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Damion Strife

Dragon Ball: The Gathering

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"Is it a giant floating building?" he asked. "Because I've seen something like that while flying around before. Also, I remember Bulma and Dr. Briefs mentioning having something called a 'Dragon Radar', do you think that could help?"

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"No they might actually have the Dragon Balls there. But that floating building is the Lookout so you think you can get us there?" She asked before pocketing the Dragon Ball still amazed at the actions of the clone. "Clones. Never straight but they almost always want to see who's they are." She thought smiling maybe Cassidy would become good again not knowing when but eventually and then Disk would come along with her it would be something to see for the very least.

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"I can fly pretty well minus the fact that I can't seem to keep up with any of you anymore. Who knew I would be this far behind but oh well I still manage to find you at some point. Makes me wonder how I kept up with Valcon when Cassidy introduced me she certainly didn't expect Split to try kill them all." She mumbled before grabbing one set of papers and the Report entitled Positive in the hopes of reading the stats on the paper.

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"Nah let's just get going so we can bring them back sooner. Probably going to want to grab some wrapping there to to make sure my neck doesn't get infected. Why the hell does that kid have pointed black nails for crying out loud?!" She mumbled gingerly touching her neck before heading over next to Kyle.

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"Alright." he said. He flew out the secret entrance and looked around, getting his bearings. He then turned in a direction and started flying that way. He looked behind him to make sure she was following.

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Rixku then started following after him thoughts swarming in her head as she tried not to break down. "My god one clone has me so confused that I want to break down?! It's just messed up that this one has survived the longest and is the most healthy I mean he hasn't died yet?!" She thought as she followed Kyle.

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He lead the way toward the tower, glancing back every now and then to make sure she was still following him. Soon enough, the floating building started coming into view. "There it is!" he called out to her.

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"I know that! Now let's just see if the Dragon Balls are here so we can bring back Valcon and maybe Goku before anyone else tries to come and kill us." She shouted before speeding up making out Kami in the distance form what she could see.

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Kyle sped up as well, also seeing Kami, though not knowing who he was. He landed on the top, looking all around. "Wow, this place is cool!" he said.


(I know he's really young right now, but do you think it would be alright if Kyle developed a crush on Rixku?)

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(Maybe i'm still trying to figure out someone for Disk. Remember Rixku is now 18 a legal adult oh god that's ironic.)

She landed bitterly rubbing her sore neck before walking up to Kami with the One Star Dragon Ball in her hand as she sighed. "By any chance you have the other six Dragon Balls and some wrapping that I could use for my neck at all?!"

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(ok, and there are seven Dragon Balls, not nine)


Kyle started walking around, taking in the sights. "Wow, this is so cool! And that old man looks kinda like Takku!" he said to himself.

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(I'm going loopy damn it okay last post and then i'm off for a bit I guess.)

"You've never been here man you have some catching up to do Kyle." She mumbled barely heard as she tossed the Dragon Ball up before catching as she thought bitterly of what Disk meant. "What does he really mean?!"

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Takku landed on the tower and shot a look at Kami. Kami ran into the building and came back out with Dende, Popo, and the dragon balls. "Alright. See, we have the dragon balls. Now...if we were to use them one wish goes to bringing everyone back, another goes towards rebuilding the destroied tower, and you two can each make one. That's all I request," Takku said. He then summoned up the dragon and made the first two wishes.


Meanwhile Goku and Valcon had travelled snake way, met up with King Kai, and were undergoing some intense training. "Hey Kakarot! Bet you can't beat me with that silly Kiao Ken move!" Valcon yelled. Goku frowned and shouted," Kiao Ken times twenty!!!!" He then blasted towards Valcon so fast he was almost a blur, but Valcon managed to dodge and appear behind him. "Told ya!!" Valcon said. But then Goku was gone, and appeared behind Valcon. "Hey! You like that? I learned it from those dead guys we passed on snake way! It's called instant transmition!!" Goku said smiling. Valcon was astonished at Goku's new move, so astonished that he didn't notice their halos were gone. That is until Goku shouted," I knew it was a doughnut!! You ate it didn't you?! What?! You ate mine too??? That's mean!!!" Valcon looked up above his head, and above Goku's. "Nice! We're alive again Kakarot!! Thanks King Kai for everything!! Take it easy!!" Valcon yelled as he flew back to snake way. Goku bowed and then said," I'm sorry I ate all of you food!" Then he flew after Valcon as fast as he could while King Kai swore behind him back on his tiny planet.


