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The Funniest Guy/Girl on KH13?

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Ummm, there's no point in even doing this thread as I don't even keep track of it.


And why is this is the Forum Games? It's not meant to be a game or contest. It's to find out who thinks which one is the funniest. Can someone please take this out becauses there's no point in putting it here.


And we all know Cella wins, if I even added up all scores

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ur all a bunch of Cella suck ups!!!

that being said I nominate myself!

Just kidding I vote Cella



I vote for Eterna




wise choice. o: /shot

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I updated out of complete boredom. Someone help me for getting to school too early. D; I feel like a nerrrd but it was the only way to get a nice parking spot.... in the teacher's parking zone. 8D.


Why it's in forum games is a good question.

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