs and her roommate which is nice and Babs is still having nightmares which is done well.Babs does act little odder than usual like being way meaner to villain(which was neat to see) and walking out on roommate in middle of conversation no less still no big problem.Then Babs in her Batgirl costume fights bunch of people robing a couple but Batgirl saves them i found this worst part of issue because writing of great Gail Simone feels like 60‘s comicbook with bad puns and jokes and i don’t get how Bat tracker works but the part does have sweet ending.Then we see build up and fight of Mirror and Batgirl i don’t want to spoil it but writing here is great between two characters interactions and how she gets him to fight her and beat him up.The ending to this issue reminds me alot of new Daredevil run where they end of with joke ending and next line which was unexpected and fun for Batgirl book also nice scene between to roommates again.The art in this issue does job fine with good lighting and does action fine and adds to story well on touching scenes even if art not perfect which leads me to say that this was great issue of Batgirl even with gripes.

8.5 out 10



Batwoman #4

This series story final got me on board i finished Rucka’s batwoman(loved it) and liked #3 story but this issue almost loss me again and let me explain why i think this.First off let’s start with positives the art is still drop dead gorgeous and proves why it’s still the best looking book being made.The use of the colours in this issue is great mixing black and white and colour together to created something great to look at.The different art styles and layouts are just as great as other issues with such nice style,overall art is worth 3$ by them itself.Now story it begins with Firebird getting crap beat out of her and villains taking her body and pretend she in hospital to get info out of her and guess what she does and then say she going to die any day now.While this going on we get boring scene with Kate Kane and girlfriend and Batwoman does stuff after that which really i did not know what it was never really explained and i forget what happen in #3 but don’t remember what going on here.The story was frustrating and it feels like nothing was really explained and led to fast read and other than firebird stuff nothing got me really interested.Firebird also feels like plot element more than a character with character development which is sad because it was done fairy well.As much as going to hate to do this am giving this quite positive review because of great art and some cool story parts i guess like batman blocking people from knowing there team.

7.5 out 10



Batman and Robin #4

This Batman and robin arc is doing good job with the a relationship between Bruce and his son Damian Wayne and how they interact with each other with it showing how crappy parent Batman is.This issue does good job of showing why Damian is such great character and the interaction between villian,robin and batman is very well done with overall good writing.The cliff hanger is going to make for #5 good issue.Damian Wayne interaction with Bruce’s Parents was neat and very believable for the character and also enjoyed part with Bruce and Alfred where Alfy gives Bruce advice and points thinks out to him,overall i really enjoyed the plot.The art was really good but some panels arn’t as good as others but that’s minor problem in great comic.

9 out 10



Demon Knights #4

This issue main focus is the Shining Knight and her origin story works well adding Merlin to story and makes her origin story interesting.Demon Knights has lack great character development even though is been fun and this issue starts good character development and makes you care about Shining Knight and other great character as well.It really enjoyed first 18 pages but 2 pages are something....I don’t really get it but it will most likely make sense in issue 4 and the art in this issue is overall great and has some pretty panels but other look little lazy and rushed.

8 out 10



Arkham Unhinged # 1

I started reading this comic because it’s connected to Arkham City and feel like i wanted to get Arkham City more for some reason maybe they will fix Deadshot in this comic.First off not much happens in this comic that we didn’t all ready know.Two-face and Catwoman was last two villian not in arkham city and two-face rats on catwoman and guards come and get her.I guesss for price the issue is fun and does good job in writing and decent writing with good cliff hanger.

7 out 10




The Strange talent of Luther Strode #2

If you want to read a really fun comic that is it.The only problem is i wish it was longer.The comic is funny and entertaining while moving the story along quite well,It’s still violent and shows how character might go crazy.The relationship while little rushed is still fun relationship to read for few pages it’s there for.The villain is being introduced and teases is good way even if guy is dumb.The ending is funny and entertaining with a good end.