It was not however a pretty scene back at the crash site, the building had reappeared instead of the ship, and King Cold was furious after losing both of his sons. But suddenly a young man appeared, he had purple hair, and blue eyes. In almost an instant he killed King Cold and all of his men without breaking into a sweat. "Hey, do you all know where Goku is?" he asked Vegeta. "Kakarot? No he died....but the sky went dark.." Vegeta said. Just then Goku and Valcon appeared infront of them. "Hi guys!" Goku exclaimed.

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Kyle turned to Rixku and said "Now that we have the Dragon Balls, we could wish for Disk to be better, and wish for Cassidy to return to the side of good. What do you think?"

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"No we can't change them. They won't except it at all. I really don't want anything so you guys can choice what you want with the last one because i'm out of idea's for it." She stated before crossing her arms as she began to think.

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(OOC: Stupid college and stupid tests for making me take so long in posting. Sorry!)

Dedoria, severely injured from the Masenko Barrage, stood to his feet slowly, blood apparent on his body. "Gah, I don't have the strength left to keep up this fight," began Dedoria, "but I'm not going to lose to a punk kid like you!!!" With that, Dedoria began to glow and speed towards Anfang at an incredible rate. Realizing too late, Anfang began to turn from Dedoria, but Dedoria reached him too fast. "Matter-energy conversion, self fueled i-level flare!" Dedoria shouted, then his body decintegrated into nothingness as a massive flash of light and energy cloaked the whole area, including Anfang.


Taylor, who had been viewing from the side lines, suddenly sprang into action without thinking about it. "Directive: Ensure the safety and well being of #21 so that #21 may complete his focus. Initializing procedure," she said as her power-level massively increased and she flew into the dissipating light while cloaked in a protective barrier. She then reached Anfang's nearly dead form and expanded the barrier to cover him as well, after which she began healing him. Taylor was an android.

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Takku paced and then said," Ok...Kyle, I'm going to take one of the wishes. You need to make one for you, it can be as selfish as you want, but this one is just for time's sake. I wish that only Kyle can make the next wish," Takku said bluntly. He knew somebody out there might try to make some sort of selfish wish and cut them off, and children aren't corrupted by evil desires. So he went with letting Kyle make the next wish to neglect any foul deed. The dragon then looked at Kyle and said," I hear no voice but yours young one. Tell me your wish."

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Kyle had no idea what he was going to wish for. After thinking for a while, he decided what to wish for. "Oh mighty Shenron!" he said. "I wish for the power to protect my friends and family!"

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"Maybe you already have it. You tried helping me so ya. Or you have to find it yourself." Rixku piped up after reading the paper finally as she grazed. Around I wonder how long until Valcon shows up? The copy should come up with it then." She stated before looking at the papers again.

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(OOC: This is basically a catch up post. Not written incredibly well or in great detail, but just to get it out there. You have been warned.)


Taylor became aware of her actions, that she had somehow flown and had begun healing Anfang, but still couldn't believe it. After he eventually awoke to a shell shocked Taylor he helped her work through what was going on. She began remembering things. Turns out a man named Dr. Gero had taken her as a child (who had, even at that age, shown signs of great intelligence) from the adoption center she'd been living in. He then turned her into an android specializing in healing, defense, and pre-programmed with a number of utility functions. Her main goal was to defend Android #21 until he completed his focus, as Android #21 had the capacity to grow to be as powerful as necessary as long as he stayed alive. Anfang is #21. She witnessed his creation and the advent of Uncle Leroy's development, the product of an internet virus downloaded into Anfang's CPU. Her memory had then been wiped and she went off to college. She got the job looking after Anfang due to unconscious programming. Anfang had developed a personality out of necessity for being in social situations. Even though she knows all of this now, she still feels close to Anfang, but isn't sure if it's from programming or if it's her. Anfang's power level has increased by a lot from being hurt so much, but didn't grow as much as a normal Saiyan would. They then join up with Takku and the others.

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