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KH3D KH3D: DDD "Suprise Ending" Theory

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Alright so speculation has been going around ever since they said that it will have a "Surprise Ending," share your opinions and everything. I wanna get pointed out my mistakes.


My theory is that the ending will go like this:


Riku doesn't make it back due to him still being token over by the darkness (much like terra) in KH2 near the end. Now, its pretty self-explanitory sora will pass due to the creator saying that there will be more kingdom hearts after Xehanort story, blah blah blah, sora will be the main character.


Since its sora vs riku, its pretty much kind've hard to choose if you don't have the proof.


Anyways, my theory is Riku won't win due to the darkness taking over him, ending riku to be super sad, run off, turn more evil and help revive Xehanort.


Yep, riku turns evil. (I never liked him anyways..)


Point out my mistakes and opinions BELOW, :3

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It's not a Sora vs Riku thing. For part of the game, they will be taking the Mark of Mastery. The MoM is not a contest. Both can pass.


As for Riku falling to darkness, I have one word: Again? That has been done before, and with the way the story has been woven for Riku, I really really doubt he'd fall to darkness on his own. Impossible? No. Improbable? Yes.


1. MoM is not a contest, yes, but its for the masters to see who shows out most. Both can make it, but its most likely one will due to the "Surprising Ending"

2. Think of it this way, once you fall into darkness, you'll still have darkness. The darkness just gets bigger is what I'm trying to point out.

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First mistake: No proofreading.

When you said about KH2 I couldn't figure out what you meant. It's obviously a mistake, but I can't figure out what you were actually trying to say.

Then I was alright with you saying yeah, Sora probably will be alright. It's unlikely anything major will happen to him (although it would be interesting if it did).

Then your next line, I couldn't understand. Are you saying that either Sora OR Riku will win this process? It's not a competition. It's an exam. Just like Terra and Aqua's, they might both pass or they might both fail. And then when you were talking about proof, please explain your words.

And so you come to the conclusion that Riku will fall to the darkness. Um sorry. But no. The whole point of KH1 was to show that Riku had in darkness in his heart. The point of COM was to show that Riku could accept and strive to learn how to control his darkness. The point of Days was to show that Riku could control his darkness even when it seemed it had taken him over completely and the point of KH2 was to show that the darkness was no longer a part of Riku, as the machine took away the part of Ansem that was left inside of him, so for Riku to go back to darkness would mean that all the other games would have been for nothing and would mean Riku is two-dimensional character, who will always be evil. The writers of Square Enix are a lot smarter than that and could make a much more interesting plot line.



1. MoM is not a contest, yes, but its for the masters to see who shows out most. Both can make it, but its most likely one will due to the "Surprising Ending"

2. Think of it this way, once you fall into darkness, you'll still have darkness. The darkness just gets bigger is what I'm trying to point out.


MoM is a test to see who will become a master, although it seems that Yen Sid does worry about Riku, but the MoM wasn't designed to see who's better, Sora or Riku. It was to see if they were ready to take on MX.

And for the second part, no. Because Riku learnt to control his darkness and has a light that's stronger than his darkness, his darkness remains at the same point, not getting bigger, not getting smaller.

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1. MoM is not a contest, yes, but its for the masters to see who shows out most. Both can make it, but its most likely one will due to the "Surprising Ending"

2. Think of it this way, once you fall into darkness, you'll still have darkness. The darkness just gets bigger is what I'm trying to point out.


1. I don't think the MoM is quite like that, but that could be just me. As for only one making it due to the "Surprise Ending," that is certainly possible.

2. Keyblade King explained my view of this pretty good, so I'll just quote him:


...Riku learnt to control his darkness and has a light that's stronger than his darkness, his light remains at the same point, not getting bigger, not getting smaller.


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Your theory is wrong on several points, but there is one that's blaringly obvious- Lots of people actually do expect Riku to fall back into darkness, which makes your theory not a surprise. What would be surprising, however, would be Sora falling into the darkness. So many fans would be upset, but it would be a shock. Even if we think thats what will happen, it would still be a shock.

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