8.5 out 10



Top 5 Comics i didn't read but are awesome

-American Vampire #21

-Uncanny X-Force #18

-The Strain #1

-Locke and Key: Clockworks #3

-The Walking Dead #92


Next Week Hopefully


-Amazing Spide-rman #676

-Captain American #5

-Daredevil #7

-Ultimate Spider-man #5

-Uncanny X-Force #19

-Wolverine and X-men #3


-Batman #4

-Justice League #4

-Wonder Woman #4

-Supergirl #4

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Ya i agree Marluxia

Happy Holidays everyone!

Here's reviews for Dec 21th 2011

(Note: I might update with Nightwing,spiderman and amazing spiderman reviews)





Batman #3

This issue starts off after what happened in #3 with Batman tries to get out of fire and get out before dieing.This most action part of issue but that’s not bad thing.Then after that it introduces Dick Grayson again who tells Bruce underestimating the court of owls and then he leaves but before that we get story why he thinks Owls are fake.It flashback as Bruce as kid and this is my favourite part of issue is this flashback.Bruce can’t accept that plain old Joe Chill killed parents over really nothing there had to be more.Scott Snyder proves more and more how he is best Batman writer in last 20 years with tieing in Court Of Owls with murder in way where doesn’t feel cheap and still giving Bruce great reaction to it.Another thing Snyder does is remembering detective in batman with how he figures something out and how he goes about it.What Bruce finds after his research is something not going to spoil but works great and how it all dissolves works well too..Showing Bruce going down sewer talking about his great grandfather works well as well and then Bruce get captured by Owls and as to do there maze by look of the ending of the issue.The lettering Owls looks cool and adds to character.Talking about adding to character Greg Capullo art is on fire this week with eyes specially on young Bruce look amazing.The lighting and action work great and remind me of animated series which is nice.The art when goes in flashback work as well with Scott Snyder writing and lighting here is great making Bruce eyes look like Owl.It’s also neat when Young Bruce goes in dark and all you can make other body is eyes sets great atmosphere.Overall the issue is great with no real complains there might be lack of action but writing,art and story make up for it.

9 out 10



Justice League #4

This another solid issue of JL with Aquaman and Cyborg joining JL.It begins with Cyborg running away from his dad and learning how to use powers which done fine.With another hero’s we get Hal Jordon acting like asshole he is saying how Aquaman is useless by the way Mr.Johns we get it people think Aquaman is useless then he proves them wrong how many times are you going to keep doing this but with Jim Lee awesome art and proving Hal wrong it’s worth being in story and it looks great.The jokes in this issue work better than use to like how Aquaman says i don’t see leader here and Batman says then you’re not looking at me which is kinda funny.We get more Wonder woman relationship with her “boyfriend” which is fine and some more stuff with Cyborg.A problem i had with this series is everyone personally seems the same and during issue the personally seems to be getting there own grip which is nice to see happening.Superman and Flash try to get army from stop shooting at them.We get another scene with Hal Jordon proving what great hero he is by hero i mean dickweed. When Cyborg joins JL we get some awesome art of Darkseid by Jim Lee making this issue first time we get to see Darkseid and it’s fine.This series is getting better with this issue being one of best in series with Jim Lee art that does not fail and always great with everything in this issue but issue felt really short.

8 out 10



Supergirl #4

This year it seems i’m falling in love with Supergirl after re watching Superman:TAS and reading Crisis on infinite earths i started to really love character and this series still make be continue to enjoy her.The story while just escape mission it has good though to it and has great cliff hanger to it.While think it’s little basic it’s still enjoyable and good read with dealing issue that have already been done but in a fresh way of looking at them which works fine for both new and old readers but story really nothing else wrong with it other than just being good tale nothing really than that.What really got me to enjoy series with good story was killer art but this issue did not make me all that impressed.It still has cool colour design and mixes up colours fine but character faces look off and little rushed.It never impressed me or got me into story.Some panels feel rushed and lazy with one panel having two heads hit each other to form one head.Overall art is ranges from ok to good but it’s just little disspointing.Overall it’s solid issue to good series with great cliff hanger but hopefully the art gets better again.

7.25 out 10



Batman Inc:Leviathan Strikes! #1

Truth be told i was not going to buy this issue because 7$ price tag but when i heard Stephanie Brown going to be it i had to get this issue because Stephanie Brown is one of favourite female super heros.Am aware these events take place before new 52 but seeing Stephanie brown again and Grant Morrison batman makes this issue worth buying.We start off with girl and Stephanie Brown about to hanged and one panel it has got my full attention.Then we go month back with Stephanie starting out this weird to new school and it reminds why i love Stephanie Brown.She then has to fight woman with guns and muscle and then meets friend she was with in beginning of the issue.The overall school scene was great and will please any Batgirl fan.Then we get Batgirl scene with with great art and build up then we go back to Steph at the school.Pyp son shows up? Ok then and scenes from opening continues.We get Steph kicking ass and escaping the school with action,creepy mood and humor and 19 pages in get Batman.We get some great relationship development with Batgirl and Batman on how Batman trusts Batgirl on her own.They end up getting one major heads at school with Batgirl saving day,Yea! and that’s end of first part basically.Bat robots=Kingdom Come?.Chapter 2 starts with all 4 batman males look to fighting something.It reminds of 60‘s Batman show off some reason.Shit happens i guess? and we got to Batwing.Ok am going to stop explaining plot because it’s confusing to follow and jumps around to much.On page 36 we get some odd colour choice that only Grant Morrison would put in Batman book.The art designs are crazy and are kinda awesome too.The ending made sense and gets me exciting for more Batman inc but my god was that entraining piece of confusing.The artwork overall was good working with Grant Morison odd mind and captures the story quite well while never faulting on the art.Overall it’s worth the money and great story with great art and seeing Steph made it worth it even if the rest did become confusing but overall it’s fun tale building up to something grand.Remember though look at last 2 pages two remind to of what you’re reading.

8.5 out 10



Wonder Woman #4

What’s happen wonder woman so good so far as been use of greek mythology and making it more modern and doing good job at it.Where so issue this week have not had much action but character development this issue mixes both together well.This issue reforces that Wonder Woman does regret things she has done,tries to be nice and does not take any bs.The part with Wonder Woman is well written with some of best art new 52 with wonder woman reaction being amazing done and makes all character interesting and different.The two main stories going on moment to great job of tieing in each other and are both fleshed out with solid ending and good cliff hanger to the story.The writing and the art are top notch with writing creating chracter development so easily and making it enjoyable while having build up to something making to more and more interested to what going on but only problem was that word came going on next page going to other conversations which can be annoying.The art as great attention to detail and character design with faces and motion.The sound effects were also quite impressive,overall a pretty good issue of Wonder Woman.

8.5 out 10








Venom #11 8.25 out 10

It’s fun,sick and sweet issue with Jack and Venom and this series has to be best venom story ever made.


Wolverine and X-men #3

To start i love cover from this issue.This issue is about Quentin Quire with anti-social teenage behavior on every level. I've been enjoying this new direction for the Wolverine and Marvel's young mutants so far, but this issue is just way too much fun to be ignored.This issue at everything you need action,story,writing,art and humor that all work together so well.The issue begins with Quire and Cap trying to help him but walks away after getting taste of what he can do.Quire continuing to rip part school until teenage X-men show up and don’t who is and ends showing what’s wrong with Quire and stops monster from riping part school after figuring out what’s wrong with both of them.Teenage hellfire club after getting all this to happen gets visit from my favourite character who gives them lawsuit to paid to repair the school which is great revenge by Wolverine.The last 4 or 5 pages are great wrap up issue with everything from #1 working way where it does not feel cheap.The cliff hanger isn’t very interesting but doesn’t do anything wrong.The issue is pefect thing for anyone that likes comics it gives everyone something to enjoy.The art i enjoy it feels like mix between manga and comic with cool 90's cartoonly look that i enjoy.The characters are lovable and funny that makes this series during also any character into something awesome.This amazing issue does almost everything right and Jason Aaron proves to be on best X-men writers out there.

