dusk 910 Posted December 2, 2011 It's been 100 years since Allen and hi's friend's managed to defeat Earl and save the world. Now Earl have rised once again to take over world with hi's Akuma's and Noah's. It's time for new Exortics to save world. Rules Basic RP rules of KH13 Keep it pg-13 No godmodding unless good reason for it NO taking control of other people's characters No killing other people's characters. Post's 3 lines long at least. Post your favourit colour on end of your post if you are reading these rules. Have fun Sing-up sheet Name Age History Bio Resolve to be exortic Weapon (Must have some special ability and name, since these are innonence weapons) Appereance Theme Song I post my character when there is some of sing ups! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted December 2, 2011 Name: Edin Burrow. Age: 17. History: A Strange and Mysterious young man who wears what looks very similar to a Tuxedo if not Completely the same and who claims that he is one of the "Good Guys", More or Less. Bio: Cruel,Cunning,Sadistic,Has a Quirky Sense of Humour and who prefers to watch things unfold from the sidelines. Resolve to be exortic: Appears to be Crazy to some extent. Weapon (A Katana and Rapier Combination of a sword he calls the "Sword of Calibur.", Which has the power to manipulate the very Steel it comes into contact with into some Shape or Form.) Appereance: White Long Hair, Red Cat-Like Eyes, Black Tuxedo and a C-Shaped Scar Located in the Middle of his Left Cheek. Theme Song: Last Man Standing by Bon Jovi. Colour: Black. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dusk 910 Posted December 2, 2011 IamKingdomHearts1000 you forgot to put your favourite colour on end of your char sheet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted December 2, 2011 IamKingdomHearts1000 you forgot to put your favourite colour on end of your char sheet. Done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted December 2, 2011 Name: Ezzy Waylander Age: 17 History: A girl always running from everything, she was afraid her hole life. Now she has come out of her shell, and she is becoming an Exortic. Bio: Shes cocky, reasonable and shy at times. She loves engading in battle even if shes to one to start. Resolve to be exortic: Is afraid of mostly everything. Weapon (Must have some special ability and name, since these are innonence weapons) A cross between a bow and arrow and a lance. Has the ability to transform from lance to bow and arrow on command. Appearance: Long silky back hair that comes down to her knees and covers her face. Has one eye that bright red and the other a light blue. She wears a pair of shorts and a regular t shirt. Theme Song: Adele- Set fire to the rain. Blue Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdom Sora 464 Posted December 2, 2011 Name: Maxx Damon Age: 17 History: Maxx didn't actually want to be an Exorcist at first, since he still had a little sister and a sickly father. He lost his little brother and his mother to the Millennium Earl's clutches from his brother's grieving and from that, Maxx discovered his innocence. He knew about Exorcist mostly because they came into town at times and he didn't want to become one because of his sisters young age and from his father's condition. Until one day his father died from his sickness and his sister gave into the Earl's subterfuge and became an Akuma to save his father. Though, like every other Akuma, she didn't and became the demon like every other. He finally became an Exorcist to save everyone who isn't strong like his sister and brother and to protect everyone from the threat. Bio: He's strong headed and very stubborn, once something happens that he thinks he should do, you can't get him out of it. He's also very strong with his weapon and once he gets a mission he won't give up no matter how hard it is or how strong the Akuma is. Resolve to be an Exorcist: To protect everyone so something that happened to him doesn't happen again Weapon (Must have some special ability and name, since these are innocence weapons): Scythe of Justice. A rod that has two other tiny metal tubes on top that one side unleashes green energy that is as strong as metal and can almost slice through anything. Can level it up to a level two to make it Double Sided Danger, where there is two inter joined energy that has equal amount of energy and has a weird insignia on the top that seems to give him more strength. Appearance: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/316/b/1/d__gray_man_oc_maxx_by_lightstrong-d4fx3ol.jpg Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Luq6AtmEKnw Blue Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dusk 910 Posted December 2, 2011 Everyone accepted! I'm gonna post my char soon as we get more people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frenchfrey 5 Posted December 2, 2011 Name: Fulgur Tonitrus Age: 23 History: Not much is known about this man. Chooses not to talk about his past. Bio: He is cunning, fast, and strikes