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YU-GI-OH! The Pharaoh That Walks Among Us

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"no i must find him! He will pay" she yelled "for stealing your memory! And you cant stop me!"

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"Your brother!" she yelled suddenly the millenium necklace appeared around her neck as if it were there the whole time. "thats it!" she yelled as her emotions got the best of her. "i challenge you to a duel!" she yelled as she threw the god cards and dark magician to him

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"Yes that is precisley what i mean!" she yelled to him. she hadnt turned evil. her anger just got the best of her "now get ready Pharoh because im going to be the one to take you down! your own princess! or have you forgotten about that too!"

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"Alexia, he gave me back my memories. I am not going to battle you. We both know I would crush you and destory you, and I am not going to kill you over your anger over the guy and the fact about Victoria." TJ told her.

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TJ looked at the card, "Hey, this is Rai's. I guest I should look for him." Then just like that TJ was on the search for Rai.


Meanwhile, "That was impressive. You broke his heart. All like the plan said. Thanks for your help. By the way, my name is Jack, TJ's evil twin." Jack told Alexia.

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