9.5 out 10



Daredevil #7

This issue starts off on Bus and after trying to avoid bus it crashes.Then it flashback after Matt hit his head to Nelson and Matt Christmas party where it talks about Matt past in very well done way.Then issue gets fun with Matt Murdock at the christmas party wearing i’m not daredevil sweatier.We get Matt creaks jokes and playing around with Kirsten McDuffie who seems to be Matt’s new love interest which fun on how relationship will play out.Then we go back Matt and kids who trying to get out snowstorm with snow Matt can’t use sonar hearing because snow throws him off.How Matt handles himself with kids on bus is really well done on what he says and does to help these kids get to shelter with his injured leg from the crash.Matt failed to get cars attention and falls on his injured leg we then get to see kids building something to take Matt to shelter with which was done well with it having nice Christmas feel to it.Then there’s dumb cliff hanger after sweet ending.The art is amazing getting details spot on and making us care about characters and art makes us laugh by Rivera.It does good job of making Matt injures look real and make look almost hopeless with character heartbeats.The art also does good job with sound effects and overall almost everything.There might have not been alot action in this issue but it certainly had sweet story with great art.

8.5 out 10

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After my week break i will be reviewing comics this week here's one i'm looking forward too.Pretty good week for comics it seems.

1)Animal man #5 ( Best book at DC)

2)Fatale #1 (ed brubaker that's all you need to know)

3)Uncanny X-​Force#20


5)The Punisher #7


7)Swamp Thing #5

8)Action Comics#5

9)Hulk #47

10)The Huntress #4 out 6

11)Uncanny X-Force #1?

I got around to reading only Aquaman #4, American Vampire #22 and The Flash #4.American vampire was the best in my opinion from last week,

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Action Comics #5

What’s the point of retelling Superman origin? It’s one of the most known origins out there and most comicbook fans know.The origin does really change much expect for Kypto going to earth in comic current time and does nothing to make this issue have a purpose.It was really boring issue and seeing Kent’s again just gets me happy that there still dead.The story then later becomes confusing and back-up issue is just as boring.The art while it has it’s moments looks kinda of lazy and does not leap of the page.Charing 4$ per issue when most of the others are 3$ you will have to something better than rest or be one of best which this issue proves this series is not.It’s really shocking that Grant Morrison wrote this and he is writer who wrote masterpiece All-Star Superman.

5.5 out 10



This issue is dark and i don’t mean the mood i mean the art at times it’s hard to see what going but other than that the art looks fine and looks like other issue which is good.Am overall mixed up about how i feel about this issue.The relationship of Penguin and girlfriend is really well done and does not take any cop-outs which is good and scene with her and Batman was quite well done.The scene with Batman and the cops feel out of place with it not being as interesting as what going on with the Penguin and takes up too much of the issue.The ending of the issue seems to be building up to something neat which i look forward to seeing.

8 out 10


The Punisher #7

Gotham Central is alive? Well no but this pretty much Marvel version of it and i’m loving that fact.The art is good and stays good for the whole issue.The police in the issue are interesting and entertaining enough to keep this issue standing without the punisher but still making him a part of the story.It was also neat to see Daredevil and the punisher fighting each other and story is quite good.Overall this issue is one of most refreshing things going on at Marvel and 2/3 of Gotham Central team makes me happy.The issue has no real problems and Rucka writing is great and never fails and that keeps up but it does not answer cliff hanger from last issue.

8.5 out 10


Uncanny X-Force #19.1

well written Gibberish and fails at getting fans into AOA

? out 10


Sweet Tooth #29

Solid issue nothing more.If you like Jeff Lemire animal man you will properly dig this.

7.5 out 10


Animal Man #5

Holy Cow this and Swamp thing were awesome.The issue is funny,dark, creepy and epic.Buddy and maxie safe Ellen and Cliff.It then goes to some creepy nightmare scene which i enjoyed.The rod continues to be interesting with Maxie trying to stop it but gets tricked.They run away in grandma RV to find the Swamp Thing.The art works great selling nightmare scene well and the messed up images with rod look cool.The faces look great and sell the emotions well.The story moves along nicely ending the first arc well and building to the new one at the same time.It does good job selling characters of Buddy being a hero,Maxie trying to help out and family hanging in there even if things look grim.They sell rod as great villian and gives you the dark vertigo style story that i love.The writing of Jeff Lemire is great in this issue with nothing failing,keeping family part of the story and setting the steaks high while still being funny.

