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YU-GI-OH! The Pharaoh That Walks Among Us

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Rai heard alexia and glared "whats so special?! Whats so special?!" he yelled "this URIA, LORD OF SEARING FLAMES is not just some card it is a sacred beast. It is equivalent if not better than its counterpart SLIFER THE SKY DRAGON!" Rai growled "and all i need to do is discard 3 traps and i can summon it and for every trap in the grave it gains 1000 attack and defence."

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"um well ok. I could beat it but ok good for you" alexia said as she looked at the card it looked like a dragon. "This guy is a dragon freak isnt he" she said to TJ

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Chase hears someone yelling about a duel so he quickly turns to see a guy running towards him.

Duel who me........you wanna duel me tch not even worth my time..(But then again he signed up for the tournament as well i can duel him and learn his strategy)

Ok pal your on LET'S DUEL

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Quinn smiled "alright then" (alright now i can learn his stratagy) "by the way whats your name, im quinn" he said as he shuffled his deck and put it in his custom black and gold color duel disk. "and you can go first if you want"

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Quinn huh? well my name is Chase got it.

Chase said as he shuffled his deck and placed it in his red and black duel disk.

Ok i draw hmmm....ok i place alligator sword dragon in atk mode

ATK 1200 DEF 700

and i place two cards face down and end my turn.

Tell me Quinn what type of duelist are you?

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"And im proud of it!" Rai yelled to them from the table as he took out 2 more deck boxes full of random cards "oooo this is good one." he said as he put it in a black and yellow deck box. His real deck was in his duel disk. And URIA THE LORD OF SEARING FLAMES was in his original deck as well. He continued to go through the cards and sorting them.

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He drew 5 cards "why dont i show you." he said as he looked at them "i activate the spell card future fusion and by doing so am able to summon a fusion monster by sending the fusion material monsters from my deck, field or hand to the grave so." 3 cards went to the graveyard from his deck "say hello to my Cyber End Dragon!" the ground began to glow behind him and spectators began to show up mainly other duelists then a giant mechanical 3 headed dragon appeared to the field. "And then i activate the spell card monster reborn and bring my cyber dragon to the field and then i activate call of the haunted to return another cyber dragon to the field. Now i play polymerization and fuse my 2 cyber dragons to summon cyber twin dragon!"


Cyber Twin Dragon

Level 8

Atk/ 2800

Def/ 2100


Cyber End Dragon

Level 10

Atk/ 4000

Def/ 2800

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(^ thats my combo T.T)


Rai stopped and put the cards in one pile in random mathing white deck boxes and set the aside the took out other random deck boxes and continued his search "i will not lose!"

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"now i attack you aligator sword dragon with my cyber twin dragon and destroy it!" quinn yelled as one of the heads fired a lazer and destroy the warrior monster "and now its ability activates and i can attack you again" he said as the other head shot a lazor at chase. "now i end my turn by equipping my metal silver armour to cyber end dragon!"

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impressive but now its my turn i draw now i place red eyes B. chick in Atk mode

ATK 800

DEF 500

and i use my face down card time wizard.

Time wizard Time roulete!

Time wizard specialty ages every monster/trap card on the field so your dragons are old and rusty cutting their atk by half while my Red eyes B. chick ages to become Red eyes Black Dragon


DEF 1700

And i attack your cyber end dragon destroying it and taking 400 lifepoints from you

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"sorry but there is a reason i equipped metal silver armour. It negates all effects, traps and spells on my monster so you made a big mistake." quinn said to chase as he showed that cyber end dragon was fine a d the one who took damage was chase "i still have 4000 life points and now you have 1300 life points left" now then i believs its my turn." He drew a card i play defusion on my cyber twin dragon so now i have my 2 shiny cyber dragons"


Cyber dragon

Level 5

Atk/ 2100

Def/ 1500


"And now i attack time wizard with one of them"

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"damn!" quinn drew his next card "i summon weather report! And i activate its ability by sacrificing it i can destroy swords of revealing light (for real it say to swords of revealing light) "now then Cyber End Dragon attack time wizard!"

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Vista had smirked to himself in the darkness while saying "Soon.....Very Soon.....The Shadow Games will begin again once more and just like once more.....WILL THEY CONSUME THE WORLD!!!!!". As Vista had then standed up while holding a Card with a black Back instead of a usual ordinary brown Back.

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Well it looks like i'm done for oh well it can't be helped i supose its not like i used my real strategy.

Chase said with a smirked

(My true motive was achieved anyway i now know that quinn uses cyber dragon cards and fusion cyber cards.....)

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"There my uncles and he left them to me after he died and he told me about his adventures with his sacred beasts i was so excited when he told them but now im in the fight for him and my whole family and clan and my.... My gang ya know what i mean?" rai said as he put the white deck boxes away "but now i feel no urge to go on hammon lord of striking thunder and raviel lord of phantasms are... Are pointless!" he yelld throwing a pile of unchecked cards off the table as well as into the air so they scattered everywhere. Rai was crying with his head on the table.

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"Rai what is wrong with you? Pull yourself together. I know how you feel. My mom died when I was 8 and my dad died when I was 17. I became a rebel because of Rea killing my dad. But I know that I am a rich rebel. Plus, I know that you think you have to fight for your family and the people in your heart." TJ told Rai. Then out of nowhere came a big growl and a huge shadow leaped up in the air and landed on top of TJ. "Gortous, get off of my boy." TJ said while a tiger lick him on the face and then got off. "Guys, I would like you to meet my pet tiger, Gortous." TJ told them showing the tiger, "Gortous meet Rai and Alexia."

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"its still pointless ya know" Rai said with no care for the unusual pet. He threw one of the decks in the air and cards landed all over the floor then a card from the deck landed infront of him. He looked at it anx his eyes widened. "hammon!" he picked up the card and put it in his duel disk. "thats two but there is still no point to go through millions of cards to find one in just tweleve hours its useless!" he said as he began to cry again as he picked up his duel disk and threw it accross the room. It wasnt damaged but a slot opened and a picture fell out. It was a younger rai with an older boy. On the bottom of the duel disk was a message.


"JUST KEEP FIGHTING AND DONT WORRY" - your brother samuel


Rai began to cry even more at the sight of the message and pictures "I WONT LOSE EVER AGAIN SAM!!!" he yelled in tears

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"like hell im going to let you figure out my true deck do you really think im that stupid!" quinn yelled in his british accent (i forgot to mention he is british) he took out another deck "i always keep a phony deck and my real deck on hand." he said

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Sure sure of course you have a phoney deck but whats your deck leader if you don't mind me asking mine is Red eyes black dragon.

Chase said as he flashed his red eyes card its ironic because my deck is centered around it kinda like joey wheeler's deck from decades ago.

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Launcher spider? never heard of it but next time we meet in the tournament i won't go easy on you.

Chase said while walking off waving his hand.

Ok now its time for me to survey the card shop.

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