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YU-GI-OH! The Pharaoh That Walks Among Us

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100 years after the events in YU-GI-OH! original took place, there have been no more card games due to the new ruler of the world, Rea. Now a group of rebels unite to save the world from Rea's evil plans. Rea has set up a duelist tournment to have rebels come in an see who is the strongest of the world duelist. Your mission is to take the challenge and take down Rea with a joining in a team. Each round leads to victory of the world.



1. No killing anyone without permission

2. Deul must be won fair

3. No controlling anyone with out permission.

4. Must join with a group of 2 or more people

5. Must follow KH13 rules

6. Keep it PG-13

7. Can say bad words but not all the time

8. Must Have Fun

9. To make sure you followed the rules put "

" at the end of character sheet.



Character sheet:







Leader of Card Pack:


My Character Sheet:

Name: T.J. Newlands

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: Big Black Spiked up hair, white face, blue eyes, wears a black ripped up jacket, shirt, and pants, wears black shoes, and has a card hanging from his neck

Bio: TJ is a rebel duelist from New York in America. He grew up with only a dad who is now sick in the hospital. TJ is hoping to win the tournment for the cash money for his dad.

Attribute: Dark

Leader of Card Pack: Dark Magician

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Name: Avista Molokov.


Gender: Male.

Appearance: White long hair, Blue cat like eyes, White and Black Tuxedo and a Egyptian based "Phantom of the Opera." like mask covering the entire left side of his face.

Bio: A strange and mysterious man who apprantly doesn't play Duel Monsters but seems to know a lot about them or at least dating back to the "King of Games." era.

Attribute: None though Evil and Darkness.

Leader of Card Pack: None though he carries a personal beloved card he calls "Shroud of Shadow." which on the front cover resembles the combination between both a Court Jester and the Grim Reaper.

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Name: Rai Ryzania


Age: 15


Gender: male


Appearance: blonde spiky hair, blue eyes, light skin, fur hooded brown jacket, jeans, white shirt black shoes


Bio: Started playing the game as a child and developed his deck over the years, he is a specialist of dragon monsters and keeps it real. he always has his game on and cards ready to throw down. and before the incident in his part of the city was the leader of a gang of dragon duelists. even though he was the youngest of the members. he constantly changes his deck and always carries a more than dragons. but 80% of his cards of dragon.


Attribute: dragon


Lead card: Blue eyes shining Dragon.




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Name:Chase Bloodstone



Bio:Chase grew up watching duel monsters tournaments and he quickly fell in love with the game his first card was given to him by his father on his 10 birthday since then hes built a deck of his own challengeing anyone and everyone he could.


Lead card:Red eyes black chick

Appearnace: Tan skin tone black and sliver outfit hair is jet black and messy.

(Sorry i have no video of my lead card but i can't attach one i'm useing my phone at the moment.)

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Name: Nathan Xeroes



Apperance: Brown straight hair, A pair of grey goggles always around his head, a brown scarf, long detective like coat, black jeans, white long shirt, looks most like an aviator.

Bio: Has just gotten into the card game, His first pack of cards actually reveal his true personality and passion of flying high in the sky. He believes that spells are his forte.

Attribute: Wind

Leader Card: Simorgh, Bird of Divinity


I'm too lazy to post the video, although I <3 gir so much....

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Name: quinn saido

Age: 11

Gender: male

Appearance:brown hair, brown eyes, light skin, white shirt, jeans, 5.3 tall

Bio: the day he was going to get his duel disk and first deck was the day he decided what type of duelinst he wanted to be. after seeing the power and awesomeness of machine monsters he decided to become one of them. he began to rebel instantly against rea and had been defying him ever since.

Attribute: Machine

Leader of Card Pack: Launcher spider



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RP STARTS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



"Greetings fellow rebel duelist. Yes, I know you are out there. I have come up with a challenge to see which one of you has a chance in being the so called "Master Duelist". All duelist must come to my HeadQuarters to sign up. And that means ALL OF YOU! No expections." Rea was announcing on the TVs in CENTRAL CITY. T.J. was watching what he was saying and then said, "Not if I am in Jail!" TJ got on his motorcycle and rode it across the sidewalks of town trying to be put in jail so he wouldn't have to be in the tournment. Then the cops arrived chasing after TJ. "Later Losers." TJ said while kicking his motorcycle into full speed.

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Rai just listened to the announcment. then he saw a guy on a motorbike on the sidewalk "oh dear god!' he said as he jumped out of the way his cards going all ofer the place. he quickly cleaned them up and hid them from the cops. "that was close." he then looked around before going to his hide out in the eastern part of the city. there he took his cards and fixed his deck. he then looked outside. is anyone else going to the building? he asked as he had a clear view of the HQ

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"by tributing my cyber falcon and ancient gear solider i can summon my launcher spider!" yelled quinn as a mechanical spider appeared on his feild. "Now attack his life points directly!" the duel ended in a bang as launcher spider finished off the oppoments life points. Then the announcment went on and quinn watched the monitor. "what does he want?" quinn asked as he walked over to the head quarters and entered throught the front door.

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"Over what could have been over 3000 Years Ago did Ancient Egyptians used to play Ancient Games of Sorts that had required them to use Ancient Stone Tablets that could Summon Ancient Creatures from within them to play these Games of theirs for them-By locking in Combat for the Egyptians that had summoned the Creatures in their place, Over time, Did these Games earn the name-"The Shadow Games." Said a Strange and Mysterious Man that looked like he was in his Mid 20's and was seen Wearing a Mask as well as seemingly telling Children what seemed like Harmless Stories Mothers would tell their Children in order to Scare them off to Sleep while making what looked like an Evil Grin.

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Wonder if pizza zone is open today.

Chase said while walking thinking about his favorite pizza place located in the middle of central city


Chase stops infornt of a window with a tv broadcasting an urgent news feed.

Rebel Dualist,Dualist tournament sounds fun guess i should sign up for it.

*Stomach roars*

Ehh maybe i should eat before i sign up cant win with an empty belly.

Chass laughs faintly and continues to walk while syrins blasting as a man on a motorcycle zoom past with cops talling him.


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"These guys never give up! I like that. But I think I should do my signature move and do a turn, hop, and hide." TJ turned his motorcycle around, hopped on to on of the police cars, and went the other way. "Where to hide? Ah, yes. Pizza Zone. I am hungry." TJ thought. Then TJ rammed into the doors with his bike. "Okay should be safe here."

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Rai had just saw the man drive into the pizza zone and was stunned "uhh if you trying to hide i reccommend the eastern abandoned construction site not a pizza parlor." he said as he walked there himself. He had his duel disk on his left arm and he was prepared to duel.

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"Aww! You beat my Storm Shooter!" Nathan exclaimed angrily

"That's what you get for messing with the water deck!" His friend cheered

"Gah! according to this, I lost the remaining of my darn life points...Grr!" He whined.

"Aww come on Nathan! Don't be a sore loser! You had fun right!"

"....yeah...I GUESS so.." Nathan gathered up his cards from the table and walked out of the school library.

"So whatcha gonna do now?"

"I need to get home." Nathan replied.

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Whoa did that guy just ride on top of the police car that guy is either crazy or super crazy wait is he heading toward pizza zone..no way.

Chase said while walking final arriveing at the pizza place.

Finally i made it! Chase said while entering the resturant seeing tire marks leading up to pizza zone.

Hey can i get a large pinneapple,chicken,cheese pizza.

Chase shouted from his booth seat.

Wait isn't that the guy from earlier just my luck hes probably here to rob the place.Wait is he about to duel that guy

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(question is a 22 year old really gonna duel a 15 year old? That sounds interesting)


Rai stopped and walked back he forgot he had walked there for food. "hehehe i forgot to eat as well" he said as he sat down in the middle of the parlor. "pepperoni please" he said as he began to look at his cards and organize them into stratagies. "i dont care if they come to take my cards really i have a tournament rea waz talking about to enter." he said as he continued to work on the deck

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TJ looked at Chase. "So you saw me out there, did ya? Don't worry I am not here to rob the place. I am here to eat." TJ walked up to the cashier, "Okay I want an extra large pepornie and sausage pizza with LIGHT sauce." TJ took his pizza and sat down at a table. "Hmh, people today. It is hard to be a rebel duelist." TJ told himself out loud and eat a slice of the pizza.

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