9 out 10


Swamp Thing #5

Paquette is back on art this issue and he does an amazing job on everything really making it 3rd prettiest book at DC.I have no problems with art in this issue almost worth 3$ by itself.The story is great again putting the streaks high but being well written by the great writer of Scott Snyder.While at times felt it was little to corny it works.The part where he using the green is awesome and afterwords is also quite enjoyable and made laugh then they were talking about there dreams.The page they kiss is freaking beautiful.The cliff-hanger is great as well with it saying the rot as won and i want to see how swamp thing beats it.Overall the writing was great even with my problems it developed character well and had it's touching moments to it and art is just plain beautiful.

9 out 10


Fatale #1

Criminal at Image now? Yes the team from one of greatest comics in last 10 years are making a series at Image for the 20 anniversary.Brubaker and Phillips writing and drwning crime noir story buy you don't need the review there names already sell this issue but i'm going to review anyway.It's 3.50$ which is good price since to get more than 22 pages and no freaking ads which i hate about when i read comics.The story is great and keep me invested quite well.It has action in it but seem to flesh characters in first issue who are interesting and cool.When chapter one picks up you get some great messed up scenes and way Ed Brubaker writes noir is great and is best crime writer in comics.Like said the issue does nothing wrong and the cliff hanger is great and want to know more about it,If you want good crime noir story and with criminal not being made this is best comic to get.

9 out 10


5 comics i did not review but hear are great are

-Batwing #5

-Men of War #5

-Foster #1

-Rachel Rising #4

-X-Club #2

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This week am trying something new and ranking comics i read from best to worst.


1) Batwoman #5

Writing: 8.25 out 10

Art: 11/10

Overall: 9 out 10

Amazing art(best on the market) and it is building to cool story arc.I felt the story moves to fast at times but it starting to get interesting and having Alice appear was sweet and villains and build up were great.


2) Demon Knights #5

Writing: 8.5

Art: 8.5

Overall: 8.5

The story might not have alot of action but it makes up for it with great character development and good writing and art to keep you interested with what’s going to be one hell of a 6th issue.


3)Batman and Robin #5

Writing: 8

Art: 8.5

Overall: 8.5

Flashbacks were good but were placed oddly and took you out of overall story but while i liked the cliffhanger i feel is going to end in a predictable way.Overall it’s a great comic.


4)Wolverine and X-Men #4 7

Writing: 8.5/10

Art: 7/10

Overall: 8/10

Does not have same pop the other issues had but still fun.The cliff-hanger feels odd and hopefully it works out and art felt a tad boring.There is some great moments though.


5)Batgirl #5

Writing: 7.5

Art: 7

Overall: 7.5

The story is good but some elements don’t work well but still fun and the art while still good is hard to tell mother and daughter apart.It does answer some questions and new villian seems interesting but nothing of this issue was really great.


6)Amazing Spiderman #677

Writing: 7.5

Art: 6.5

Overall: 7

The art does not fit the story,Peter Parker and Black Cat are as predictable as ever but the Daredevil stuff was great and funny.


7)Scarlet Spider #1

Writing: 6

Art: 7.5

Overall: 6.5

I found it be such a 90‘s comic while it had it’s moments so moments felt out of place and kinda of funny in a bad way.Still i might pick on 2nd issue seems like it has potential to be a good series.


Cover of the Week

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Quote of the Week

"My God.....Webs" Scarlet Spider #1

Runner up

"It's like my sweat is sweating" again from Scarlet Spider #1

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Batman #5

Best Single Issue of Comic in long time.It's mind blowing,It's epic and it's one of best Batman stories i have read.The art is great with layouts being awesome and fliping the page.The writing by Scott Snyder is bar none of best in comics you have to pick this up.There's nothing to complain about,Everything works brilliantly.Batman goes CRAZY!!!!!

