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Damion Strife

Dawn of the Undead (A Zombie RP)

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(OOC: Any character who wants to join will have to look for the sign-up sheet. It has the title in Parenthesis)


He didn't know why, but he had a feeling it was going to be a bad week. Lt. Patton, his title had taken place of the name even his parents had forgotten. All he heard ever since he went home, Lt. Patton this, Lt. Patton that, and he was tired of it. Shoot, even on his dates, 'Lt. Patton are you feeling ok?' Made him feel like a dang joke. He began to wonder why he even bothered coming home, maybe he should have remained a SEAL for the rest of his life, and after he had killed every terrorist, blood thirsty lobbiest, and evil anarchic hippie that crossed his path hed have some respect. Maybe people would remember his name....


At 5am he woke up, jogged four miles and then went to I hop to get some free pancakes. At 7am he finally got back home and helped his dad work on the 1969 Mustang that had taken his heart and soul to reconstruct. At 9am he went job hunting. He came home at 3pm with nothing. At 5pm he ate dinner and then went to bed. Tomorrow he'd go searching for an apartment, he hated living at home.

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Zach's day started when his alarm went off on his phone. Instinctivly, he reached for it, turned it off and went back to sleep for another half-hour. He woke up at about 6:15 and got out of bed and hopped into the shower. He stood under the hot water for a few minuts, and jumped out. He looked at himself in the mirror. Zach was about 5'7 and had a regular build of a person who somtimes excercises. he had brown skin, short black hair and about three hairs on his chin showing that he has atleast met the mid-way point of puberty. He quickly got dressed and went down stairs to await his father to take him to school.

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Lt. Patton got out of bed, it was kinda funny because he had also started to call himself Lt., but only as a personal joke. It was six, so he performed his normal morning routine, and when he got home he watched the news. It was CNN, "Breaking news from Ukraine! A serious virus we have named 'Vandaran Syndrome' has plagued most of the Ukrainian people. The virus started around three o'clock this morning in Eastern standard time, and it has already taken up 97% of the population. Doctors are baffled, the infected slowly fall over, their eyes glaze green, and then they stand back up. Only when they get up...*cough*...they aren't like they once were....*cough*...but instead... They try to bite or eat...*coughcoughcough*....other people. I've been bitten by my own camera man....and I know I don't have long...*cough*...Ukraine has been cut off from the rest of the world...but the infected seem to be massing at the boarders...and hunting down..." the man fell over, at this point the Lt. was scared, but then he got back up and growled loudly at the camera. It shut off and they immideatly cut to commercials. It was nine oclock before the Lt. could think straight. He immediatly got up, packed his things, and decided to look for a very easily defendable location. So he and his mother pilled into her tiny minivan and drove to the Highland Point Apartments. It was there that he bought room 144, in apt building 5. He was pleased, and he and his mom went out to celebrate at Chilies, but as soon as they drove back into the heart of the city, they noticed the population was fleeing, and there were masses of people in the street, and all had those bright green eyes. It was 12pm....

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"What in the Hell are these things!? Either they are Zombies or some very bad actors from a low budget horror movie or something!?." Said the man who likes to call himself "Red Poker" while he was currently seen fighting off some Zombies while using Naught but a Snooker Bat and making light of the situation he is in.

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Crack of noon, Rick finally decided to wake up. After being kicked off the force, he had been taking odd jobs as a Private Detective. Today, he is to meet with a client about a missing person. He met with the client and got the information that he needed. It was a 13 year old girl that has been gone for three days. After a full day of interviewing friends, her boyfriend, and talking to some of his informants. He returned home and order the usual, cheap, crappy tasting Chinese food. Before he went to bed, he did some of his work outs by mixing together his martial arts training and a regular work out regimen. Then, he grabbed a wooden sword he used for his kendo practice and maintaining his sword skills. He went to his room and starred at his gift he received from his father long ago, a titanium short sword that could almost cut anything he wanted. He finally fell asleep. Then suddenly woken up by the screams outside.

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For a few seconds Zach didnt know where he was. It was dark outside and it was drizzling. He suddenly let a out a loud scream as he looked down at his leg, a knife was deep inside it. Thats when his memories hit him, the bloody man breaking into his school. The mayhem as others followed him, the girl he was madly in love with was foaming at the mouth trying to bite him, meeting with his family, the mad dash onto the interstate, the horde of.... Of... THEM.... Zach had refused to call them zombies, it was too realistic to call them zombies. He remembered running for his life, he punched them, kicked them... He did whatever it took to keep them away.. He rememberd wandering for hours till he found a gas station with other survivors... There was a explosion... And he passed out.... And then he woke up with a knife in his leg somehow... The young teenager grabbed the knife and yanked it out as quickly as he could, he then used the knife to cut of the sleeve of his gray striped shirt and tied it around his leg.

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He pushed his mom to the back seat. "For God''s sake, what's gotten into you?!" ,she yelled. He then reved up the engine and slammed into the horde, he was going atleast 80 so the bodies began breaking around the car. His mom shrieked in horror as the body of her best friend Jill skid across her window without a waist. "Jesus Lt! What's all this about?!" she yelled. "Mom! Shut Up!!!!" ,he yelled, "These people are infected, if they bite you, you will turn into one of them, and it's worse than dying mom!" His mom shut up for a while but then said, "Thats some Resident Evil stuff son!!!" "Shut up mom. Just shut up, maybe dad'll be at the house..." ,he said hoping to be right.


At three o'clock they got to their house that was located a bit outside the main city. It was looking kinda deserted so he pulled up to the curve and cut the engine, but left the key in the ignition. "Mom, stay right here, don't let anyone in unless they are completly unharmed and can form a proper sentence. Those are just to keep you alive, I'm going in to get my garand and sword, and to see if the kids and dad are ok. Stay here." ,he said. He jumped out of the car and ran to the door. He knew better than to just knock it down, so he opened it, ran in, and shut it behind him... He wished he hadn't gone, because inside was his neighbor Mrs. Carmicle eating his little brother and sister. Meanwhile, his father was lying on the ground with a deep bite wound in his neck reaching for his gun. "Ru...run...Lieutenant..." ,then his dad passed out after his sentence. "Sum batch!!!" ,he yelled as he kicked Mrs. Carmicle in the face. Suprisingly her hed flew right off her shoulders. He then ran up the stairs, got to his room, and quickly put his gun on his back, and unsheathed his sword. He then ran downstairs and cut off the heads of his father and siblings. After looking out the window he motioned his mother to the house, and she ran in. But then she started crying and going crazy. She picked up his father's gun and pointed it at him. "You've always hated us! You've been planning this!!! You're evil!! EVILL!!!" , she yelled. Then from outside Mr. Carmicle entered and bit his mother deep in the arm making her drop the gun.


Lt. Patton then took the opprotunity to cut off their heads, grab the keys to the mustang, and take off. He wanted nothing more than to just forget what had happened and try to find other survivors...but in this city there were none to be found. So at 10pm, he gave up his search, filled up his gas tank, and drove away.....

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Raiden had just took new job and hi's first thing was to give package to some professor but when he gave it to him and were to leave something terrible happened to him: he attacked to other professor and bite him to death. Raiden escaped and went hi's house and tried to get connection to police but lines were broken. "This can't be happening, this can't be happening." Raiden told himself and prepared tools to get weapon to protect himself. "I gotta get contact on somebody"

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Zach felt cold. He felt so, so very cold. He never felt so cold... He didnt know what to do, or where to go. The teenager felt like... Actually, he felt nothing. He had seen so much death and... Cannibalism... Tragedy.. He nevervs were tramatized, so he was running on pure instinct. Only thing he felt was a sharp pain in his leg from the knife wound, luckily his makeshift bandage had slowed the bleeding....... It was still drizzling outside so Zach's clothes were damp, nearly soaking wet. Zach walked down the street for who knows how long untill he stumbled upon a... Thing... eating a little girl... Zach was still gripping the same knife he yanked out of leg in his right hand... He snuck behind the creature and burried the blade into its head.. He pulled out the knife killing the humanoid looking creature. He began walking down the street again as if nothing happend.

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James stopped his car at the state line. "Hmmm...Arkansas....no I need to go east...not North..." ,he said calmly. He then drove east. He drove all night. 1am to 5 am, and then he stopped at a storage facility. He parked his car in a storage garage, turned it off, and closed the gate on himself. He went to sleep in his car, and woke up at 1pm. He then opened the garage and continued driving... He then noticed a blockade of cars on the interstate, so he drove off road....past a burning town, and on the sign it said 'Jackson Mississippi, Population XXXXXXX0' "So not even Jackson got a break...I wonder how it got caught on fire..." ,he said. He continued to head east...driving off the interstate and taking the back roads.

