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YU-GI-OH! The Pharaoh That Walks Among Us

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"now lets see here." rai looked through his cards then he fininshed and put them away. "fine we will duel" he said as he flew back to the city and landed in an ally he then walked out after taking a necklace with a silver dragon head on it he then walked into an abandoned construction site on the south end of the city. And at the center of the building were a bunch of duelists they looked at him and snickered


" so your the leader of them huh?" one of them said he had a necklace with a silver spider on it


"thats right. And your the leader of the black widows" he said as he held out his duel disk. "im here to finish what a started and your the first to fall"

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"fine then leader of the white dragons!" the man said as his duel disk set. "may i ask for your name?"


"its Rai and yours"


"Julio!" he said. As he drew "i play flying kamari #1! In defence mode and then i play a face down and end my turn"


"thats it?" Rai asked as he smiled "i play giant trunade! By doing so i can send all spell/trap cards on the field back to your hand then i play pot of greed and draw 2 cards!" he looked at them "now i play fissure! And destroy your monster!" the ground cracked and split the ground under the bug "and your effect doesnt activate because there was no battle! Now i play future fusion and summon blue eyes ultamite dragon! Now i attack you directly!"


Life points

Julio) 0000

Rai. )4000



"Now then" Rai walked over to the 30 year old. he ripped off the spider necklace and pocketed it. "your through and the Black widows are finished." he said as he walked out of the building and went to another building a few blocks away. he walked in "im looking for the leader of the Blue Oceans!" he said.



A few hours later Rai walked out of a building and in his hand were 12 silver necklaces. "one left and here they come" he said silently as he was surrounded by people with duel disks and multicolored emblems on their shoulders.


"Rai, Leader of the White Dragons, you have obstructed the peace between the 14 gangs and now you are to duel the leader of the, Rainbow Elementals!" said one


"so your like the Gang police huh" Rai replied with an insulting tone. "well i accept then i can kill your leader too."


"WHAT!" the man said startled. "but you dueled them with holograms!"


"thats what you think now get out of my way!" he said as his deck shuffled. "now where is your leader!"


"Right here!" a voice said as the crowed opened and a girl around Rai's age and size came through. "my name is Hailey and I am the leader of the Rainbow Elementals!" she said


Rai saw the silver necklace with a RE on it "so it begins!" he said as he drew 5 cards "you start!"


"my pleasure!" Hailey replied as the crowed of people from other gangs grew and they backed away giving the duelists space. she drew 5 cards "ok i play Elemental Valkerie in defence mode and end my turn by playing 2 face downs!"

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"I honestly don't know but i think one of the ways you people can beat him is if you challenge him to a Two-on-One Duel with him having 4000 Life Points and the other two having 2000 Life Points." Said Avista with only having come up with a simple plan.

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"I play 2 facedowns and activate the continuous trap respect play!" he said as set it on his duel disk and then the same number of cards in eachothers hand appeared. and showed their hands "now then i play soul exchange and use your monster to tribute summon Rare Metal Dragon. next i play the Field spell FUSION GATE!" suddenly the area was covered in a black mist and Rai was smiling with no cards in his hand. "now then i summon blue eyes ultamite dragon! from my fusion deck to the field!" he yelled as the dragon materialized now i attack!"


"i activate waboku!" the girl yelled "in doing so you attack goes to 0 for the battle phase!"


"sorry" a face down went up and the trap failed. "Game Over!" he said as she was blasted and defeated. he walked over to her a took the necklace. then he walkeded away. "now then lets go enter that tournament." he said as he walked to the spot. then his evil side appeared next to him.


"i dont know how im the evil one! that was as evil as it will get!" he said to Rai


"I dont care i just want my life to end!" he said as he found the registry spot and registered he then left and went to a chinese noodle shop and ate 3 bowls of Ramen after remembering he hadnt eaten a decent meal for a while.



(take note this is the good Rai. when he is stuck in the past)

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"Acctually TJ we might have a chance" alexia said as she held out 3 cards. They werent magic cards but not trap or monster and yet they were still green cards "1 of them create monsters by fusing them with other monsters, another one of them creates equiped spells by fusing it with other equip spells, and the other creates either fusion monaters or traps." she explained as the cards were obliviously dragons "the eye of tomaius, the claw of hermios, and the fang of critias" she said

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"You see Alexia, this is why I love you madly." TJ gave her a kiss. "Okay so you are not gonna included me in this?" TJ looked around to see Sylar standing there. "Sylar, how in the world you get into the puzzle is beyond me." TJ told him

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Rai payed and was in a good mood he had all the gang signs on his chain with the white dragons first. suddenly the Millenium Ring rose in a direction. "so lets find your essence so i can wait for you to return!" he said as he followed the directions of the ring

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