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Resident Evil; Operation Raccon City

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"I wasn't at that operation, I was on vacation. I didn't find out until after it was all over, which is why I was sent here." he said. "As for a vaccine, as far as I know, there isn't one. Umbrella created the T-virus to create bioweapons. They call them BOW's, or Bio Organic Weapons." He started restocking on ammo and said "Take anything you need for weapons."

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Chase watched the videos and found out that leon was here and he left with a girl.

Leon your ok i knew you wouldn't die so easily and it seems theres 4 other people who came in here as well i'm not alone they're other survivours...wait what is that thing.Chase said looking at the huge lumbering monster on the flim.

I better get a move on before he finds me first the USS and theres an invinciple giant monster crashing threw walls not to metion the outbreak of the t-virus the whole city has gone to hell.

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"Weapons. Right." Amy looked at her options, grabbing some more ammo for the gun she was already carrying while grabbing a light submachine gun. It couldn't be that different from a pistol, right?


"Alright, so we need to get out of town." She picked up a comabt knife, examining the blade before sliding it into her waistband. Amy slung the SMG over her shoulde rby the strap, still unsure about the new equipment. "Any ideas, or are we just making it up as we go?"

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"Well, knowing what Umbrella is capable of, we can assume that most exits in the city have been sealed off to contian the virus." he said. "And they've probably got a plan to get rid of all the zombies and the virus outbreak at the cost of all the survivors, like a nuke or something. So the plan is to try and find a way out of the city before either the zombies or Umbrella kill us. If we can get to some sort of flying device, like a plane or helicopter, we can fly out of the city."

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"Well, Umbrella's got plenty of helicoptors, but I don't think we can just march in and borrow one... the hospital!" Amy almost leapt into the air with the realization. "The MedEvac chopper! We can use that! It's over by the park, and that's not too far. What do you think?"


The thought crossed Amy's mind to try her phone again, but with Chuck here... some things were just better left unsaid.

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After Taylor and Mary went into the other room. They heard another boom. But it was louder. "Come on. There must be a room where you can see the past video footage on the camera's." Taylor said and pointed to a camera on the wall with her gun. Taylor then shot the wall the camera was on and it fell. Taylor then grabbed it and took the tape that was in it and put it in her video camera. Taylor then saw that there were survivors after all. "Here. Look at this." Taylor said and handed the camera to Mary.

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"Actually, I was thinking the same thing. However, the hospital is most likely one of the worst places to go, other than a graveyard. It'll probably be crawling with zombies." Chuck said. "But it's our only hope, so let's leave as soon as we're ready."


(I actually was thinking about a hospital too xD)

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"I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be, just... can you give me a second?" Amy quickly stepped into an adjacent room, pulling her phone out simultaneously. She pressed the 6 key, waiting as the phone rang.


You've reached Joseph Cain. Please leave a message after the beep.


Amy hung up as the machine beeped, rejoining Chuck. "Sorry. Let's get moving."


It didn't even ring. He never turned his phone off. Just what was he doing?

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"Alright, make sure you've got everything. Once we leave this house, we can't come back to it. There's no turning back now." he said. He double-checked his stuff.

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Mary watched what Taylor had found. She breathed a little easier.

"Okay, we got some other out there." She said. "That's good. Now, should we try to find them? Working together would increase our fighting ability, but it also makes all of us bigger targets."

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Taylor re-loaded her gun and grinned. "It's actually worth more saving some one instead of watching them suffer through this. And with more people. The stronger we are. And if their still alive, that means their good at fighting too." Taylor said. Taylor then got out a bag of coins she saved over the years. "We might need this. Just in case we don't have anymore ammo for our guns." Taylor said and put the coins back in her pocket. "Well then. Let's go." Taylor said. Taylor then went through a door that was close by and kept it open waiting for Mary to go through.

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Mary passed through the door, keeping out of Taylor's way in case she needed to shoot something. Inside, Mary found what looked to be a processing area for people brought into the station. There was quite a bit of blood and body parts around. Mary usually considered herself thick skinned, but she had to fight hard to keep her lunch. She listened carefully, but her only Taylor's and her own breathing.

"Clear." She told Taylor as she went farther into the room.

In the room, there was a big map of the city that had scribbles on it that look like infection sites, safe zones and escape routs. Considering the RCPD building was listed as a safe zone, Mary doubted how many SZ were actually safe.

"Taylor." she called to her partner. "Survivors from here might have gone to one of the places marked on this map."

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Huh that was stupid why would they shoot the camera....rookies my time here is done i've got what i've came for hmmm...whats that a key(Creepy music sounds).

Chase grabbed they key and placed it in his back pocket.

Ok it looks like leon went to the underground subway it doesn't make much sense that train hasn't moved in years he must know that doesn't he?

Chase runs threw the halls of the RCPD trying to get to the emergency exit located on the west side of the building just pass the evidence room.

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Taylor then walked over to where Mary was and looked at the map. "Well. What do you know. They might have gone there after all." Taylor said and smiled. The wall in front of them then fell and the same monster from before came out from the dust. (Shit.) Taylor thought. Taylor then aimed at the monster and shot. But nothing happened. "What the-" Taylor then got thrown across the room by the monster's... Tentacle? Taylor then got up and focused. The concrete on the ground then went at the monster like a earthquake and the monster went across to the other side of the room. Taylor then fell to the ground, holding her head.

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Chase hears a loud crash and thud down the hall.

That doesn't sound good, theres no point in checking it out i know it isn't leon but maybe its those rookies who shot the camera(Shakes head in disapointment) I should help...but what if i miss leon arghh....dammit.

Chase runs toward the source of the noise seeing a large monster attcking two survivours wit tentacles.

Hey ugly eat lead.

Chase shoots the monster distracking it from the other two.

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Taylor watched as the boy was shooting the monster. "Urg..." Taylor shook her head and ignored the pain. Taylor then grabbed both of her shotguns and shot the thing in the head. It then fell to the ground with a huge thud. Taylor then walked over to it and shot it in the head once again. Taylor then looked at the boy. "Thanks." Taylor said and started to re-load her two shotguns. "What's your name?" Taylor asked after she was done.

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(Yea the movie is gonna rock leon is going to be in it)


The name is Chase and yours.

Chase said while putting his gun away and looking at the two survivours.

Look i don't have time for this i've got to find my......nevermind look you two try not to get infected and stay away from the main roads you'll surely be slaughtered if you step foot out there.

Chase said while turning his back on the two and walking down the hall.

Try and get out the city by boat by train or by plane anyway you can.

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Taylor's eyes widened when she saw Chase walking away. "Wait!" Taylor yelled. "I'm not the one who's leaving." Taylor said. "I have a mission I have to do first. And I need a lot of help. So please. You might even find who your looking for." Taylor said.

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Mission? what do you mean who are you do you work for umbrella?

Chase said as he stoped walking and tilted his head to slightly look at the girl.

I can't really play co-op with you at the moment i need to find my brother then escape as soon as possible not play tag along with you sorry.

Chase said in a hurried tone.

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Taylor sighed. "Okay. I'll go with you." Taylor said. Taylor then looked at Mary and got out her handgun. "Here. You might need this." Taylor said and gave it to Mary. "Be careful." Taylor said and walked over to Chase and nodded. "Let's go." Taylor said and started walking.

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What about your friend your just gonna leave her here?

Chase said in a rude tone.

Look you have your own mission to take care of don't you...so what is that mission?

Chase said looking at the girl

(Great shes taging along i hope she doesn't slow me down.) Chase thought.

Your friend needs you more than you need me so you two stick together i'm heading for the subway meet me there when your mission is done.

Chase said while taking off.

(Can't afford to be slowed down gotta find him.) Chase thought

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OOC: Sorry, Azure. Worked late.


"I'm ready whenever you are, Chuck. I just have one question, if you don't mind." Amy shifted her weight a little, her thoughts discomforting. "Is the hospital... owned by Umbrella?"

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Taylor sighed and turned around. "You can keep that. I have more ammo then you can think of." Taylor said to Mary. "Sorry about that though." Taylor said. To Mary. "Come on. Let's get out of here. I heard that there's a hospital here. We need to find it." Taylor said and pulled out another Handgun.

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Mary watched Taylor carefully. Until now, Mary only wanted to get out of here, but if that meant leaving someone behind...

"I'm good with where ever." she said in a bored tone.

She then gave Taylor a serious look.

"Look, I can help with what ever you need to do. I can keep an eye on myself. What's the mission?"

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