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Zach didn't flinch when he heard multiple groans coming from the woods around him. Since he was in the middle of who knows where, he decided to stick to the back roads. He turned his head to see another creature lunge at him with its teeth, which he countered with by stabbing the creature between its eyes. Two more creatures emerged from the woods, blood covering their mouths and hands. 'There's fresh blood on them.. Either someone just died, or a town is near by..' Zach thought to himself. The more and more he looked at them, the less human they looked. The man looking creature staggered towards him, groaning at him. He pulled his knife from between the corpses eyes and prepared for the humanoid's attack. He stabbed it in the head, but not deep enough. The monster grabbed Zach by the throat and threw him to the ground, the teenager looked up at his attacker and noticed another approaching him. He quickly got up and the creature slammed his balled fist into Zach's face knocking him back to the ground. Zach then felt something running from his nose, he wiped his nose to see it was blood. The red liquid continued run from his nose and stained his gray stripped T-shirt. The infected smelled the blood and both lunged at him. One zombie with a knife in its head was killed when Zach kicked the knife deeper into the creatures head, the other was momentarily stunned when he hacked a blood filled loogie at the creatures' face confusing its sense of smell. He then got of the ground and noticed someones headlights down the road....

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James saw a civilian being attacked on the side of the road. "Well shoot fire!" ,he yelled. He then blasted some loud ACDC 'Highway to Hell' and rammed one of the zombies, he then took the opprotunity to shoot the other with his Garand. He rolled down the window and said, "Hey kid, you been bitten? The name's Lt. James Patton. I'm probably the closest thing to safty right now."

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Zach looked at the man, and said nothing. If Zach wasnt shellshocked right now he would answer with some smart ass comment. But that Zach was killed earlier when he witnessed mass murder everywhere he looked, and now he was a empty shell. The fifteen year old shook his head no, and got into the passenger's seat.

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"Good man! We're headed east. The police radio frequency says that they've killed all the infected on the east coast. So...have you ever been to Savanah Georgia?" ,James asked. He knew the kid had probably seen some pretty bad things back there so he decided to loosen the atmosphere...by playing some Brad Paisley. "Hope you're a country fan dude....it's a thirteen hour trip!" ,James said smiling. Three o'clock, they passed into a small town that was filled to the brim with infected, luckily though they were busy trying to break into a McDonalds to eat the workers. However it seemed that they were extremly unsuccessful. They continued driving and by 10pm, they parked in another dark parking garage. "Don't worry kid. Those doors are bullet proof, and nothing can get in here. So just relax. Try to sleep it'll help." ,James said, "By the way, I know you've probably seen some pretty bad stuff. I have too, my whole family was masacred and I had to kill the remains. It's bad stuff we've walked into, but as long as you stick with me, you'll be fine. I promise." James turned on the police radio, 'Breaking news, New York is lost! That brings the states lost count up to thirty-five. Military personell have been pushed to the boarders and are currently constructing concrete walls, meanwhile troops in the trenches infront of these walls are holding back the vast hordes of infected. Stay tuned for the next update in just twelve hours.' ,the radio said. As the silence entered James fell asleep. With the doors locked, the keys in his front pocket, and the blast armor down on the car he felt safe. He also felt good for saving someone.

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Zach sat in silence as the older man blasted country music and tried to comfort him with the 'I know what you went through' speech. He never asked for the man's name and he never told him his. The teenager was going through never ending hell as yesterdays events kept replaying in his head. Over, and over, and over again. He sat in his seat starring straight forward. Most people his age in this situation would either cry, go insane, or try their best to kill the infected. Most people would be terrified of the creatures, or wanted to kill them all. But all Zach wanted was..... Nothing... He didnt know what to want anymore. It had been less than a day and Zach felt like feeling nothing at all was all he knew. His soul was truly dead.

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James woke up at five, he noticed that the kid was still awake...even threw the night the kid didn't sleep. He popped in a different cd. But the kid had no emotion. Their drive continued in silence until James said, "Lieutenant James Patton, of the U.S Navy Seals. That's who I am. I know you probably don't want to tell me yours. But that's expected. I do however know how you feel. You don't want to be anything big, or want anything right now right? You know I felt the same way the other day...but after a while I got to thinking that all I want...is to wipe every one of these brainless jerks off the face of the planet...ya' know?"

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Raiden arrived to Weapon shop. "Empty of course" Raiden tried to find weapon but he could find just handgun ammo and silenced scar-H with few magazines. "This isn't good enough" Raiden said and climped up in roof. Raiden saw zombies on street but knew that he would be sometime safe there. "Now i must find food from somewhere, or anyone else who is still alive, if there is someone" Raiden started to move in roofs and tried to get close police station hoping that he could find more ammo and better equipment. "Is there anyone alive?" Raiden thought by himslef and tried to calm himself down" "Everything is okay, everything is gonna be just fine..."

