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What does your room look like?

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Simple, post pictures of your bedroom!

Or describe it if you can't post pictures!


Anyways this is my lovely bedroom <3

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Here we have my dresser, organized like a boss.


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Here's my bed, actually made for once. You can see part of my KH poster, Lady Gaga posters, and my frame with all the signatures from my Quincenera.


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My tv, playstation 2, dvd and vhs player plus my wigs.


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The corner in which I have all my movies (90% being VHS), some games, a lamp that I don't use, my harry potter wand, my box of paints and I tend to throw my school bag there.


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other pictures were too big so here's links




My wall full of lady gaga posters and growing wall of stuff which includes a picture of Robert Pattison my teacher gave me in 8th grade when I was a TwiHard (it's on photopaper I had to keep it) and Chris Colfer as well as some valentines cards and movie tickets. I also have some sunglasses, and hipster glasses on the wall

also my con badges


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My desk/bookshelf

need to organize the shelf a bit

note the bottles of ramune, hello panda boxes, and lucky star/haruhi suzumiya CD

I am the weeb it is me



I really like my room, it has a very 'me' feeling to it. Planning to paint the walls Fabled Rose Lilac and Ruling Radiant Orchid sometime in Thanksgiving or Christmas break!

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My room is small, with a bed pushed lazily against the wall. I have Lego shelves on the wall with my old Lego sets that I'm too lazy too take down. Across from my bed is a dresser with a radio/alarm clock on it. Next to that is a bookshelf with...books and a stool with a fan. To the right of my bed is a desk that I use for homework.


Ha. This is my real room. Wherever the firetruck I want it, duh. I'm Itachi. But it's a small room with a bed, and a shelf with scrolls. That's it. The End.

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Mine as a twin size bed with some simple black blankets and a white pillow. My dresser has my tv and games on it for lack of other places to put it. I have a food tray thing to set other stuff on such as my computer. My closet is big holding my uniforms and a white stand and plastic shelf for stuff. A box filled with cables and electronics is in the corner that holds some stuff on top. I have two blue curtains with some large windows. A toy box sits at the front of the bed near the door that holds some stuff as well.

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*unable to upload pictures since computer doesn't read SD cards*


I have a black dresser, a white table top, a BIG tv on top of the table top, a green faded spot on my white wall, it used to be painted green,

a blue Full size bed, a black lounge chair, and a brown night stand with a lamp on it, and a floor lamp also. OH AND AND MY CLOSET DOOR SLIDES~

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This is the 34th guest room in my home. I'm the 1% bitches. There are so many diamonds in my room that the glare would blind all of you peasants. Therefore, I cannot show you my bedroom. To give you a basic idea of how awesome it is, mickey mouse himself payed me 30 kajillion dollars to sleep there... FOR TEN MINUTES.

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my bed with stuffed animals lol hush..I love my Luna Plushie from Sailor Moon



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My stereo system and TV, you can also see a KH 358/2 Days poster on my wall and a bit of my desk and my game/movie cabinet



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My lovely Beta Fish in his bowl on my dresser <3 I haven't named him yet

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My room is Slytherin green - the carpets, the blinds and my duvet covers too. :P I'm definitely buying a Slytherin fleece blanket to match my room.


I have a huge Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D poster on my door ... like a boss.


On my walls, I have cat chimes, a photo compilation of my cat and a lace ornament with kittens on it. :D


My wardrobe consists of 2 full-length mirrored sliding doors, cause I'm vain.


And there are plushies and books on the shelves that are on one side of the room - and cosmetics and gaming equipment on the shelves on the opposite side.

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Here I come with an unessessary amount of pictures lol


Room Overveiw (so messy and small x.x)


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Above my bed


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Legend of Zelda wall scroll and incense burner


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PSP and games (Yes, that's the autographed BBS, and it's still for sale. And the white Dissidia sleeve is signed by Johnny Yong Bosch)


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Bla... mines well

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for the most part i dont bother making it anymore since im just going to mess it up, but DAMM is the blanket the best thing in the world


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top of dresser. i can spot a solid iron block, some ps3 and original xbox games, cry baby pedal, a medicen bottle from who knows when (room used to be grandmothers and grandfathers, who has passed away now, still finding there stuff)photos of my dad and his brothers, unopened white castle T-shirt (to small for me anyways)


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umm what ever the hell you call these things that are part dresser and mirror. i can see my grandpa's military flag (given to us after his death), my deed to part of the FING MOON, some old PCI cores (love them even if they are outdated) and a post card from sweden.


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my LCD flat screen and my ps2 (fourth one i been though i think)


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my old bedroom. i cant fit the bed anymore so i moved out of it. Now it doubles as a recording room for my guitars, not all of my guitars are there since i just got back from a practice and they are still in the case





Posted Image the couch xD

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I technically have 2 rooms, the one in my apartment for school and my room at my parents' house. the one shown is the one at my apartment and it is when kingdom hearts meets bleach and a convention, and only part of my kh merch is with me. but my keyblade is with me! :D


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Yeeaaahhhh, I'm getting a new TVT soon… hopefully lol


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Hoping to get KH posters for Christmas :)


the colors of your walls are the same as my room at my parents' house! I approve your room!


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I can't post pictures right now.

But I have 1 closet and a small storage room on one side of the room.I have a keyboard and a tiny TV with my PS2 and Wii. My homework desk and big window that lets me see a lot (second floor is fun). Aaaand my bunk-bed. But most notable.... my room is a mess of sheet music

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still working on my room...the area used to be a bar, you can see that with the track lights, and the two lights above my bed where the table used to be at, red and black sheets with my kh blanket on top and lotsa pillows its like a couch bed thingy...behind that is my bookshelf, with all my manga, and diffrent books the book case is cool cause it has intresting shelfs considering the whole bar thing, in front of my bed is the mini fridge, beside it is a old cabnit thingy besides that the big flat screen tv with my playstation 2, and other games/ game system and movies, beside that is the doorway to the bacement celler thing, and a stairway,near another door to the left and the bathroom...were going to add a l couch and stuff... this area used to be my step dads,but he let me stay down here...he also let me keep the minny fridge. and since mom didnt want to move the big flat screen tv i gotta keep that too..the walls of my room are reddish orange, i hope to frame alot of my drawings, and have the 8 tracklights that are on each side of the room faceing it, i also wanna put up my kingdom hearts poster the key stickers and reflective circles i have....i need to redo the bathroom... its like haveing my own place! and once its done it will be awesome im shure and thats my room in more detail then you probably wanted but since i cant put any pictures up..

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Decided to revive this thread with a panaroma picture of my room!


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I have 5 posters left to put up. Yes. All Kpop related. You know who I am.


I'll take picture of it more when I'm done "cleaning" my room. Just that I have more time to spend in my room today. =/

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