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YU-GI-OH! The Pharaoh That Walks Among Us

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I'm no fool if i duel you now i know won't be able to win but i can assure you if you want a duel you'll get one but not today but i do know the perfect place to settle this the central city duel tournament.

Chase said as he helped quinn up and stared daggers at lucifer.

Just you wait lucifer i will make you pay and quinn here will as well but intil that day comes we bid you farwell.

Chase said as he walks away with quinn.

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Lucifer looked at them with a smile "I knew you would run away... your nothing like your friend there who would stand and fight but of course from what i saw you didnt even try to help my brother. but your friend did. Your just a complete coward and you know it. You cant stand to lose a duel but you reasently did." his cold grey eyes looked at him "im Right arent I?"

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What i'm no coward i'll show you what a true duel is all about.

Chase said while activating his duel disk

Quinn snap out of it if we want to beat this guy we'll have to work as a team so lets teach him a lesson he won't forget.

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"Rematch thats what im all about lets squash his bugs!" quinn said as he activated his duel disk and set it to sync with chase's "ok then lets duel!"

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Lucifer's expression went blank so you couldnt tell if his hand was good or bad nor if he was becoming nervous or anything he was unreadable. "why dont you go first then i shall go then your friend quinn and so on."

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"ah a symphonic card that ive heard about... its name is similar to my cards but the power is completly different!" Lucifer said as he looked at his cards without any sign of emotion he chose a card. "I summon Symphony Princess!" he said as a Princess with long blonde hair, and music note jewelry appeared on the field. "and since my Symphony Princess was summoned succsessfully her effect allows me to special summon Symphony Carrage to the field in defence mode!" suddenly a carrage with music notes in its design appeared next to the princess. "and as long as symphony carrage remains in play you cant destroy or declare an attack on symphony princess!" he said to the 2 opponents. "so now i end my turn with 3 cards face down." he no longer had any cards in his hand.



Symphony Princess

Atk) 1500

Def) 700



Symphony Carrage

Atk) 0

Def) 2000

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"my move alright i summon machine conversion factory and summon my good friend LAUNCHER SPIDER!" quinn yelled as his deck master was summoned "and i equipt him with salamandra! Giving him an additional 700 attack" he smiled next i play power bond and summon my cyber end dragon!" he said as the double power dragon came to the field. "next i play 2 cards face down and end my turn"

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He has symphony cards to huh interesting...

i draw i play symphonic warrior drums in def mode

ATK700 DEF700

then i place 1 card face down and end my turn.

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Lucifer draws one card and looks at it. "summon Symphony Prince it attack mode. and as long as he is on the field symphony princess cannont be destroyed so spells, traps, and effects nore battle can reach her" he said "now i activate the spell card Fairy Tail! if i have both symphony prince and symphony princess i can play symphony castle from my deck" he said as a giant castle with music notes of gold rose from the ground "now thanks to my field spell i can draw an additonal 2 cards if the card i draw has symphony in its name." he said "now i activate another spell Forte! Now i can draw a card if it it has Symphony in its name i can summon it to the field even if it needs a tribute." he drew a card and showed it to them "i summon Symphony Dragon and if it is summoned successfully i can send all of your traps and spells back to your hand." both quinn and Chases cards in the zone returned to their hands. "and since i drew a symphony card i can draw 2 more" he did that. "now i play one face down and end my turn"


Symphony Prince

Atk) 2000

Def) 1500


Symphony Dragon

Atk) 3000

Def) 2500

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"oh my god!" Quinn said "too many smart people words!" he said "anyway i summon cyber falcon in defence mode and i play my face down again next i attack your prince with my launcher spider to deal 900 damage to your. Life points"

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"Sorry but i dont think so. I activate the spell card Piano! which lowers your monsters attack for the battle phase by 1000 points. in other words good bye launcher spider and you take 100 damage." explained Lucifer as the attack did nothing and launcher spider was destroyed



Life Points


Lucifer) 4000


Quinn) 3900

Chase) 4000

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Hmph its time i take the offensive

i use the tribute card siphon of violence-death card with this card i send all my cards on the field to the graveyard to speacial summon Thrashing Titan-Mazen

ATK 4000 DEF0

his speacial ability he can't be destroyed by magic traps or monster speacial abilities and if he attacks a monster card directly the amount difference form Mazen's atk from the monsters def.(EX. say mazen attacks sympony carriage it'll be 2000-4000=2000 so you'll take 2000 LP damage)

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"remeber my field spell Symphony Castle takes effect now if i draw a card with symphony in its name." he drew and what do you know i symphony solider." he said as he showed it to the others. he then drew 2 cards. "all right i summon symphony solider in defence mode. and i play the spell Fortissimo! this spell allows me to give you oh lets say a present so i may draw 2 cards. so i equip my Harp of self destruction to Quinn's Cyber End Dragon! in 3 turns the monster equipped with that card is removed from play and cant attack in those 3 turns. but you may draw 3 cards once per turn." he said. as he drew 2 cards. "and now i play 2 cards face down and end my turn."



Symphony Solider

Atk) 900

Def) 700

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"oh that tears it im gonna go over there and kick your bloody ass into next week!" he yelled as he drew 3 cards i activate the spell card defusion and so i get 3 cyber dragons that cAn attack!" he said as he gained 3 dragons. "Now i end my turn by playing a face down"

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I use the magic card field tornado this card destroyes every card on the field and since my Mazen card can't be destroyed by magic cards i can attack you directly Lucifer


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"i activate my Field spells Second effect and i can destroy it to negate the effects of a spell, trap, or effect." he said as he Symphonic Castle was destroyed. "now i activate Harmonics! and this little trap stops the attack and forces your monster into defence mode"



(BRB dinner time)

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I unleash Mazen's second ability i give up half my Lp and Mazen automaticly attacks your LP without interfernce.

So like i was saying finish him!!!!!

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