Damion Strife 130 Posted November 28, 2011 (Lol, why not your created character?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 28, 2011 (I can't create Rixku to use at all..............) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 28, 2011 (Awww....you can always improvise...I know I'm gonna have to..) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 28, 2011 (Lol but I want my all nice and pretty hair with her but it won't give meh it so I have made another character called Geta and then another called Twelve to use for now.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 28, 2011 (Nice! I heard there is supposed to be another coming out in two years or so.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 28, 2011 (I will get it good lord and then there better be Majin vegeta on it or I won't play!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 28, 2011 (There's supposed to be every character ever on it, and it'll still have the create a character except with a lot more races.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted November 28, 2011 (We can quit chit chatting and start Rp-ing now!) Dexel crossed his arms as he watched the others leave. "I still have a bad feeling about this, but I guess I have no choice now." Dexel then lifted himself into the air and flew after Valcon and the others. "I wonder what sort of ship we are going to get? I hope it's one that has enough room for everyone and to have room for training." Dexel then arrived at the ship where the others were walking towards. "Wow, this thing is pretty big, but how are we going to train in it?" Dexel said looking over at Valcon, waiting for him to answer his question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 28, 2011 Valcon smiled, he was waiting for that question, and he immediatly said, "With a touch of a button this ship will have five hundred times the gravity of earth, though most humans will not survive it, we will steadily increase the gravity from ten times to twenty, then up to one hundred, by that point in time we will be half way there. I'm anxious to see how you all respond when it gets to ten times gravity. That's when we'll know who needs to train more." Valcon then looked at Dexel and said, "Plus, with another push of a button all of the funiture will shrink into the floor and we will be able to exercise, practice hand to hand combat, and other physically challenging movements at high gravity. I don't want anyone to use special techniques, mainly just martial arts and warm up exercises, and this is because we don't want to damage the ship." He looked around waiting for a response. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted December 1, 2011 "I might be a pain in the ass or a good help for speed. Gravity doesn't do zip against me so I guess i'll be something to catch while the gravity is weighting you down and i'm stuck just jumping over you." Deciding to annoy Dexel if it was possible she had was copying Dexel's appearance except the fact that she didn't have a tail and the suit was white with a weird symbol on it that was a blue as she thought for a second before a dark smirk appeared. "I wonder if I could hack the systems to find out more about this ship.........." She thought absent minded before vanishing like that without moving an inch as her spot was empty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted December 1, 2011 "He he he, you think I'm gunna let you surpass me in strength hust like that? I'm going to become the strongest and defeat Frieza someday and maybe... I'll become a Super Sayian." Dexel then chuckled. "Forget it, I can't wait to see everyone hit the ground at times ten gravity." Dexel then began laughing childishly. "On planet Vegeta, the planet had a constant times ten gravity of this planet, so me and Valcon are going to be fine. But you guys... your all gunna do faceplants, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedanort 8,786 Posted December 1, 2011 "Ha, you think so? I'm stronger than you think, I won't go down that easy!" said JP. JP warmed up and got ready for more training. "I'll show that Dexel, we humans aren't that weak!" thought JP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted December 2, 2011 "I can survive with a little help from Split because for the oddest reason she seems happy over the fact that she can go against all of you against and Cassie is going to be a pain because gravity does zip to her and her copying is going to bother someone eventually along with the fact that she's one of the fastest people here that I've figured out so far..............." Rixku thought for a moment before putting out her hand as it tarted sparking with black electricity as her eyes turned yellow before she spook again. "I can't wait to nail Cassie for earlier and maybe figure out how to poison you at the very least.............." A