hard. He has a stunning personality, able to talk to anyone. Resolve to be an Exorcist: Fights for his past, no matter what happens, he will finish what he started. Weapon: "Fast As Lightning" A yellow colored chakram that when thrown moves very fast and always returns to him. When thrown into the sky, it returns as a spear shaped like lightning. Appearance: Spiky, bright yellow hair with the clearest blue eyes ever. Scars surround his chest and arms. Theme Song: "Kung Fu Fighting" by Carl Douglas Red Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dusk 910 Posted December 3, 2011 Accpeted and now i think we have enough people for this RP- Now it's time for my sing-up sheet. Name - Gray Arisawa Age - 17 History - Gray was attacked by Akuma when he was little but was saved by Exortics and then wanted to become one by himself and he awakened innonence inside him. Now Gray is heading to HQ of Exortics - Dark Order. Bio - Nice, Cheerful , Get easily "Fired up" by things lol. He has always another side which he odesnt show often to other people. Resolve to be exortic - Want's to protect people with hi's power. Weapon - Paratisic type weapon: Brand New World, have's ability change ground and and make it softer/harder. Appereance - Theme Song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K74hI0rz6ME This song tells lot about Gray's another "side" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdom Sora 464 Posted December 3, 2011 So are we starting the Role-play now? Just asking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dusk 910 Posted December 3, 2011 Yes you can start posting and two thing, first everyone is first headed to HQ no-one isn't Exortic already. Second this RP is happening in modern time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdom Sora 464 Posted December 3, 2011 Gotcha I'll post first! Maxx lugged around his two suitcases to find this mystical Black Order that he was sent to. "Dang next time they should give me a GPS." Maxx said as he walked past a bunch of people. He saw a girl with the Exorcist symbol on her blazer and Maxx ran up to her as fast as he could. "Hey um Exorcist right?" He asked the woman and her eyes lit up after he asked her. "Yes you must be one of them. Umm Maxx Damon!" She exclaimed. "That's my name." Maxx smiled as she checked off his name. "Okay now I'll put you in a plane to head to the Black Order! It will only takes 14 hours." She said with a huge smile. At those words, his face went totally white. "F..flying?" Maxx asked again. "Yeah you don't like flying?" She asked frowning. "Yeah I have a fear of heights, I'm lucky I didn't fly here I only live about 5 hours from here. Though is it absolutely mandatory to take a plane?" Maxx asked her. "Well you could take a boat but that would take a day." She said. "I'll take it!" Maxx exclaimed and she jumped a little. "Okay I'll schedule a boat ride, just be careful on that rocky sea ride to there." She said and pulled out a cellphone and started dialing. "Thank you very much." He thanked and bowed to her. "Okay you can take the boat in 1 hour. You can leave for the boat ride right now since it's a busy day and it will take you a while to get to the boat ride." She said and Maxx picked up his suitcases again. "Once again thanks I'll see you around the Black Order maybe." He said quietly and she nodded as Maxx disappeared into the crowd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dusk 910 Posted December 3, 2011 Gray stepped down from plane and tried to find hi's suitcases. "Ah , those flights are just too long" He saw man running after Exortic but both of them we're gone when he finally found hi's luggage and went after them. "Where those two have gone?" Gray felt strange pressure in city and then heard explosion in harbor. "Don't tell me that there is Akuma here!?" Gray runned as fast as he could and saw Akuma shooting people (All akumas are level 1 in start) "I won't let you!!" Gray shouted as he turned hi's right arm to red glaw with white stripes and slashed akuma down. "Rest in peace lost soul" "Thank you mister Exortic!!" People shouted around him. "Oh , i'm not exortic yet i'm heading to their HQ black order, do you know how i'm gonna get there?" Gray asked with smile. "There is boat going there and then you must climp up in mountain when you go there first time" Someone said. "Okay thanks for information" Gray said as he headed to boats. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted December 5, 2011 Ezzy jumped down from the railing after her long flight to head to the HQ. She was going to become and excorsist. She sighed, she disnt really know which way she was supposed to be heading. All she had was her back-pack slung over back. She walked over to a man fishing on the side of a lake. "Excuse me, but do you know where the excorsists HQ is?" Ezzy asked with a smile. The man nodded. "Its down that way." He said pointing down a road. "Thanks!" Sge said as she walked off. The man watched her walk off and yell, "Be sure you stay out of the Akumas way!" Ezzy nodded. "Thanks for the advice!" She yelled back behind her to the fisherman. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdom Sora 464 Posted December 9, 2011 After Maxx got onto the boat and was off on his twenty-four hour journey to the Black Order headquarters, he got seasick after three hours. "Why didn't I pick a plane? I may hate them but at least I can live those." Maxx said to himself as he tried to keep his dinner down. He slid off a little and a small, metal tube flew out of his pocket. The tube grew to a great length and a huge green energy swirling on the right side of a smaller tube near the top. "CRAP!" He shouted as he grasped onto the Anti-Akuma weapon and held it close to his chest. "I need to be more careful I don't want this out on sea, I'll never find it then!" He shouted to himself over the rushing waves. The boat lurched to the left and he slammed his scythe onto the ground and kept his balance. "Maybe I'll keep this out for a while." Maxx thought out loud and walked across the deck. The ship was mostly just filled with Finders from past missions heading back to headquarters. Maxx didn't see any other Exorcists on the ship no matter where he looked, just Finders. "Umm Finder? Sorry I don't know your name what is it?" Maxx asked politely. "Oh it's Jake." One Finder said and he turned to greet him. "Nice to meet you. Do you know how much farther we are from the headquarters? I'm starting to feel sick from the waves hitting the boat." Maxx told Jack. "Oh I would advise you to stay low then. Maybe head to your room, it's usually never shaky down in the suites." Jack advised to Maxx and he nodded in thanks. "Thank you very much, you might have just saved my dinner." He laughed as Jack joined in. "AKUMA ON THE PORT BOW! ALL FINDERS TO THE BOW!" A huge intercom shouted and Jack was rushed out with many other and Maxx was sent out onto the bow with all the finders and saw the Akuma swarm toward the boat. All level 1 but the finders still rushed in a panic. "Akuma!" Maxx shouted and grabbed his rod. It extended to it's full length and the green energy swirled from the right cylinder. "Come and fight then why don't cha?" Maxx shouted as he jumps onto the top of the boat, over the suites, and jumps even higher toward the swarm. "Here we go!" Maxx screamed again as he sliced the first one and jumped for the next. In almost two minutes, he was finished with destroying all of them. He jumped from the last exploding Akuma down to the boat as all the Finders cheer in victory. "Thank you. It was nothing really." He said as they pat him on the back. "We'll have a smoother ride now that we have a new Exorcist riding with us! Onward to the Black Order!" The head finder shouted and everyone shouts in agreement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dusk 910 Posted December 10, 2011 Gray woke up from hi's sleep when he heard panic about akuma but as he could get to deck of ship everything was handled. Man nearly same age with same height were defeated akumas. "That's pretty much of potential" Gray thought and then went talk to him. "He doesn't have Exortics mark on him, is he newcomer like me?" Gray tought. "You are pretty good. Are you gonna become exortic like me? My name is Gray, nice to meet you" Gray said and smiled little bit but suddenly felt very heavy and dark pressure close. "Is it akumas no it must be something more evil and dark" Gray thought and didn't mention about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted December 10, 2011 "So.....That kid can "Sense" something eh?" Said Edin looking from within the shadows at Gray. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dusk 910 Posted December 10, 2011 Sorry Iamkingdomhearts1000 but don't post one-liners. They will just ruin RP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted December 10, 2011 Sorry Iamkingdomhearts1000 but don't post one-liners. They will just ruin RP. No probs, I'll try next time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdom Sora 464 Posted December 12, 2011 As soon as the boat stopped on land of the Black Order, Maxx jumped off with his luggage in hand and screamed "LAND! FINALLY LAND!" as his knees hit the ground. All the finders around him started to laugh at his over dramatics. "Well now time to get to the leader of the Black Order. Where would I find him?" He asked the Head Finder. "Um you could ask around I'm not completely sure actually." He answered and Maxx shrugged. "Couldn't hurt to try." He said and he walked into the front doors of the Order. The Order was huge, everywhere was plastered with stain glass as if it was a chapel and Exorcist swarmed everywhere. "Wow so many people are here! I didn't know this many people would be in the Order." Maxx thought out loud. He kept his luggage close to his sides and his Exorcist weapon neatly tucked in his jacket pocket. "Time to start anew." Maxx said and left in the crowd of people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites