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Damion Strife

Dragon Ball: The Gathering

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"Rixku said she wanted to train but she's a bit off when it comes to her personality. She starts becoming quicker and stronger as she becomes more darker with her personality. Thus the back outlining............" Rixku glared more as the darkness returned. This time Cassidy covered her eyes before putting her face first into the ground. "Eventually it becomes to much and the focus goes to someone as she try's to beat them up as much as she can till she knocks out and right now she's aiming at me."

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"No she isn't. She's too high to see you" ,Valcon said with a dark smirk. He then ran over, picked Rixku up, and threw her a mile into the sky.

"I'll train her, but I see that she is hiding some power. So I'm going to draw it out, just like this" ,Valcon said as he powered up. Then with Rixku locked in his sights he fired thirteen energy blasts, and then sent a devestating energy ball the size of a full grown lion at the girl. This should be enough to make her angry, Valcon thought. "Oh and Dexel, just tell me how you got trained while I take care of this little matter. It really won't take me too long" ,Valcon said looking as his blasts neared their target.

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Now glaring at both Valcon and Cassidy before settling at Cassidy as she grinned demonically before rushing at her. "Crap she's focused on me! Okay Rixku let's take you down a few notches!" Dodging Rixku by an inch as she rushed in aiming at Rixku's back before getting slammed by Rixku. "Okay that's how you're going to play well do this the painful way then." Jumping up as she went quickly zigzagging left and right as she got Rixku in the head with her fist before jumping back. Rixku now with a bruise looked madder than ever as she went at Cassidy again.

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Dexel was stood next Valcon with his arms crossed and his tail waving in the wind. "I don't have much to tell you about where I learned my technique's and fighting style, I learned them from myself." Dexel then jumped into the air and landed on his hands. "I trained my body every day of my life, hoping that I would be able to defeat Frieza and restore honour to the saiyan race." Dexel then did some push ups while hand standing. "A minute not spent training is a minute lost in my book, unless your sleeping or eating of course."

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"Does that mean you would like to take this from here for me? I wouldn't mind if you took that young woman down a few notches, oh and I almost forgot to give everyone encouragement" ,Valcon said before yelling, "THE FIRST PERSON TO GET KNOCKED OUT GETS THE SHIP CLEANING DUTY!" Then Valcon turned to JP and said, "Do you mind taking me to see this proffessor? We really need him to start working on the ship immediatly."

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"Fine then i'll play dirty. Rixku if you help me knock them out i'll give you a fair shot for the face later!" Some sense hit Rixku as she smiled and turned toward the others with a demonic grin. "I'm not cleaning anything today so come on Rixku let's go!" Cassidy aimed at Valcon before giving her attack a go. "Light Bind!" A light shot from her as it connected with Valcon's chest before constricting her's and his chests as she stood tall. "How long do you think it takes before you knock out from the pressure in your chest? I have about an hour before it becomes to much." Smiling as she looked at Rixku her expression dulling as she ran at Rixku. Rixku in return launched Cassidy up higher before aiming an attack at Dexel.

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"Ok, sure, follow me." said JP. JP put his jetpack on, and blasted off, with Valcon after him. After a short amount of time, JP and Valcon arrived at Frink's lab. "Ah JP, what took you so long? Hmm, and I see that you brought a fighter! Let's see your power level now, shall we?" said Frink, as he pulled out a scouter from his pocket. Click! The scouter started beeping, and after a few seconds, the scouter overloaded and blew up. "KAZOOIE, WOAO, the scouter blew up!" said Frink. JP stepped forward and told Frink that Valcon wanted to talk with Frink. "Really? Well, my man, what do you want to talk about?" said Frink, with a bit of fear.

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I can't believe she punched me before I left... ,Valcon thought, that was an ok punch, but she really needs to stop comparing a sayain with her species. We can take punches like that all day and not feel anything more than a tap. However, Dexel hasn't reached that point just yet. His power level needs to be atleast 6000 before the E-arthling's punch becomes a love tap. "My name is Valcon, I'm from another world, and I would like you to build me a ship. My pod's computer will be sufficeint to controll the ship, but all I actually need is a ship that can seat seven people, has a bathroom, a food storage room, and a gravity control that can multiply the current gravity by 500. Is that possible?" ,Valcon asked the proffessor.

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"Ghiaw, why I can try. I've done spaceships before. My skills can even match to Capsule Corp.'s skills!" said Frink. Frink asked Valcon and JP to go somewhere else until the spaceship is done. "I'll contact you with your scouters when it's done!" shouted Frink as JP and Valcon blasted off. JP had a question on his mind for a while, but decided to keep it until everyone's on the spaceship. "How can you fly without machines? I really want to know." asked JP as they were flying above a forest.

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Dexel watched as Rixku aimed a blast at him, he then grinned as he stood completely still and moved his first two fingers on his right hand to his forehead. "An attack like that... is way too slow to keep up with me!" Dexel then disappeared before the blast swallowed him up, Rixku looked around for where Dexel had went. "Hey! you looking for me?" Dexel was upside down, completely in mid air as he floated infront of Rixku's face. "So, where you trying to hit me?" Dexel grinned and it seemed to make Rixku angry, Rixku then threw a punch at Dexel. Dexel dropped down to the ground, dodging the attack and punched him in the stomach wich sent Rixku flying. "Here's a tip for the future! Don't mess with Saiyan's!" Dexel shouted as he watched Rixku fly away from his punch.

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"Well, JP, from my understanding anyone with basic energy control can do so. All you have to do is channel your energy down to your legs and push hard. Then presto, you are flying," ,Valcon said enthusiasticly, "As for what your proffessor said, we will go train with the others and tell them the good news. I just hope he doesn't forget the bathrooms." Then after flying up to the training ground Valcon and JP took cover behind a rock. "JP, I want you to take Rixku and Cassidy, I'm going to train the sayain. Ok?" ,Valcon whispered. Then, JP was alone and Valcon was behind Dexel. "Nice day isn't it?" ,Valcon asked. Then he grinned and punched Dexel hard in the chest.

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"Ok, let's do this. Harden!" said JP. JP's muscles got harder and JP got stronger. JP rushed towards Rixku and shouted "Mega Punch!". The attack hit Rixku and send him flying. "That might do it. Now you and me, Cassidy!" said JP. JP got into battle stance and rushed against Cassidy with powerful attacks. Cassidy blocked the attacks and hit in JP's stomach hard. JP flinched and gave Cassidy time enough to charge her energy and attack. JP was sent flying with her attack and hit a nearby rock. "Alright, time to ge serious!" said JP. JP pulled out his chunk of concrete and rushed against Cassidy as he was screaming "Concrete Meelee!" JP swinged his chunk of concrete and hit Cassidy several times, sending her against another nearby rock.

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"Fine then i'll take it up then!" Holding out her hand as white lines appeared and a white vest version of Rixku came behind JP with a slight smile before Cassidy tugged at the white lines. The White Rixku attacked when this happened moving gracefully and not letting anything hit. "I hope you like double clones because I got another one for you!" Holding up her other hand as black lines appeared a and at the end was a Black version of Cassidy staring dully before attacking like the Rixku copy. "My little puppets should be of difficulty to you now shouldn't they?"

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"Ugh... That's it. I'm going to do it. You know you forced me to do this." said JP to Cassidy and the white clone. JP raised his hands and two yellow balls of energy appeared on top of his hands. "ENERGY VOLLEY!" screamed JP. JP started to punch the air, as an infinite number of energy balls started swamping the ground, exploding when they touch something. Cassidy and the white clone had an hard time to evade the attack, but eventually they succumbed. The energy balls caught them and they were hit hard and fast by JP's attack. JP stopped and recharged as the battle field was full of smoke. "Damn, I didn't want to use it... Now I have to recharge for some time... This isn't a good time to get hit!" thought JP.

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"Thanks for the chance to attack!" This wasn't from Cassidy but Rixku who now stood behind JP. "I hope you like my claws because there going to hurt badly!" A demonic smile appeared as her hands had the faint outline of black pointed fingers as she pressed them into his back. "Dammit Rixku i'm going to kill you for this one!" Cassidy was now having a hard time moving as she had a broken rib. Lifting both hands as the White Clone looked worried for a second as she pull Rixku off holding her back as the Black Clone cracked her fists before walking up to Rixku. Smiling as it punched Rixku in the head failing as Rixku got out of the White clones grip looking madder than ever. "That's it i'm going to kill her finally!"

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Dexel felt the punch hit him hard and he began to cough as he held his chest. "Hey, what are you attacking me for?" Dexel's eyes then began to twitch. (Is he picking on me because I'm the youngest besides Cassidy or is it because I'm a Sayian?) Dexel then got angry as he noticed Valcon was now chuckling. "All right, that's it." Dexel then stood up right and began to attack Valcon, but Valcon kept dodging. (So, he thinks he's faster than me, does he?) Dexel kept attacking until he sent a kick at Valcon and he blocked without effort, Dexel had a grin on his face as he backflipped a great deal of distance away. "Now I'm going to hit you with this!" Dexel then began to charge up his Kamehameha wave once again. "This time... I'm gunna do a lot more than just give you a bad wardrobe." Dexel then began to intensely charge up energy. "Kaaaameeeeeeee..."Dexel's energy was now soaring past it's previous expectations, reaching a power level of 7000. "Haaaaameeeee..." Valcon got into a defensive position to block the powerfull attack from Dexel. Dexel was gritting his teeth as he got ready to release the attack. "This is it Valcon, this time you'll be the one kneeling!" As Dexel was about to release the energy wave, he vanished. "I'm right here!" Valcon looked over his shoulder to see Dexel with a glowing white aura. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Dexel then released the Kamehameha wave at it's full power at Valcon's back and it blew away with him in bad shape. "That... should... do it..." Dexel was about to collapse, but he remained on his feet. "No... I have to... stay on my... feet..."

