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10 year old girl committed suicide because of bullying.

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I mentioned this in another post in some other forum, but this happened really close to where I live. It's really horrible what happened to her and it has really stirred up our community. Today is her funeral. They closed the school Ashlynn went to so that the students could attend it. There is also a group going around getting signatures for a petition. They want to bring it to legislatures to make a law that will make bullying be punished with more than just suspension. I signed it because I agree. Suspension doesn't do anything, if anything, it rewards them with some days off from school. But I don't know anything about what's going on with the bullies. On the news they said it's being investigated but the police aren't releasing anything at this time. But these boys should face the consequences of their actions.

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This makes me sick i didnt grow up around bullying but i do not tolorate it you dont make someone else feel bad because you have your own problems you deal with your problems not put them out on someone else i would get sick of it and start kicking some ass i know someone who was being bullied but thank god she didnt kill herself this just makes me sick why would you do that to someone else and in this case why would you call a ten year old girl a slut back in my day i didnt even know what a slut was untill i was like 15 these kids these days they need a good ass whooping this just makes me so f-ing sick

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I used to be bullied. By my family, by the people I believed were my friends. To them I was weird and unusual. They didn't know back then of course, it was my Asperger's that made me think and act differently. People were not so accepting back then so they didn't want to accept the fact I thought differently from other people, just that I was weird and that that weirdness should be squashed out of me. On top of that, because of my ADHD I was taking concerta, a drug that calms you but severely suppresses your emotions. I would cry unexpectedly and sometimes cry myself to sleep. I would tell my mom, "If people don't like me or want to avoid me, why do I exist?" I told her, I didn't think I had the right to live. Back then, I believed I was making the lives of people miserable. I was ten when I nearly killed myself. I almost stabbed myself with a knife before my mom stopped me. My mom made me go see a psychologist. I stopped taking concerta, which makes me happier than I can ever remember feeling. My family accepts me and I have friends at school. We get along well. They all know about my Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD, so they accept me for who I am. I haven't wanted to kill myself in years. When I see bullying at school, I do everything in my power to stop it. And when I can do something about it, it works.

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This is really a sad and terrible thing to know.

But, unlike U.S.A, here in Brazil, SADLY, happens every day. If you turn on the tv at the news, you'll see that a person was shot, killed her/himself, or is seriously injured. Early in this year, a crazy man invaded a school and killed over 300 kids. He commited suicide just after it.


Really, this must be the end of the world. People doesn't have any limits. They think they can do whatever they want, even if it's completely wrong. I am sick of people like that. I got off topic [from bullying to crazy people/ but I think they should all be killed or at least be in jail for a very long time.


Bullying is something completely wrong. These kids nowadays just suck. They think they can make other kids feel bad, and loook, at what happened in this case, the girl killed herself! This can't continue. The society should be peaceful as it used to be in 50 years ago :( I just feel bad for hearing this.


And the worse is that it just getting more and more. I really don't know where this will go.


Some kids might get crazy [like with mental problems, or traumas for the past] just because of that. Brillant futures can be destroyed if the bullying keeps going on without limits. I really feel sick for hearing this. Kids are being evil, how can this be? They should all just play like the kids did in the past =/

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People can really be disgusting. In elementary school and middle school I remember getting bullied to the point that I went home and cried almost every day. I wouldn't talk to anyone about it either, I'm pretty sure my parents didn't know about most of it, or at least they didn't realize how bad it was. I remember wanting to kill myself, but then thinking "it will get better in high school, because I'm not going to my sending district high school." (I went to a technical high school instead, my first reason being to avoid bullying.) I'm so glad that I haven't had anyone say anything mean to me once, since going into high school, and I'm glad I have made such great friends. Still, I remember almost every word every person said to me that made me feel so depressed. I try not to hate those people, because I have no idea what they are like now, and I'm sure they didn't take it as seriously as I did, but I can't imagine ever liking those people either. I'm glad I had the opportunity I did to get away from those people, because I'm not sure what would have happened to me if I didn't have that opportunity. I also have focused myself on art and fashion, which has helped me a lot. I feel terrible for kids who don't have any opportunities/people that can help them with bullying problems,or hobbies/goals that can give them some confidence to move forward. This story literally made me cry, just remembering how much pain I felt being bullied, and thinking about how this girl was so young and had so much more to live for. I wish I could have helped her in some way. I hate it when I see people getting bullied. Even if you aren't getting bullied to the point that you want to kill yourself, bullying definitely puts plenty of other negative effects on people. I have a lot of trouble trusting people, and I'm really not as confident in myself as I wish I was. Both of those things are probably a result of being bullied.


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Same with most of you, I was bullied horrendously. I went to 4 different schools and I got bullied at every single one of them. I got told I was fat, ugly and stupid. They would follow me home and harass me and my Mom would have to tell them to go away. The teachers noticed and tried to stop it. I told my parents and they put an end to it as well. It was so hard to face everyone every day. I came home and cried everyday, I would be sick to my stomach, I got asked to be home schooled… I had such a great childhood at home with my family and in Jersey with my family who lived there, Holidays were always perfect, I wasn't fat, I wasn't UGLY but I was awkward (who isn't at that age though??) and I definitely wasn't stupid. I got really good grades, except in math. But I contemplated hanging myself, I even thought "What if I brought a gun in school and killed all the people who hurt me?" Obviously, I never did that but I thought about it. Its not normal for a 10 year old to have thoughts like that. Its just not.


Bullies are nothing more than jealous people. Jealous you're the complete opposite of what they're calling you. I got picked on because I had a great family life, and those bullies didn't. I got told I was ugly, and I wasn't. They told me I was fat, I was thin. I got told I was stupid, I was on honor roll. They're nothing but a bunch of people are are jealous because they want what you have. So instead of becoming friends and helping each other out, they harass you, bully you, tease you, beat you up… It's disgusting.


Now-a-days, it's completely out of control though. Her own mother said "I knew about it, but I didn't know what to do about it." No offense, as a Mother and a parent, you SHOULD KNOW what to do about it. Both of my parents stopped the bullying against me because they actually did something about it. As a parent, that is your job. To protect your children, to help them and put an end to this kind of behavior.


It also made me sick to read that Ashlynn told her teacher about the kids bullying her and all the teacher said was, "Stop being a tattletale." Wow, really?? While children and teens are in school, its the teachers job to educate and watch over these kids. They're supposed to end this behavior as well. They don't. It's a shame teachers aren't what they used to be. They're just people who go to work, bitch about how little they get paid, then go home. They don't get involved with the students surroundings at school like they should.


As for the bullies parents, they fail as parents. If you don't know what you're own child is doing at school, you're clearly not paying attention. Its actually really obvious to spot a bully. Look at behaviors. Is your child neurotic? Out of control? Hard to handle? Yells? Constantly punished? Has detention a lot? There are so many signs out there to know your child is a misbehaved one. Its a mixture of both the parents and teachers that fail in keeping other children safe. No one cares anymore. Parents don't even parent their kids anymore. They drop them off to some relative and don't raise them. They let tv and video games parent their kids. Thats now how its supposed to be.


Sorry this is long, but Im really bothered by this. The parents of the bullies should be put under investigation and the bullies should be put into jail or boot camp or military school.. Something with a lot of discipline, learn respect and wise up. Let them get bullied around, see how they like it. They wouldn't last 2 days at places like that. But who cares? Keep them there the entire duration no matter if they scream, cry, panic.. Let them do what they gotta do.

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this seems to happen alot more often as of late would some people ever just grow up and stop all this stupid bullying and the worst part about this one is that girl was so young what kind of sick minded people bully a girl of that age so badly that she'd do that

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I used to be bullied too. 7 years of hell, and I always thought that maybe it was better to suicide. But deep down I knew that I couldn't suicide.


After I changed school, everything got better. In my school there are kids from 10 to 17 years old, and I see A LOT of bullying.


Sometimes, I have to step up. It's just sad. And I only fight when necessary.


Kids nowadays use ANYTHING to bully. What they wear, what they see on TV, which video games they have, parents issues, you name it. They'll use ANYTHING.


I've seen a kid get bullied for not playing FIFA 2012. For God's sake.

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Some people are weak and stupid. You do not deal with problems by hurting yourself, when America was revolting against Britain, did they shoot their own men? NO! They shot the British! When someone bullies you, do you go home and cut yourself? NO! You cut the Bully!

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Some people are weak and stupid. You do not deal with problems by hurting yourself, when America was revolting against Britain, did they shoot their own men? NO! They shot the British! When someone bullies you, do you go home and cut yourself? NO! You cut the Bully!


That's so mean and rude! She was 10 and nobody helped her.And the bullys are the one who are weak and stupid!