demonic smile appeared on her face before something shot toward Cassidy's direction as she simply ducked before rolling her eyes as she held what looked to be a small clear pad. "Valcon I found your weak spot............." Now copying Rixku's appearance again as she walked to Valcon before quickly grabbing his tail and she pressed it in between her thumb pointed finger. "Rather interesting what this does but I still figured it out. But if you lost it you would have an advantage and disadvantage." Smiling as she let go before the clear pad lighted up to prove it was a computer used by Cassidy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted December 2, 2011 Valcon began to laugh. "Oh silly silly girl. The reason you believe it to be a weak spot is because grabbing a low class sayains tail does drive them nuts.. However...I am an elite, born with a higher power, and so there are many things I can do that others cannot. I can speak in Ape Form, I can think in ape form, and grabbing my tail..just ticks me off..." ,Valcon said. But seriously. It's time to go guys. If anyone needs the bathroom it is complete with every accomodation, there is a changing room, and then there is the fully stocked fridge. But for now it's time to blast off! To planet Kurakas. Home to the Kuration people...this would be easy, but it's also home to Cooler's Version of the Ginyu Force...." ,Valcon said. But before any objections could be made the door shut, locked and the ship took off at full speed. "If anyone wants to ask questions about the members of the Kartarkus Force feel free to ask..." ,Valcon said laughing. It was going to be a short enough trip... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted December 2, 2011 Not even bothering to listen as she vanished before she pulled out the pad with Freiza appearing on the screen as she began speaking. "Lord Freiza I have news for you. You where right about the Saiyin and he plans to go after Cooler as we speak. There's another one as well along with a human that are going to try to beat you next what would you like me to do?" Freiza's image only smirked before he spoke this time. "Cassidy I trust you with this mission. Let him take down Cooler and allow me to take his part and then I will be ready to defeat them and you'll be greatly rewarded if the Saiyin stays unaware of this for now." Cassidy smiled at this before she spoke once again. "Yes Lord Freiza I will do this for you. Soon the Saiyins will be no more and you will have no worries at all." Freiza's image smiled one more time before it vanished as Cassidy sighed knowing she wasn't going to like this. "After all these missions I finally fell in love but with the guy I have to kill oh good lord......................." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted December 3, 2011 Valcon then turned his back to the others, punched some digets into the computer and the gravity increased to ten times normal gravity. "Oh, and after doing a little research...I discovered that until you get used to this ten times gravity it'll feel like your bones are trying to rip out of your muscular system...that's because...they are" ,Valcon said laughing, "But don't worry. They won't pop out at ten times gravity, but if I kicked it up higher...well...we'd be cleaning...a lot..." Valcon then stored the control pannel away, and got into a fighting position. "The sparring teams will be JP+Dexel vs Me, and Cassidy will fight Rixku. I think this works best considering the fact that it'll take the two of them to get me working, that and the fact that Rixku and Cassidy know eachother's moves better than we do. They wouldn't get the proper workout otherwise" ,Valcon said calmly, "Alright...whenever you are ready." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted December 3, 2011 Cassidy walked up not even struggling a bit as she looked at them. "I might have someone trying to get me with the information I got and it doesn't look pretty at all with Freiza going to the Dragon Balls on the one planet. He's trying to get them to be immortal I believe and well there's the girl finally." Holding out her pad as a image of a young girl in armor similar to Vegeta appeared. She had big ears that went down and they looked like a dogs with brown hair over her face. "Hey we got problems with him. He's basically wrecking the base and he's going to be here soon. We can only do so much right now and I hope the information convinces you to help me at this point- I have to go he's coming...................." The image faded as the signal was lost. "I believe Cooler might have to wait at this point. DO you know of the planet with another set of Dragon Balls?" Rixku was slumped to the ground as she sighed before getting up and holding her balance as she looked at Cassidy. "You're hiding something and I don't like it? how did you even find it? I heard you earlier talking to someone you called Lord but I couldn't get the other half of it." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted December 3, 2011 Valcon grew irritated... "Frieza can't go to Namek...not yet..he won't be able to do a dang thing with Vegeta acting the way he is. Plus, I do believe you are forgetting that we are on a time based schedule here. Everything we do needs to be perfectly timed, otherwise we'll never take the Universe out of King Cold's grasp. That egotistical a-hole Frieza is going to meet his end on Namek. At the hands of the one you called Goku. Oh and Cooler will too, though Frieza will be defeated once we arrive at the third planet, and I don't need to worry about Frieza's henchmen. I'm just as strong as they are" ,he said. He was beginning to lose his cool. He'd kept it up till now, but it was slowly dying off. His eyes were growing red around the lids from being filled with so much rage... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted December 3, 2011 "You still do not see anything do you? I guess my cover has been blown now thanks to you little Rixku. The future can always be changed just like I will help Lord Freiza by grabbing dear Goku by using his little brat to get him to come. Radiz might have failed but I am not one for not completing the missions he gives so I guess i'll do it right now while you guys do me and Freiza a favor by getting him his brothers half." Darkly smiling as she put on a scouter made for Freiza minions and people like herself before she looked at all of them. "I'll be sure to come back with my team as the Commander of Team Twelve and we'll see about you all having a quick death then but for now I must deal with Goku. Vegeta came back already and he was wrecking the one base so i'm going to go with my team to help Freiza and maybe the reward will still be possible."Smiling still as she took off her power bands before her power shot up as she held a white sphere in the palm of her hand. "I hope you can breathe space or manage to control your temper because this thing can take only so much before it pops." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted December 3, 2011 Valcon tackled her to the ground. His power spiked, he then shoved Cassidy in the airlock toilet and shot her into space. "FIIIINNE!!! You wanna be a bad guy! BE A BAD GUY!!!! TELL FRIEZA HELLO IN HELL FOR ME!" WHAT YOU FAIL TO REALIZE IS...KAKAROT HAS ALREADY DEFEATED RADITZ, YOU'VE BEEN IN THIS POD FOR A MONTH AND YOU DIDN'T NOTICE IT!!!" ,Valcon yelled. The pod blasted far far away from Cassidy, she was alone in space. Valcon cracked his knucles, then looked around. "I really didn't want to do that...but....rules...are rules. We have a journey, and anyone who is insubbordonate will meet an unfortunate fate." ,Valcon said huffing. No doubt Frieza's men will surely pick her up, but of course she will have the unfortunate displeasure of finding that he'll be on Namek by the time she get's to his home world, he thought. He then looked at Rixku. "I know she was your friend...but she was our enemy. If you want...you can go with her. Just take the escape pod...I also accidently emptied a week's worth of our stool with her...hoopsidasiy" ,Valcon said giggling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedanort 8,786 Posted December 3, 2011 JP remained silent. He surely didn't want to get out of the spaceship. "Valcon... she was working with Frieza? How?" sid JP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted December 3, 2011 "Shut it lair I've been getting all the information." She thought before landing in her pod knowing something like this could happen before her gaze turned to the ship. "I hope you like breathing in space little worms because Freiza will be pleased." Smiling as she had placed a tracker on it to keep up with them on the outside of the ship with it blinking blue before seemingly vanishing into the colors of the ship. "Now for base to grab my team......................." Getting in a sitting position in her pod she silently hugged her Clear Pad before falling asleep as the pod took off toward Freiza's base on the planet with Dragon Balls while she waited and thought. "I can't believe I like this guy...........He's going to be my death with how I feel for him right now..............." The pod beeped and the destination was set. Destination Set: Planet Namek Arrival Time 2 Days and 4 hours. "Looks like i'm in the lead-" Smiling as she went to sleep with her scouter on with someone listening in. Rixku "We have a problem right now Valcon. I got the scouters signal and what I've seen and heard is bad. You have a bloody inside on the ship so you pushed Cassidy hard or you might have grabbed her stomach harder then she could take. Her destination is Planet Namek and she's getting there in around 2 days with some of Freiza's minions following her to make sure she makes it and all of them are calling her Commander Twelve." Rixku looked half scared to death when she showed the image of the inside of the pod. It was bloody as Cassidy bleed a bit in it. The destination was clearly on the screen as Cassidy smiled in her sleep holding the clear pad before she spoke again. "All hail Lord Freiza." Was what she said before the image faded when Cassidy's scouter was destroyed in the palm of her hand. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted December 3, 2011 "Well...Kakarot will take care of them...you can't change fate. It'll be another year before they get to Namek, and once they do, Frieza will send them away. Plus I know my friend will be able to stop them. He is Nail's big brother, and he has illegally synced with thirteen of Nameks fighters...but...looks like Dexel wins after all. We have to go after Frieza now...as much as I hate to admit I was wrong...there is no way we can let that scum coat my friends' planet with his evil. So Dexel...looks like you get to have your revenge after all." ,Valcon said sighing. It also looks like Cooler wins control...I freaking hate this situation... ,Valcon thought. He changed the coordinates to Namek. Then the ship blasted off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted December 3, 2011 "Hey look what she left behind. This paper say's something about how long Freiza has ruled with a dance tomorrow that Cassidy and the rest of his minions are going. I think we got a bit of pay back because it says she has to dance with Freiza at it."Rixku looked at the page for one more second before she crumpled it up and destroyed it. "We're never going to catch up because she should be there by now. Freiza will know where we are going. We got a big fight on our hands now because of one little incident now don't we?" Cassidy "Guys chamber. I need to get there before my stomach pops. Klayla while i'm in there get out my white dress and black high-heels and i'll do my best to look nice for Freiza and his star dancer this year." Cassidy coughed as some of the minions picked her up and put her in a healing chamber as she was stripped of all clothes except some shorts and the top to cover her chest as the fluid came into the chamber relaxing her before the brown haired girl with dog ears went to do two things. Grab Cassidy's stuff for the dance. Tell Freiza about the others that where coming. "Oh yes today will be something." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted December 4, 2011 Within seconds the ship landed on Namek. The real Namek. Valcon's scouter indicated that the only people on the planet were infact the Namekians. "Well, I'm afraid to burst the Freaky Alien Genotype's bubble, but it turns out he landed on the fake Namek. He'll be pissed to know that infact...he can neither destroy that planet, or convert it's nonexistant populace. Oh well." ,Valcon said shrugging. (This now brings up two Characters that I was going to bring in waayyyyy later on. But I guess I'll pull them into the story now...which has changed up quite a bit.) Name: Takku Age:35( Namekian Years=10) Race: Namekian Appearance: Picture Nail, with mucsles as big as Broley's. Bio: Nail's big brother who has synced with thirty Namekians. He has the strength of a SS2. Though he never powers up as high as he needs to. Takku got his name from Valcon out of friendship. Takku has a huge hate against people with horns. It has long since been prophesized that a horned man will destroy Namek, and a blonde hero from another world will come to destroy the monster and revive the planet's people. Takku is reveared as the Namekian 'Demon of the South' and he is never visited out of fear that he will force strong men to sync with him. However, those that synced did so because they had no other reason. He is a great man, but he has no friends other than Valcon. Abilities: Special Beam Cannon, Light Grenade, Masanko, Hellzone Grenade, and Double Cannon Blast (Fires two SBC's except they can be controlled.) Allignment: Good Name: General Kathagarus Age:19 Race:Half Sayain Appearance: Black hair that reaches his shoulders, Pale white skin, a single horn that grows from the right side of his head, normal sayain body, and his tail is like frieza's. Bio: Kathatgarus is the off spring of Frieza and a sayain woman. Kathagarus is the most handsome man in Frieza's Empire. His power surpassed his father's a long long time ago. Kathagarus has the strength of a super sayain, but hasn't yet discovered how to become one. He cannot transform like his father but he has most of the techniques his father has. He is the one thing Frieza actually loves. Frieza wants Kathagarus to grow up and take the entire universe. Abilities: Death Beam, Death Ball, Milky Cannon, and Death Drive Redeemer (This allows him to go into a mod of super speed.) Alignment: Pure Evil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites