Damion Strife 130 Posted November 28, 2011 I decided to do yet another RP, though this time, the RP is quite a bit different. In this RP, you pick your character's attributes, weapons, appearance, name, and backstory. The RP starts a day before the outbreak. It will also be kind of like a game. It takes place globally, but most people decide to come to the contenintal United States. This reason is because the outbreak will start in Ukraine and work its way (quite rapidly) east and west. Remember, even if you are in a small town, the risk of an undead attack is quite likely mostly because you are more at risk. This Zombie game has four rules which I will get to later. There is also a plot, and four major groups of people. I would like each role player to choose a group, or you can go rouge and try to fend for yourself. (This isn't the best idea since guns run out of ammo, people get tired of swinging bats, and there are about four billion infected people on the earth.) I'd also like to call to attention the time, most movies blow through time, but each of your posts should regulate an entire day for your character. That is until you meet other people, but try to keep an eye on the time. The reason is so that everyone can say meanwhile or previously. That way your posting doesn't conflict with another's too bad. Another way is to subscribe to the post indicated.This rp will start three days from now. Once your character has been accepted you are in the world of the zombie apocalypse. The rules are as followed: 1.) Each gun, pack of ammo, and ammo supply building will eventually run out. Try not to make your ammo unlimited. 2.) No god modding Zombies or other people. If you are in a building surrounded by zombies, board up the building and try to hold out. Odds are, people will want to get to you, so they will help take out the zombies. 3.) Two headshots per post please. Remember that only a shot to the head will kill a zombie, or you can always cut it off. 4.) No super powered zombies. Zombies will walk slowly, or they will stoop. Zombies cannot run due to the fact that they are rotting flesh and would fall apart if they did so. Plot points and zombie need to know info: Zombie kill of the week will be taken up after every seven posts. The most interesting kill or off the wall kill will be held as the 'kill of the week.' I would also like for people to note that grenades are useless against zombies. The main killer of grenades is the shrapnel they produce, fire scares zombies but won't kill them, and cutting off a zombies legs will make them have to crawl. You can't kill zombies by drowning them. Zombies have no need of resperatory or circulatory systems. YOU MUST DESTROY THE BRAIN. Here are the four groups: The Prospects: A gang of survivors who mercilous bandits who kill zombies and rob other survivors. They are also notorious for kidnapping and making women fight zombies unarmed as 'gladiators.' This gang hates everyone and is led by a psychotic religious leader who believes himself to be the 'Chosen One' who will cleanse the world of the zombies and sinners. The Abomanations: A group of psychotic people who worship zombies and believe that the zombies are the next stage of evolution for man. They even go as far as caging a zombie in their city halls and making a sacrafice to it every day. They always live in small rural communities that are boarded up. They don't kill zombies but they also don't want to become them claiming that they aren't 'worthy.' They are led by Priest Child of the Damned Carson, a former proffessor at Duke University. The New World Order: These are the young men who are former members of the police department, or had fathers in the pd and want to follow in their footsteps. They are charasmatic and brave, but only a few remain. The police were one of the first things to get wiped out, since the virus was first seen as a riot, and now the remaining few and the even smaller few of their kids survive trying to gather survivors and help recreate the world. They are led by President Victor Snow, a former political candidate who lives in a well guarded bunker in Alaska. The Freemen: A group of anarchists who don't want to follow either of the groups, but instead make their own colonies. They act more as a family, they have no specific law but mainly just rules, they hate the zombies, but won't kill other people. They mainly want to create a new world free of all the old laws. They are unled. My Character: Name: Lt. James Patton Age: 23 Group: The New World Order Appearance: (My profile pic) But wears a bullet proof vest, a black button up, and a badge when working. Primary Weapon: M1 Garand Secondary Weapon: Four foot long Naval Officer Saber. History: James is the decendent of the great WWII hero General Patton. All of his life he has been compared to the great general and has always fallen short. He recently got back from the U.S. Navy Seals. He was released as a Lieutenant and came home to find that his dad was now the chief of police in the city of New Orleans, Louisianna. He is currently unemployed but hopes to find a quiet and peaceful job since his time in the service forced him to see a lot of bloodshed. The day the zombie apocalypse hits James is out apartment searching with his mother, but comes home to find New Orleans is in a state of chaos. His father has been killed, along with his siblings, and they are all now zombies. He must now find a way to drive his mother's van to the house, get his weapons, and pack their things....without losing her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frenchfrey 5 Posted November 28, 2011 Name: Det. Richard "Rick" Walsh Age: 36 Group: The New World Order Appearance: Wears a tight black shirt with blue jeans and a tattered long coat. Badge is in the middle of his belt. Wears a cowboy hat (like a boss ). Primary Weapon: Two Browning Hi-Power's. One on his belt and the other he wears in a chest holster. Secondary Weapon: Titanium sword worn on the inside of his jacket. Hole cut in the jacket so the hand of the blade is on the outside. History: Born and raised in Houston, Texas. Took martial arts as a long boy, specialized in sword fighting. Used to be one of the best detectives on the force before he didn't follow orders to save someone's life. Now, he is a private detective accepting any job. He has no family and lives by himself in his small apartment. The day the zombie apocalypse hit Texas, he was working an odd job case and stumbled onto a zombie and had no clue what it was. He ended up having to shoot and kill it. Now, he has to pack all of the important stuff he has and get out of Texas quick. He finds the sword his father gave to him for his 13th birthday and will start putting it to good use now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 28, 2011 (Accepted. I'd tell ya good luck, but I'm gonna tell the zombies good luck instead.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dusk 910 Posted November 28, 2011 Name: Raiden Age: 20 Group: Freeman Appearance: Primary Weapon: Silenced Scar-H Secondary Weapon: PP-2000 and knife. History: Raiden was in part-time job when he saw zombie coming (Was one of the first's who saw zombie) and escaped in hi's house but couldn't hold them back and now he is wandering around town searching other survivors. Raiden has survived so far because he is good at shooting and can sneak around big groups. Raiden does jobs to different factions if it helps him to survive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 28, 2011 (Accepted.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted November 28, 2011 Name-Rex "Red" Parker "Poker". Bio-A Young Adult from Canada in his Early 20's who wishes to just be left alone by the entire world so that way, he won't be able to get involved with any of it's Zombie Trouble and so that he himself cannot Trouble others. Personality-Secretly Kind,Secretly Caring,Moody,Has a quirky sense of Humour and is rarely seen smiling from time to time. Appearance-Short Brown Hair, Green Eyes, Black Jacket, White Shirt, Black Trousers, White Socks and Black Shoes as well as a Giant Snooker Bat as long as himself. Group-Freeman. Theme Song-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmr87NOqVgI. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 28, 2011 (Accepted, but I just thought about something..where are the last two characters from?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 29, 2011 Alright, we'll be starting. Just remember that this is the sign up sheet, anyone who wants to join should leave their posts below. Once accepted you may venture to the RP, it'll be called Dawn of the Undead (A Zombie RP) Good luck out there guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklighter 4 Posted November 29, 2011 Name- Zach Jones Age-15 Weapon- A hatchet, anything he can get his hands on. Group: the new world order. Bio- Zachary was a regular fifteen year old boy untill a strange virus began to take the United States. Wanting to escape, he and his familly quickly tried to head up North via interstate. The interstate was a parking lot, and a feeding frenzy for the infected. Luckily, he escaped. The fate of his familly is unknown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 30, 2011 (Accepted. Look for the RP page.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites