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Video Bullying Needs to Stop.

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I can't imagine what it's like for this kid. Grades 6-8 are probably the most brutal, IMO. I don't know where I would be now if I had been bullied during that time. I hope he stays strong and is able to make friends that will stick up for him through thick and thin. Bullying is so disgusting. I can't believe so many people get away with it in this world... :(

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bullying is annoying, thats why if someones bullying you, do this-


I know that its not the right thing to do, but im old fashion


Acttually thatseeonly way for one to deal with their bullies is to beat the living S^&* out them after they wake up from the hospitol they no loinger have power over you. Why is this the only way to deal with them because school systems are far to incompentent to deal with the fact that that they have snarky little A$$&0(e$ running around shoving people into lockers, giving them swirlies, calling them names and telling them to crawl in a corner and die.They would rather save face and cover up and brush asside that kids commit suicide because he or she has to come to school and told their worthless and get beat on everyday. The moment a child steps into a school they have an institutional obligation to maintain and ensure that child's safety, hapiness and well being. I hope everyone who has been a bully or stood next asside and let someone be bullied thinks twice because all humans have thier braking points.You may not have pulled the trigger, pushed them offa bridge, or hung them but you might as well have.

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Bullying really needs to stop... I mean, look at what it has come to... People trying to commit suicide, some are even able to obtain success and die... If bullying does not stop, I fear there will be just more tragedy relating to kids and teens in this world... And poor boy.. finally he is getting some happiness, he deserves it, after passing through all of that..

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poor guy... hope his life will get better after school... i mean, this is so sad... :´(

if down schoolers wouldnt haf to move into bigger schools with bigger groups when they became middle schoolers, i obviously think that bullying would come less. I mean, teenagers bullies easier and even more easier when there is new guys around. little kids easily makes friends but teenagers pick ups everyone who is new, weak or has some grazy things in their past. 25 of 35 teenage suicides are usually caused by bullying. And even when bullies know that that guy just killed himself, they still keeps laughing. they are sick! They are punch of sociopaths who dont care about anyone else than themselves!

In here at finland (ecspecially in my home town) teenager bullying is very big problem. I was bullied and i almost thinked about commiting an suicide, but i stayed strong and changed school instead of taking grab out of their mouths to my ears.

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it's a hard case, bullies are everywhere .. at just about every age. it's a matter of changing the world .. and we've gotten somewhere with more gay rights and what not but until the world is more excepting you just have to find a way to do things yourself without bringing weapons to school like a lot of bullied kids do. it's hard to say but i personally think the day will never come bullies stop spawning, a lot of you may not wanna hear it but it's the way of the world.

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Bullying is something that should not exist. I speak from personal experience, because i used to get picked on a lot, and was always humiliated. But I learned to be strong, and in time, I became the person i am today. A confident, cheerful, optimistic person, and I owe it all to God. Thanks to God, I have lots of friends now, and i don't get picked on anymore. To any of you people who feel sad, depressed and unimportant, always know that there are people that care about you. Be strong and face every day with positive thoughts. Be proud of who you are and don't be afraid to speak your mind. And don't listen to what bullies say to you, because at the end of the day, you'll be standing tall and proud, while the bullies eat your dust. BULLYING MUST STOP!!!!!!

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Jeez... that sure is a sad kid. I know bullying pretty well, cuz I was bullied a lot in grades from 4 to 8.


There was some older group, who actually enjoyed that. Most of other girls ( yeah I'm a girl ) always screamed or do anything that those guys said. But I didn't. I ignored them and if they hit me, I fought back. But I usually got pretty beated up. Almost every week I got bruisers from them. I was just a fun for those boys and becuse of them, my pain threshold grew.

I'm not sure if anybody else can take it that easily. I also cried sometimes, when they just laugh. I also had only one friend, who truly care about me.

Now I'm in second grade of high school and a lot of things changed. My classmates are very nice and they keep trying to make me smile. They say my laugh is special, none on last school said that to me. Last year in high school, I laughed much more than in entire primary school!

So, what's with bullying. The only thing that I can say is that the one who's bullied can actually do something. By telling it to the right person, if not parents, then best friend, teacher, social school worker... anyone. Or just write it down... cutting is not the answer. It cause you more pain than salution. You get only one life, don't ruin it... try to change it by making a difference or ask yourself what do you want to do. What's is right or what's wrong? You decide your life.

Don't think that I'm confident to saying all this, I'm very shy. But really... the ones who're bullied should do something for themselves... not just waiting ( like I did ) or trying to end their lifes by cutting. I've meet two girls who had the same problems. But they only say that they didn't know what to do... but they've changed. Everyone can change.

So, if you're bullied, ask yourself why and by who? If you try to change place with a bully, maybe you'll understand why. Usually bullies are scared and by scaring little kids make them stronger.


Well, that's what I can say. For the rest of you - try to find an answer.

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