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JP coughed blood due to Rixku's attack. "Ugh, who is this? Appeared out of nowhere... Whoever it is, it's gonna pay!" thought JP. JP picked a rock from the ground and tried to throw at Rixku, but he still needed to recharge. "Ugh, still? Not right now." thought JP. Jp saw as Rixku was preparing to kill Cassidy. "I gotta do something! That's it, gonna try it!" thought JP. He tried what Valcon said to him a while ago: He concentrated his energy on his legs and pushed up. He felt strange: he was flying! "Ok, better get used to it." thought JP. JP went up without Rixku realizing and started recovering energy for his next attack.

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"I'm going to enjoy killing you Cassie......." This being said in a dark tone as she began to walk up to Cassidy. "Of all my luck you have to snap badly. I guess I got to do what I do best then." Standing up as her chest hurt before closing her eyes as she held a small black sphere. "Black Out!" Throwing it as the area became dark once again ticking off Rixku even more. "Where are you dear Cassie? I don't want my 'toy' to be broken so easily so come out now and it will be painless..........." Rixku couldn't see a thing as Cassidy was ready to attack again.

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"Wow! Holy crap man that actually hurt!" ,Valcon said as blood trickled down his back. He turned around and looked at Dexel, who looked like he was pretty tired, and his power level had dropped to three thousand. "Ok, I'll make this easy." ,Valcon said as he powered down to two thousand nine hundred. Then he smirked and fired his Masanko attack at the already wore out Dexel. That's gonna hurt like heck, but he'll just be knocked out, Valcon thought. His attention then turned to Rixku who was actually trying to kill Cassidy. "Hey big one, eat this punk!" ,Valcon said holding up his left had. He then pushed his power up to five thousand and launched twenty powerful energy blasts at Rixku.

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"What the!?" Noticing the blasts before spotting Cassidy there you are. Come Cassie let's make it easy to kill you shall we?" Smiling as she vanished getting out of the way of the blasts. "That's a problem. I told her to do this more often instead of bottling it up and now i'm stuck dealing with the split side of her!" Looking straight at Rixku before kicking Rixku up as Rixku didn't have time to react as Cassidy kicked her in another direction. "That's it! I'm going to end this!" Standing firm on the ground as she held a light in front of her growing as she spoke in another language. "Tist Ray!" Launching the blast at Rixku as everything went black again.

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I thought that would hit her for sure. Oh well, time to bring out the big guns, Valcon thought. He charged his energy up to 5500 and then fired fourty blasts at Rixku from every direction. "EAT THIS!!!" ,Valcon shouted.

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"Well I have to admit Cassie that shot did hurt but it wasn't good enough." Rixku had been hit in side making her bleed but she barely noticed it at all. "Valcon those blasts will do nothing if they can't hit the the target or if the target goes to the place where they can't get hurt." Smiling as she vanished for a second before reappearing behind Valcon. "Taste my claws!" Her fingers once again had a faded black mist that formed claws as she gave a good shot at pressing them into Valcon's back like she did for JP.

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"Alright, I'm great! Time do wipe some ass!" thought JP. JP used Harden to gain more resistance and flew towards Rixku, as he was pulling out his chunk of concrete. "Concrete Meelee!" said JP. Rixku didn't notice that JP was rushing towards him. JP took advantage if it and hit Rixku several times with his attack. Rixku was gasping. "Alright, now let's play a little!" said JP. JP flexed his muscles and started beating up Rixku, but everything went black again, and Rixku hit him in the back with the same attack. For some reason, the attack didn't do the same damage that did before. "Ha, you thought that I wouldn't be prepared for that?" said JP, as he grabbed Rixku's hand. "Now, TAKE THIS!" screamed JP, as he started using Mega Punch against Rixku, with his right fist. Since he was being grabbed, Rixku was endlessly being hit by JP's Mega Punch. JP stopped and threw Rixku onto the ground.But as soon as he threw him, Rixku fought back with a powerful punch to JP's face, making JP retreat.

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Dexel was on the ground in bad shape and worn out, but he hadn't fallen unconciouss. "Come on, gotta get up!" Dexel then climbed to his feet and held his head in pain. "I was strong enough to actually hurt Valcon, that means there's no way to go but up from here." Dexel then looked at the battle that was taking place. "Well whatever the case, I'm not gunna be the one to do the cleaning." Dexel then began to increase his power level up to five thousand and then made his way towards Valcon. "I'm not gunna lose, I have to win. This is only training to the others, but it's a disgrace to our race if a Saiyan were to lose a battle... even against each other." Dexel then stopped walking and put two fingers to his head. "I'll win, I'll definently win." Dexel then used his instant transmission to warp infront of Valcon at speed and punch him in the face. "I'm not done yet."

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"Alright. I didn't wanna hurt you, but you've gone and pierced my armor. This..was...my...father's!!!" ,Valcon yelled. He then flew as fast as possible, he powered up to his maximum of 8500, and grabbed Rixku's face. "MASANKO...." ,Valcon began..his gloved hand began turning gold from the energy. Electricity began to shoot throughout Rixku's body, then he flung Rixku up in the air, and fired the blast screaming, "HAAAAA!!"


Then he immediatly took the punch delivered by Dexel and his eye bled a bit. "You got a good sayain punch there my man" ,Valcon said calmly, "Try this though." He grabbed Dexel by the neck and punched him in the gut, then threw him at Rixku.

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