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Issac awoke from his small nap at the piolt's announcement. He quickly checked his satchel for everything he needed, custom made ammunition, check. Custom made removable scope for long range and close quarters, check. And finally, grandpa's dog tags. He took off his hat to show his short, curly dark hair and put the dog tags on for good luck. He then put his hat back on and got ready to get off the plane.

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Blaise breathed a sigh of relief when the plane touched down. She made sure she had her pistols and her bag with her, and sunk deep into the chair.

" Land." She breathed. She made a mental note never to ride on a plane ever again and stood up infront of her seat. She could see the pilot moving around up at the top of the plane.

" Now what?" She wondered quietly to herself, her expression becoming worried.

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Issac stood up from his seat and noticed the girl with releaved expression on her face. She obviously didnt enjoy the ride, which he mentally laughed "first time flying?" He asked.

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Blaise looked at the boy realizing he was talking to her.

" Uh ya." She said not really wanting to start up a conversation right before most of these people, maybe even herself, would die. She looked at the boy, he was young, too young shethought to be in these games. But of course, someone could argue that with her, being 19 she had just become an adult.

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Issac tipped his hat at the girl "Good luck." he said as stood up and got off the plane. 'I don't want to kill her.' he thought to himself "I don't want to kill anyone..." He said softly to himself. Issac then put his hands in pockets and awaited further instructions.

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David felt a knot form in his stomach as he watched two other contestants awkward trying to talk to each other. Innocent people, promised a better life if they killed some one. The rich get their blood sport from the pain and suffering of those less fortunate.

David reached inside his jacket and took out a piece of paper he had been given a yesterday. The note on it was short and to the point. David folded the paper back up and put it back in his pocket. He realized he had no choice than to take a bigger gamble then he had by signing up for the games.

"Sorry, Zoe." he said softly. "I doubt I'll be getting you that nice room with a view."

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The pilot got out of his seat and got off the plane.

" Everyone out!" He walked toward an open field with a small dense forest of trees not too far away.


Blaise sighed and hopped out of the plane. She looked around and breathed in the fresh air. She also spotted a camera buzzing around like a helicopter zooming in on the plane. She frowned and followed the pilot into the field.

" Is this where we will fight?" She wondered. She looked back, the city was nowhere in sight, she has officially commited herself to this.

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David exited the plane and looked around. He felt a little better with the decision he made on the plan, but he still had some things to work out. What he had to do now was follow the note.

He fished his tomahawk out of his bag and stuck it on his belt. Might as well get ready.

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Issac's heart felt ready to burst out of his chest. The adrenaline rushing through his veins kept him focused and ready. His trusty old sniper rifle rested on his back, and his specially made combat pocket knife was in his pocket. He looked around the open field, nowhere to hide, nowhere to snipe. He quickly reached to his back and removed the scope and tossed it into his satchel, the gun was now in its assault rifle mode. The hatted boy then lowered his hat over his eyes so no one could see where he was looking, he was now ready to do what had to be done.

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Chase let out a roar while walking out of the plane.

Looks like we're here already i guess its showtime is that a plane in the sky? Nice wonder if i'll get the killcam of the day.

Chase said while catching up with the other competitors his scythe straped to his back.

Hey so i take it that we'll be fighting in the woods.

Chase said while looking around

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Issac, once again again annoyed by what the boy was saying pulled out his sniper and quickly fired a shot at the camera, ripping through it like paper. It then fell to the ground with a loud thud. "Ha... THERE'S your kill cam." He said with with a small grin on his face.

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David pushed the remains of the camera with his toes. Figures that cameras would all around. He looked over at Issac and gave him an appreciative nod.

"Good shot, man." He said.

A smile spread over his face. This was a possible in for the note giver.

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Huh? i see you just can't help it can you? You insist on being a pain in my ass is that what it is you sorry excuse for a sniper if you keep pestering me ''quickfire'' i'll make sure you'll have a slow and painful death.

Chase threaten as he walked over the camera bits with a smirk.

Oh and i just remembered sharpshooter don't worry about your gun it'll go to a much more deserveing owner...in me!

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David sighed. Maybe there was someone he won't mind too much putting a bullet in.

"Hey!" He called to Chase. "Shout your trap, bub. Save it for the game."

David briefly wondered who he could recruit to his plan. Everyone had potential but he didn't know what he was going to do for sure yet.

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Blaise looked down at the carmera.

" Real mature guys..." She mummbled. Another camera was already buzzing around getting footage of the contestants. Blaise grumbled and swatted it away. She didn't have time to deal with the cameras right now. She looked around starting to form a plan right after the games had started. She thought for a moment. Run to the trees and dont look back she finally decided looking at the small forest not too far away.

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Shut my trap tch... looks like the losers are be friending each other pathetic whats next you two gonna start a gun club and paint each others nails.

Chase said as he walked a little off into the distance.

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David forced himself to laugh.

"Better then being a loser who thinks he's gotta through insults around to compensate for a lack of fighting skill." David called back.

He knew he shouldn't be giving in to the childish want to verbally spar with this guy, but this guy rubbed him the wrong way.

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Lack of fighting skill......thats it pal your time on to die is at hand draw your weapon!

Chase barked as he grabed his scythe his eyes lusting for blood.

Come on the games start early we'll see who lacks fighting skill.

Chase continued to bark insults while walking closer and closer swinging the scythe cutting the air around him making a sharp noise.

A gun user telling me i lack skill the arrogance the impotence.

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David ignored his carbine in his bag and drew his tomahawk. He took up a defensive position and waited for Chase to strike first.

"First mistake, bub." He said, a hard edge in his tone. "Thinking I was a one trick pony. I've had to fight off idiots with big weapons and little brains for most my life, so you don't scare me."

David laughed bitterly.

"You don't even care we are just doing this to amuse the people watching the camera feeds."

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Blaise pulled out her pistols pointing one at each of them.

" Cut it out, save it for when this thing actually starts." She said irritated with how this was going. People like them didn't care for the chance to live inside, they were here for the fight. She thought bitterly.

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Girly if you know whats good for you you'll mind your own business and put those shiny pop rocks away this is between me and big mouth over there!

Chase yelled as he raised his blade pointing it at Balise.

So will ya move or do i have to force you out of the way.Lets see i can rip you apart limb from limb or i can dissect you ripping out your heart right before your fadeing vision as you slowly begin to drift off into oblivion or i can slice you into bite size pieces leaveing no trace able to be indentify.

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"GOD DAMMIT!...." Issac said as he stood in front of the boy with the scythe "Im gonna rip you a new vagina when this starts." He was getting irritated by the boy's constant threats. He was nothing but a bully, and if their was one thing that Issac despised it was bullies. He gave the boy with the short axe like weapon a short nod.

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David relaxed his stance. He returned Issac's nod and gave another one to Blaise. He then turned his attention to Chase.

"You wanna try slicing people up, you are going to have to deal with those guys too." He said, pointing at a group of guards moving into the area.

David shook his head.

"They can't have us killing each other before the games start." He muttered under his breath.

He wondered what the guy with the scythe was going to do. Attacking the guards would be stupid, but that might not matter. It might actually help David, but he still had to figure out how, if it happened.

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