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YU-GI-OH! The Pharaoh That Walks Among Us

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Lucifer dropped the millenium Ring and millenium key in his unconsious state. he began to toss and turn as if in a nightmare. he began to sweat. he then was warm. he had a fever

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"Alexia......set.......me......down.....on......the.......bed........and.........give.......me.......a......shot......of.......my.......medinicine.......next......to......the......bed....." TJ manged to say.

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"Deck?" Jack asked. "Here." Victoria said, "Now lets destory the ring for the rest of the world." Jack took the ring and Victoria cut the ring into a million pieces. Then they took the pieces and shattered them threw out the world.


TJ woke up, "Thanks for the med, Alexia. I need to rest for a while."

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Lucifer looked throuh his cards and took 6 out. he then handed them to victoria and jack the 3 gods and 3 sacred dragons. "they arent mine. but now i need my flute" he said refering to the oval object with 12 holes , the ocarina

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"no problem TJ" she said as she left the room and let him rest. "shhh you gotta be quiet he is needs to rest

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"We will see who wins at the tournament. But now let me ask you one question, what do you see in TJ?" Victoria asked.


"You know when I was about your age, I too played the ocarina. I was the best at it, but I don't play anymore." Jack said.

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