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Zach looked over to the man, and gave him a blank stare. His eyes had nothing but unhappines in them. Zach wanted to thank the man for trying to comfort him, he really did, but he couldnt. Im a short ammoumt of time, he forgot how to smile.

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James looked at the kid. "I know...It'll be all good" ,he said. He smiled and said, "Well looks like we're here buddy!" They drove up to the big concrete walls, a red beam scanned the two of them, and then the gate opened and let them in. "Welcome to civilization, state your names" ,the guard said as the doors shut behind them. "Lieutenant James Patton, U.S. Navy Seal." ,James said, but then he looked at the kid, "He's in a state of shock. So he won't give you much information on who he is so I'd just leave it and not try to make him talk." The guards saluted him and led them to a nice house. "You two will stay here with other survivors. After your third day here the Leiutenant will be assigned to the military to go out to the bad lands and find survivors and materials. The kid can do whatever he wants" ,the guard said. Then he left.

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Zach and James had each gotten their own little room in the safe zone. (i hope im not controlling the story) In each of their rooms they get their own pair of clothing, a drawer full of white shirts, khaki pants, socks, underwear,a belt, and one pair of black shoes. After Zach had got his five minute shower (everyones shower was five min) he was in his room starring at the cealing for a few hours now. Zach had been quietly crying at what he was about to do. He walked over to the drawer... Pulled out the belt... Got a chair.........




Tied the belt to the light, and then around his neck...


And kicked over the chair.................


When the young teenager opend his eyes he was suprised to see the cealing. He felt his throat to see that their was nothing around it "...How?..." He said as looked around.... Thats when he noticed it.... The flimsy belt ripped when he knocked over the chair. He put his head in his hands and began to sob.

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(Thats actually how I pictured this new world. Very strict, and very timed. But only because they have to be.)


James heard the thud upstairs and ran up to check out what was up. He saw Zach lying on the ground, and immediatly knew what had happened. "Hey kid! Are you ok??? He picked the kid up and ran him to the kitchen, there were the medical supplies, and he immediatly gave the kid some sore throat medicine. "Trust me, my buddy tried the same thing on a return mission to Korea, it'll help" ,he said smiling.

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After that ordeal, Zach was left with a nasty bruse on his neck. He then spent the rest of his day in his room with the door locked. The older man had reguarly checked on him to see if he was alright by knocking on the door, Zach would usually knock on the on the door back to him. Strangly, durring the whole day, suicide hadnt run through his head again. For some strange reason, Zach had..... Had. . . . Hope.

He felt like his life had purpose again.... Earlier durring the day he couldnt stop crying for his family's unknown stats. After that he slept for atleast 11 hours, and woke up feeling the best he ever had. Afterward he was starving, so he got his the meat and bread like evertone else He even had a conversation. Afterward he went looking for James.

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James heard footsteps around the house. Then saw Zach wondering around. "Hey bud! How ya feeling?" ,James asked. He was wearing his new uniform, an all black combat uniform complete with a bullet proof vest, and his name and rank were printed on the front. His sword was still sheathed at his side, and his garand was in a rifle holster on his back. "I got some new clothes and I've been assigned to head out into the bad lands tomorrow. I know it probably seems bad for me to be leaving, but apparently all former military and police personel have to do it. All I'm going to be doing is taking the car out and searching city by city for survivors. I've been assigned Texas. I was wondering what you planned on doing...you know...cuz I don't want you to be upset. I'm allowed to take someone with me, but I don't know if you'd want to..." ,James said. He then grabbed a cold Coke off the table where he'd been polishing his boots before he heard the moving, and took a sip. Then he looked at Zach and said, "Oh, and since I'm doing service we don't have limits on how much energy or water we use. So feel free to do any laundry you need to in the machines. We don't have to hand wash anymore!" James smiled, he hated hand washing his clothes in that stupid pan in the backyard.

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"hey man..." Zach started "I.... wanted to say thank you for saving my life." The teenager continued "And if you didnt mind, I wanna go with you to help search for survivors. It feels like... Its my duty to help." He said smiling.

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James smiled. "Ok, you'll be coming to the armory with me at five o'clock sharp. We'll get you some combat gear and decent weapons" ,James said smiling. He knew the boy would be fine. Especially since he'd be with him. "But you gotta promise to stay close, otherwise you could end up in a tight spot. Ok?" ,James asked. Though he felt that Zach wouldn't wonder off too far with those infected creeps around, and he was confident that there were other people out there. People who needed their help desperatly.

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