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That's so mean and rude! She was 10 and nobody helped her.And the bullys are the one who are weak and stupid!


I will admit that the bullies are weak and stupid, but so are people who commit suicide. How the hell do you get "I should kill myself" instead of "I should kill those firetruckers" out of being bullied? People have a natural tendency to want to make themselves feel superior by making others feel inferior. Some people take it further than others. But one should be able to handle themselves if they are on either end of that equation. There is this mystical thing that has been starting to vanish as of late, and it is called self restraint. It comes naturally to those who are not total jackasses.

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I will admit that the bullies are weak and stupid, but so are people who commit suicide. How the hell do you get "I should kill myself" instead of "I should kill those firetruckers" out of being bullied? People have a natural tendency to want to make themselves feel superior by making others feel inferior. Some people take it further than others. But one should be able to handle themselves if they are on either end of that equation. There is this mystical thing that has been starting to vanish as of late, and it is called self restraint. It comes naturally to those who are not total jackasses.


Did you ever stop to think that.The kids that where bulling her where biger then her? Did you ever stop to think that her mom told her."If somebody being mean to you go tell somebody"? Did you ever stop and think about that?!

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Did you ever stop to think that.The kids that where bulling her where biger then her? Did you ever stop to think that her mom told her."If somebody being mean to you go tell somebody"? Did you ever stop and think about that?!


Bigger? This is not the 1800's missy! Someone so much as pokes you nowadays and you can call the cops on their ass and get them in jail in a heartbeat! If her mom told her to go tell someone, she should have done it! If not, she is 10 years old, she must know about 911! Or at least tell the school or whatever! There are ways to deal with these things.

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Bigger? This is not the 1800's missy! Someone so much as pokes you nowadays and you can call the cops on their ass and get them in jail in a heartbeat! If her mom told her to go tell someone, she should have done it! If not, she is 10 years old, she must know about 911! Or at least tell the school or whatever! There are ways to deal with these things.


Yea and there a way to deal with bulling.And it looks like your on their side right now

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Yea and there a way to deal with bulling.And it looks like your on their side right now


I'm on an entirely new side actually, it is called the "Don't be a pussy like everyone else who gets bullied, and fight back because it is easy to put someone in jail" Side.

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I'm on an entirely new side actually, it is called the "Don't be a pussy like everyone else who gets bullied, and fight back because it is easy to put someone in jail" Side.


-rolls eyes-It not that easy.And how do you know it that easy.Have you been bully?

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-rolls eyes-It not that easy.And how do you know it that easy.Have you been bully?


Bully or bullied? Answer, I have been bullied, for a very short amount of time. And, I have to admit I have been on the other side also, for a very short amount of time. My "Bullied days" were short because of a severe asskicking that was given out. He then tried to get me in trouble, but I told everyone he tried to beat me because I threatened to tell the faculty he cheated on a test. None of that was true, but they believed me. If I can bullshit a bully into trouble, why can't someone put one down with their real evidence? I mean, a bully must be pretty malicious to make you want to kill yourself, bring that to someones attention and you have a solid case. As for my "Bullying" days, I was friends with a total dick for a while, trying to be the cool guy. After about a week of watching him be a dick to others, helping him sometimes, and dealing with his shit myself, I decided it was time for a change. I threatened him with taking his wrongdoings to either the school faculty, or even to the police unless he stopped. So he stopped, because he HAD seen what I did to the other guy. Tell anyone about any bullies activities and the problem will be dealt with accordingly.

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Bully or bullied? Answer, I have been bullied, for a very short amount of time. And, I have to admit I have been on the other side also, for a very short amount of time. My "Bullied days" were short because of a severe asskicking that was given out. He then tried to get me in trouble, but I told everyone he tried to beat me because I threatened to tell the faculty he cheated on a test. None of that was true, but they believed me. If I can bullshit a bully into trouble, why can't someone put one down with their real evidence? I mean, a bully must be pretty malicious to make you want to kill yourself, bring that to someones attention and you have a solid case. As for my "Bullying" days, I was friends with a total dick for a while, trying to be the cool guy. After about a week of watching him be a dick to others, helping him sometimes, and dealing with his shit myself, I decided it was time for a change. I threatened him with taking his wrongdoings to either the school faculty, or even to the police unless he stopped. So he stopped, because he HAD seen what I did to the other guy. Tell anyone about any bullies activities and the problem will be dealt with accordingly.


Not everybody can do what you did chao.>.>

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