Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 12, 2011 August looked on in interest at the intense battle before him. He was in Sootopolis, quite a ways from his home, and he had been training his pokemon and battling them for a few days straight. His team had done exceptionally well aside from Teddiursa, who still got really nervous in fights. He was letting them rest in their pokeballs for now, having well earned it. August, though, wasn't ready to take a break, and had instead been watching trainers to see what their styles where. So far August had won the vast majority of the battles he had been in as a trainer. This new point system was interesting and his point counter now up to 600, not bad for starting the day at 500 points. Most of the trainers he had seen so far had been pretty average. That seemed like it was about to change. Dang! August thought to himself. These guys are good. I'm sure glad I'm not fighting them. Not yet at least. I'm really going to have to teach the guys on my team a wide variety of move types so that they can take on opponents like that ghost-type trainer girl. It'd be great if either of them would like to train with me. My pokemon could become so much stronger. I'll ask after the battle. For now, I'll just sit back and watch the show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 12, 2011 (Taunt look it up and sorta see what's wrong up there.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted November 13, 2011 Axel noticed they had a spectator and became nervous. "just pretend nobody is watching" he told himself as he continued the battle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 13, 2011 "Sorry but i'm going to end this with something easy Drifloon use Return!" Launching at Mudkip doing serious damage as it was close to Cassidy so it was very powerful. "Looks like I win this now didn't I? Smirking as Froslass was hovering behind Cassidy and Gastly got out of it's pokeball watching the fight closely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted November 13, 2011 "my mudkips not what you think it it. so you otta beleive what you cant see!" mudkip had jumped over driftloon and the taunt was off. "go!wide guard! Safe Guard, foresight, rest snore!" the combo added defence more attacks to use, and recovery "bring it on!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 13, 2011 "Not yet now i'm not losing yet! Now Drifloon Dream Eater and use Calm Mind!" The attack did little damage as it took health from Mudkip that struggled greatly in it's sleep. "Now use Giga Drain!" The grass type move did a lot of damage as Mudkip was asleep and couldn't block before another attack was done. "Nightmare!" Mudkip struggled more as Drifloon took more health. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted November 13, 2011 Mudkip woke "well that sucked... Its time to RISE ABOVE THE STORM! (<- catch phrase) Mudkip Go ECHOED VOICE!" the sound based move was almost deafening. "then use ice beam!" the ray of ice wa blasted at driftloon. "now ability activate! TORRENT!" mudkip was surrounded by a bright blue aura then its mystic water glowed. "MUdkip! GO Storm raiser" mudkip opened its mouth and once again the hydropump was launched but it was now 6 times bigger than mudkip. water pulse, scald, whirl pool, water pledge, and toxic joined the attack. "now End game! Rain dance!" the hydropump exploded with power. and was enormus. "check mate!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 13, 2011 August's eyes were widened in shock. How the exceptionally small Mudkip was able to wield that much damage was impressive to say the least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 13, 2011 "Now yet! Now Drifloon let's get it on! Use Sunny Day and Swagger!" Confusing Mudkip as the move missed and Mudkip did damage to it's self as Drifloon used a item. "Now let's use it!" A purple glow surrounded Drifloon as it held a spooky plate before it launched a super big Shadow Ball at Mudkip. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted November 13, 2011 "MUDKIP!" yelled Axel but it was too late and he was hit and taken down. Axel ran over to him. "mudkip no. listen im sorry buddy i pushed your too the edge." he told the water type pokemon as he rushed to the pokemon center with it in his hands. when he arrived he rn over to nurse joy and explained what happend to mudkip. she then took him and the other two to heal them. after a bit of time she came back and told him mudkip cant battle for a bit so he could only use milotic and wingull. he then left the pokemon center and walked to the lake where he watched the water move as he thought of how he lost. he was the second best trainer in sootopolis. but he lost to a person he just met. it made him think how he was going to win. he looked at his counter the numbers 500 were back and the other trainer now had that wonderful 550. it wouldnt cut it for him he will be victorious next time. he stood up "I vow with the city of sootopolis as my witness i will be the victor next time just you wait!" he yelled as he called out milotic and he jumped on her back then dove into the sea. "next stop Dewford!" he opened he took a necklace out of his pocket it had 8 