10 out 10


Daredevil #8

Best Comics from marvel continues to be great fixing problems i had with amazing spiderman tie in by getting rid of the art and spiderman and replacing it with great art and spiderman playing minor role.It's great and writing is awesome.The set up for next issue looks great.Daredevil and Black Cat hooking up was cool too.It was nice to see Foggy again and i don't know just great issue.No real complaints.

9.5 out 10


ultimate spiderman #6

It really felt a lot like set up for future things and i felt art was really cartoonly and took me out of the story.The side story was uninteresting but it as whole was well written and did have some interesting parts.


Rests of the reviews later.

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Top 3 issues from last week are

1) American Vampire #23

2) Aquaman #5

3) The Flash #5


Here's what i'm going to be reviewing this ongoing week and what most exciting for.


1) Swamp Thing #6

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Scott Snyder andYanick Paquette might have got off to slow start on swamp thing but series now is one of best comics you can find on the shelves.After last issue cliff hanger,I can't freaking wait for this issue to come out.It keeps getting better and better and don't think this issue will change that.With this tying into Animal Man this is building to be one of best mini events in comics.

2) Animal Man #6

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This issue is Flashback issue to Buddy Baker starting in low budget indie film and we get to watch it.It sucks that it's not continuing the story but i loving Animal Man and most likely going to enjoy this issue even if it's not want right now.

3) Fatale #2

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Brubaker and Phillips writing and drawing Noir i don't need to say anything else but i'm going to.The 1st issue are great and seems to going into cool direction and with great team.It could easily be best comics of the year and it going to be one of my favourites most likely.


4) The Punisher #8

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Greg Rucka take on The Punisher is turning out to be one of best comics coming out of Marvel.It's dark and gritty while still being a fun read.It's turning me into Punisher fan and Rucka writing is just great.

5) Winter Solider #1

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Bucky Barnes is own series written by Brubaker seems like great idea.Now Brubaker Cap new is slowly down abit but with this series getting going hopefully we get up to standard i now he can do.With him also knowing this character better than anyone it does get me excited to read it.

6) Venom #13

7) Action Comics #6

http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cool.png Sweet Tooth #30


Dear Marvel make all of comics 3$ not 4$.

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This week comic reviews



Animal Man #6

(Spoilers ahead)

This issue is about Buddy Baker staring in a indie film called Tights about former superhero who life goes downhill and him trying to be superhero again.The story is really well done by Jeff Lemire and makes us care about are main character in short time and struggles on being 3rd rate superhero.The hospital scene is just brilliant with kid telling dad he wants him give it up and kid no longer caring about dad being superhero.It all works and works really well better than alot of comics are at.The art by John Paul Leon is bold,sharp and reminds me of Noir comic which i enjoyed looking at.The art by Leon is perfect and matches Lemire writing really well.The son watching film does tied in nicely and the building to next issue has gotten me pumped even more for this series.I overall really enjoyed this issue and it was risky issue and the risk paid off beautifully.

9 out 10


The Punisher #8

First things first Checchetto art on this issue is fantastic! The colours pop,reactions work and everything is so nice looking.I’m almost blow away by how sharp the everything looked in this issue.The writing by Rucka continues to amazing by having Frank barley say anything and let the art and supporting characters to the work to build the story.The issue while still a bit low paced is interesting and well written.Also The Punisher beard kicks ass and he plays “finecraft” which got giggle out of me.Segregant Cole is turning into a great character being the mirror image of the punisher and having same back story of character but still being interesting and fresh.The ending is also damn fine with deadshot looking man trying to kill the punisher but turns out to be girl and the punisher is standing behind him with his logo showing that one bad ass way to end a chapter.Rucka and Checchetto are continuing to make the punisher one best stories in Marvel and i can’t wait for more.

9 out 10


Fatale #2

Everyone should know by know i freaking love Noir genre and if two people had biggest to play in me loving noir it would be Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips who are on second issue of their Noir series called Fatale which while feeling familiar still feels like it’s own story and even if it’s familiar it’s well written and drawn so who cares.The story Brubaker is doing is engaging and interesting but at times can feel tad confusing while their introducing the cast of characters but that’s minor problem in my opinion.The story is throwing some mystic elements in the noir story which should play bigger role later in the story which overall works well.Phillips art continues to be great and is drawn like his previous stories with Brubaker which is not bad thing by any means.Am really digging this series so far but if you wanted something ground breaking from this time this book is not it and i’m fine by that because their doing what there good at.

8.5 out 10


Swamp Thing #6


Holy Shit that’s all i got to say! So let’s dive into good stuff because there’s a lot of it in this issue.So Alec fails the green and Abby gets taken over the rot.With abby’s brother having creepy but great speech about chess and the rod which i liked.The stuff with Alec and Abby are great and her taken off it done well and is going to build to nice climax.So she tells Alec to run and he’s tries to become swamp thing again and ends up getting shot to create second Holy Shit moment.The writing by Scott Snyder is excellent with great pacing and writing building to something huge while being fast paced.That’s my one problem with writing it’s fast read and it did have me on edge of seat some that’s not really bad thing.The art is missing Yanick Paquette which weakest thing this comic but Marco Rudy does decent enough job trying to be drawn like him and overall it’s fine but to other artist standard.The layouts are nice and work well.Overall this series at been great series for Scott Snyder and everybody else involve and seems to be only getting better and better.

9 out 10


Winter Solder #1

If there’s one story from Marvel i need to catch on it’s Ed Brubaker run on Captain American where he made Bucky a KGB agent in the cold war.Now here’s my chance to see what people say in the series and i got to say it’s incredible.The script and writing by Brubaker is top-notch and he makes it good for both new and old readers.The chemistry between Bucky and Natasha Romanoff aka the black window is done extremely well and their relationship makes great reading and he balance the two characters quite well.The comic deals with happened when he was KGB agent but they explain what happen quite well 6 panels which was fine since it made sense to story.The issue mixes humor and action quite well while telling a serious story with ape with machine gun.The story overall is told very well but if i had to say problem is villains part take little way for bucky part.The art is great as well with Butch Guice having great noir mood whiling looking painted which looks damn fine.The art does not disappoint capturing the reactions and setting very well.It’s beautifully drawn comic.The winter solder is setting up to be one of best Marvel books out there and with creative team they got it probably will and am going to love journey they give me.

9 out 10

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This weeks comic reviews


Peter Panzerfaust #1

Now Cellar Door loved this comic and most likely would call it comic of the week and i almost agree with her.This comic mixes action and story perfectly and is great set up for the series.Peter is really likeable and loss boys seem interesting enough for me to care about them.It's filled of great poster moments and moments that will make me remember this comic.The writing is great and pacing is top notch.The art is beautiful and fits mood of comic really well but some panel have no faces or look will rough but that's minor.Another problem i had with comic was it just ends and doesn't work as cliff hanger or as cap off to the issue.The problem with comic are minor and don't really bother me what's works which is almost everything works really well and people should be picking this up.

9 out 10


Batman #6

This is more of fight issue which is fine but after last issue is will disappointing.Batman #6 has a lot of great back and fourth between Batman and Talon.The art is great and imagery is nice.It felt alot great gladiator fight which was cool and seeing Bruce breakdown is just lovely.The characterzation of Bruce is done really well and this comic continues to be one of best out there.The pacing is good and cliff hanger is interesting and should set things up for future issues.

8.5 out 10


Winter Soldier #2

8.5 out 10


Nightwing #6

8.25 out 10


Wonder Woman #6

8 out 10


Daredevil #9

This comic is month after month is incredible.It does not disappoint and gives you your bang for your buck every single time.This is one of best runs on Daredevil i can think of,It’s not dark and it’s whole a lot fun and says true to the character.This issue we see Daredevil fight Mole Man to get his dad’s grave back so he as to go to hell.This issue continue to be fun and interesting with great writing by Waid and art by Rivera.The part with Black Cat is great and fits Matt and her perfectly with Rivera art looking beautiful as always.The Mole man stuff seems interesting and cliff hanger makes me look forward to the next issue.This is simply best book Marvel is making and could be one best runs Waid as ever done.

9 out 10



1) Daredevil #9 and Peter Panzerfaust #1

3) Batman #6

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I think i will be doing comic reviews this week

So here is the Top 10 most anticipated Comics for March 14th



Runners Up

11) Journey Into Mystery #635

12) The Strange Talent of Luthor Stode #6 out of 6

13) Batgirl #7


10)Demon Knights #7

One of the surprising comics for me at DC re-launch was Demon Knights which is a medieval comic that been a very solid read so far while being a tad slow it still has been a very good comic and worth picking up.


9)Batman and Robin #7

The present story of Batman and Robin has been pretty good so far but what holds this series from being truly great it these damn flashbacks that have slowed down the comic and have taken away for what is happening the present time.With these flashbacks hopefully being gone this series can get down to business and continue what appears to be a fine story about Bruce and Damian.


8)Batwoman #7

Batwoman so far as been one of the best comics at DC with breathtaking art by J.H. Williams, III and now Amy Reeder Hadley and now with the story finally starting to come together. It has become a really good read with it finally being a complete comic that can easily be one my favourite comics of the week.It might not be as good as Rucka’s run on the character but it’s still pretty damn good.


7) The Unwritten #35

The Unwritten has been my 2nd favourite comic at Vertigo with it’s excellent characters,story and art.The series did slip a little but now it’s almost better than it has ever been and with a epic,extra-sized finale of "Tommy Taylor and the War of Words!" it should be one of best comics of the week and most likely something grand will happen.


6)Saucer Country #1

Like Ex Machina this comic is about politics and mixing in another element while Ex Machina was super-heros here it is Arcadia Alvarado, the leading Democratic candidate for President of the United States saying she got abducted by aliens. Saucer Country is a dark thriller that blends UFO lore and alien abduction with political intrigue, all set in the hauntingly beautiful Southwest.This seems like great idea for comic from writer that i like and i can't wait to sink my teeth into his brand new Vertigo series.


5)Peter Panzerfaust #2

Another one of Image’s brand new ongoing comics and this one was one of the best out of the bunch.Issue #1 set up the world of Peter Panzerfaust very well with us getting to know the characters in the series and the main character Peter who appeared to be very interesting character.There were some great moments in the first issue which i hope to see more of in the second issue and with good art of this series it’s going to be very solid comic for months to come.

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4)The Punisher #9

Like i said before what Greg Rucka has done to the Punisher is amazing.He has made him supporting character in his own series and has made him somewhat creepy and what the punisher really should be.The series as been one of the best at Marvel and has been getting better with every issue.The characters are interesting and art as been very good so far.The Punisher’s beard is also great and where issue #8 left off should make issue #9 one hell of a read.

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3)Wolverine and the X-men #7

You may know that i’m not big X-men fan and only read it when writer i like works on it which is case this time and what Jason Aaron has done on Wolverine and X-men is nothing short of incredible with him focusing on lesser known X-men characters while still giving famous ones time to shine.His stories are crazy and i enjoy every single of them and art by Nick Bradshaw is very good as well.

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2) Locke and Key: Clockworks #5

“Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez have created a modern masterpiece of character-centric horror that shouldn't go unread by anyone that claims themselves a fan of the genre, whether they read comic books or not.” This is easily one of best comics in last 5 years with fleshed out characters and some of best storytelling you can find in comic form. With it’s impending finale if you have not been reading Locke and Key you really should it’s these best independent comic to come out in long time.

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1)Saga #1

Out of all the new Image Comics coming out this year,This one is the one i’m looking forward to most.Because it’s Brian K Vaughan return to comics since finishing Ex Machina.He is my personal favourite writer with him writing such masterpieces as Y:The Last Man,Ex Machina and Runaways this one should join these classical’s and with Fiona Staples on art it appears it’s going to be well drawn comic as well.The buzz of this comic so far have been great with tons of positive reviews and it also being double size issue you have to lacking brain not to give it a chance.

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Note: If you were wondering where i was last week there was this game that came out called Mass Effect 3 and i got addicted to it and it my free time when wasn't playing that game i reading Locke and Key and comics from last week.

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