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YU-GI-OH! The Pharaoh That Walks Among Us

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"you!" rai yelled as he regained his senses "i summon winged dragon guardian of the fortress #1" he then landed on the blue dragon then rai pointed at rea. "what buissness do you have here Rea!"

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"I have no idea, but Rea can take care of this. We have to go inside my puzzle world to escape Rai, and yes you too Gortous. By the way, am I the only who thinks that is weird that the two names Rea and Rai are sorta the same?" TJ said while everyone was teleported in the puzzle world.

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"hey! Why are you guys leaving me with this Psycho!" rai yelled as he recalled his blue eyes ultamite so the dragon below rea dissapeared. The the dragon rai was on flew down "this isnt fair!" Rai yelled as he began to panic. "what is wrong with you guys its like im a disease to you! He is gonna kill me!" he shouted. The numbers were gone as well as the eye color only the milleninium ring stayed.

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"TJ thats Rai! Our Rai... When Rea hit him he must have turned back! You have to let him in!" alexia yelled

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"Alexia, it is still to much of a risk to take Rai with us. Rea will take good care of him." And just after saying that TJ, Alexia, and Gortous were inside the millieum puzzle, "Okay we are finally safe here." TJ hopped off of Gortous and looked around and saw a huge ring being smashed into a huge puzzle.

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"It is a sign. It means that Rai's evil is breaking my puzzle's light. That is not good. It means that one of us will lose after we have a powerful duel to the death." TJ turned his head and said under his breath, "It means I might die."

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"He blocked me out!" the evil rai yelled.




Rai turned to Rea. "so your the notorius Rea! Well I think your all bark and no bite!" he yelled as his duel disk set up.

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"I don't duel. You see my dragon here, it is a real life dragon. I hate what you duelist do to your monsters. Now if you really want to fight me do it in the tournament by taking first place." Rea said then he flew off to his hq.

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Rai threw a card at Rea and it turned it a series of meteors all headed straight for Rea "i dont think you understood me and i speak for myself when i say your the reason why my family, my old friends, and my gang are dead!" he yelled at Rea "I dont have time for you damn games you wimp! Now come over here and fight me!"

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"its like im not even a duelist or have anythin important to give!" She yelled "you have the eygytian god cards, dark magician, And a millenium item! Rai has the sacred beasts, a millenium item, 2 number cards, and blue eyes shining dragon!" she exclaimed "and what about me all i have is dark magician girl for all i know!"

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"You still don't get it do you? They are not dead, they are merely in the world of the cards. I have them at my card safe. But if you want them back, you will play in the tournament." Rea turned around at Rai and showed his millenium eye. Then with a flash Rea was nowhere to be seen.

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"YOU BASTARD!" Rai yelled then he saw his evil side as a ghost like form only he could see. "what do you want."


"i think we should enter now"


"no way! Are you an idiot never do what the enemy says!" rai yelled


"then can we work on the deck as you think about it?"


"arent you supposed to be evil?" rai asked


"shut up or when i get the chance i will rid your soul of this body!"


"thought so." he said as he walked off to the destroyed half of the city.

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Alexia blushed. "i think they left" she said softly (how will i ever find out if i dont ever duel?) she thought to herself.

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TJ and Alexia walked down the hallway in the puzzle when they stopped at a gaint door. "What is this?" TJ opened the door and in the middle of the room showed a huge picture of Rai being controlled by Anubis who was controlling Rai's evil side. "Rai is being harmed by Anubis?!?" TJ yelled the question out.

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Alexia jumped startled as she turned around "who are you and how did you get in the puzzel?" she asked

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