clips and one had the sootopolis badge on it. "i will train against the gym leaders then i will beat you." he then was gone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 13, 2011 August looked out to sea, sitting at the pier annoyed that he lost the water trainer. "I was going to ask to train with him, too." August said to himself. "Even though he lost he was still impressive. Ahh, well. Lets see if I can't find that Ghost type trainer girl." To his luck and surprise August saw her right around the corner. He called out to her rather awkwardly, embarrassed that he didn't know her name. "Hey Ghost type trainer! I saw that battle earlier with the Mudkip. I've got to say, I'm pretty impressed. Would you like to train with me, furthering us both? I'm a normal type trainer and I think that the two of us together could be a force to be reckoned with. If not then we could simply battle, here and now. What do you say?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 13, 2011 "Well done you two!" Giving Drifloon a hug as it appeared very happy and Froslass gave her one as well before Gastly came up with a smile before Cassidy smirked. "I can't believe that guy got so upset why can't he just have fun and bond more with his pokemon........" Silently thinking about this before getting an idea. "Maybe I can fight him again I just need to catch up somehow........." Looking around being near a alley before hearing something. "What was that?" Slowly approaching the sound. Then finding a Starly just sitting there there upset about something. 'Hey what's the matter?" Slowly holding out her hand before it came up to her as it showed it was lonely. "Lonely right? How about you come with me?" Picking it up before petting it as she noticed the other trainer. "You know what how about I do this." Throwing a pokeball at the Starly as the pokeball went back and forth before you heard the click. "That's good now I got a flying type. And you want to battle that is correct? How about a double battle with three pokemon each after I go to the pokemon center." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 13, 2011 "Of course!" August replied. "Besides, it wouldn't be any fun if your pokemon were still all banged up. I'm a little surprised that you caught that Starly. I mean it's great, but I kinda got the impression that you trained only ghost types," August commented as they headed into the city to heal up her pokemon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted November 13, 2011 when Axel surfaced he found he was in mosdeep. "tch... milotic...wrong way! we cant beat the double battlers yet we just lo-" a cave caught axels eye. "milotic that way!" he said when he got there his hunch was right. a bunch of speal,sealeo, and a walrein. he walked in "WIngull use gust to get their attention" wingull did so and seemed to enfuriate the walrein and sealeo but the spheal rolled off the the sides. "For once in my life I cant beleive i did something that stupid. GO wingull use Hurricane on walrein!" he yelled. but the sealeo got in the way. "pfff teenagers. huh HOLY SHiT!" a blizzard was launched at him. "wingull ice beam!" he yelled. it hit but only stopped walrein for a minute. "Join the aquatic revolution walrein!" he yelled as he threw a great ball but another sealeo got in the way. the ball shook 3 times before beeping. "wha!" he picked up the pokeball. a sealeo?" walrein was begin to charge up a hyperbeam "well im outta here" he ran out of the cave with sealeo in hand and wingull followed he the jumped on milotic who was waiting for him and he went to dewford. with sealeo in hand he was prepared for some seriously messed up things to happen in the future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 13, 2011 "Nah I like lots and I still want two more. A Chimchar and a Shinx so I could one day get a Infernape and Luxray to my team as well." Entering the pokemon center as she gave Froslass and Drifloons pokemon balls to Nurse Joy before she gave them back as all four popped out and Starly took a rather nice spot on Cassidy's head as it gave a soft chirp. "I guess that's okay and you can watch this way. You know I want to try something new. Can we do a three on three battle with all three pokemon on the field at once?" She had a spark in her eye as she said this before getting ready to fight as she gave Gastly a revive. "This will do nicely for Froslass don't you think Gastly?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 13, 2011 "Huh, a three on three? Never tried that before, sounds like fun! Come on out guys! Hoothoot, Teddiursa, and Herdier looks like it's time to party. She's got a team full of ghosts, so it looks like this will be interesting." With that the three took the field, Herdier standing front and center, Hoothoot floating off to his right, and Teddiursa sucking her paw to the left and a little behind, obviously timid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted November 13, 2011 "ahhhhh lilycove! Milotic i told you deford! oh well might as well start here." Axel recalled his milotic and wingull. he clipped them on and looked at his necklace. "grrr" suddenly without warning he dashed to fortree city. but on his way he deposited milotic and wingull in his PC "im sorry milotic but you need to save your power and i need to train sealeo." he then ran through the tall grass to run into a black and white pokemon. when he looked up he saw an absol. but it ran away. suddenly from behind a trainer ran into him. "my bloody head!" he yelled as he held it. he looked up to see the person glaring at him. "YOU LET IT GET AWAY! SO NOW BATTLE ME FOR YOUR POINTS... ALL OF THEM!" axel smiled "and if i win i get all of yours" "too bad you wont. one on one battle royal style" "lets go Sealeo!" "go keckleon!" (G2G for the night see ya in the morining hopfully) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 13, 2011 Froslass got onto the field as it began to hail, Gastly floated to the left with a tongue sticking out and a smile on it's face, and Drifloon got on the right as it appeared to be very ready and confident. "Okay i'm first Froslass now let's use Safe Guard!" A green dome appeared and then vanished so no status problems could affect her pokemon. "Drifloon use Confise Ray on Herdier!" A white ball shoot at Herdier making contact as it became confused. "Gastly use Giga Drain on Teddiursa!" Coming up quickly as it took some health from Teddiursa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 13, 2011 (Note: Drifloon cannot know or learn Confuse Ray by any means, according to Bulbapedia, but since you typed it I'll go with it.) "Ha! A ghost type move like Confuse Ray won't work on him! Herdier, use Snarl on Froslass!" Herdier barked as if it is ranting about something (it makes the target's Sp. Atk stat decrease and attacks all adjacent units in triple battles, plus it's a dark type move, making it super effective against ghosts, though because of Safeguard, the Sp. Atk would stay the same). "Nice job buddy! Hang in there. Teddiursa, try Feint Attack on Ghastly!" he shouted and the slightly weakened Teddiursa gathered dark energy on the paw not currently in it's mouth and was used to slash the Ghastly. "Good one Teddiursa. Now it's your turn Hoothoot. Use Extrasensory on Drifloon!" Drifloon was suddenly struck with an odd, unseeable power. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 13, 2011 "Not so fast now Froslass use Protect!" Everything was blocked as Froslass appeared to be smirking. "Now Froslass use Attract on Herdier!" Blowing a kiss toward Herdier as it became unable to attack that turn. "Now Gastly use Hypnosis on Teddiursa!" Going up to Teddiursa as it did something making Teddiursa fall asleep. "Now Drifloon use Thunderbolt on Hoothoot!" A bolt of lightning launched at Hoothooot as Drifloon did one more attack. "Now one more use Hypnosis on Hoothoot!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 13, 2011 (Please note that when a pokemon is infatuated it means that is only half as likely to attack, not necessarily that it can't) "My Hoothoot's ability is Insomnia, meaning you couldn't put it to sleep even if you tried. Herdier may not be able to attack, but he can still do this! Herdier, use Work Up! Then help Hoothoot with Helping Hand! It's on you now Hoothoot, use Hypnosis on Froslass, then Dream Eater!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 13, 2011 Teddiursa lay sound asleep in the corner, sucking on her paw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 13, 2011 (Teddiursa is just I don't know............) "sorry but Safe Guard was used at the beginning meaning that move was useless!" Froslass didn't even move as it did nothing to it. "Now Froslass use Crunch on Hoothoot !" Coming up to Hoothoot as it snapped it's jaws on it once before using another move. "Now use Thunderbolt!" After that was finished Drifloon went up ready. "Drifloon use Dream Eater on Teddiursa!" Going up to Teddiursa as it struggled a bit when it used Dream Eater. "Now Gastly use Confuse Ray on Hoothoot!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 13, 2011 "Man, we're just full of mistakes today! Hoothoot isn't effected by confuse ray as well due to it's dual nature as a Normal/Flying type. Hoothoot, hang in there pal. Use Thief on Froslass to take the Spookey Plate and deal damage, then use it to supercharge Shadow Ball. Herdier, you help out. Use Helping Hand once more!" Teddiursa struggled in it's sleep fitfully as Hoothoot swept in on Froslass and took the plate forcefully. Hoothoot then used the plate to power up Shadow Ball, it's size increasing even greater due to Herdier's help. The massive dark orb launched forward and exploded upon impact with the icy ghost. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 13, 2011 (It was late and I was playing pokemon while doing this and using things like crazy...........) "I'm sorry for this Froslass but use Destiny Bond on Herdier!" As soon the Shadow Ball made Froslass faint it did the same to Herdier as it fell to the ground as well. "Now Drifloon use thief to get back the Spooky Plate!" Rushing at Hoothoot as it grabbed the plate back. "Now use Thunderwave on Hoothoot!" A small wave of electricity hit Hoothoot as Drifloon did one more attack. "Now use ChargeBeam!" A straight line of electricity hit Hoothoot for major damage. "Gastly use Dream Eater on Teddiursa!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites