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Unto The abyss

pokemon Collison of Centuries

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Apparently Teddiursa didn't enjoy being struck by Thunderbolt, nor did it enjoy having Wake Up Slap used on it. The small frame of the adorable creature began to glow as it's form shifted within the veil of light. When the light was gone everyone could see that where there had once been a cute cub there was now a large bear. "Woah an Ursaring!" August shouted. The pokemon looked unscratched and ready for battle (because that's totally how it goes down in the show).


Losing no time, August shouted out orders. "Ursaring use Taunt to keep them from using any of those annoying status effects on you and prevent them from blocking! Follow it up by using Smack Down on Drifloon and finish off the combo by hitting them both with Earthquake!"


All three moves hit with devastating effects.

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(Ok, thanks xD)

Name: Kenneth Maple

Age: 18

Region: Hoenn

Trainer type: Dark

Appearance: Short black hair, glasses, black t-shirt, gray jeans, very light complected, black converse, a black messenger bag, and blue-gray eyes.

Pokemon: Absol, Eevee, and Sneasel.

Bio: Kenneth just wants to proove to his family that he has what it takes to be a pokemon trainer. His dad is known throughout the world as the greatest pokemon breeder, his mom was a Nurse Joy, and his two younger brothers became trainers later than him but they have acceeded their big brother in everyway. Kenneth chose dark pokemon when his father asked him to help with a newborn pokemon that was hatching. Kenneth rushed to the egg, and when it hatched his best friend Absol was born. Kenneth was only eight, but he and Absol quickly became friends. When he became a trainer he later caught Eevee and Sneasel. Though Kenneth isn't the most confident person in the world he does have a strong bond with his pokemon, and Kenneth has a strong sense of what to do. He is just too timid to act.

Goal: To show that he isn't a push over as a trainer and maybe some day become known as a master.

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(Late plus pokemon equals crud but i'm right about earthquake doing zip)

"Sorry but EarthQuake is a ground type move so no damage for me!" Froslass didn't react to much as it was hit and continued waiting for a attack. Drifloon flinched as it got hit with Smack Down before Drifloon found more courage as it glowed with a white light as well before it stopped now a fully evolved Drifblim as it was ready to fight. "Froslass use Wake up Slap and Drifblim use Thunder on Ursaring!" Drifblim rushed with more power as it hit dead on along with Froslass.

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Kenneth started walking to Maville City, his Absol walking beside him. "So, it sure has been quite a while hasn't it Absol?" ,Kenneth asked. To think he was back in Hoenn, where it had all began just eight years ago, and he smiled. He then pulled out a book entitled "Pokemon and their Trainers: Book VI-Putting Your Pokemon First. By: Proffessor Birch." He had already read through Prof. Oak and Prof. Elm's book of early pokemon development and nurturing, but these books taught the value of true partnership. "What do you say we see what's going on at the Pokemon Center Absol" ,Kenneth said. Absol happily walked beside him, and the two headed into the city.

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Hazimie has defeated many of trainers and got 570 points then Hazimie is ready to go to somewhere else.-okay,Aerodactyl,I choose you!-Hazimie said as he summoned Aerodactyl.-okay,Aerodactyl.....fly to the Mauville City-Hazimie as he fly to the Mauville City with his Aerodactyl.after he arrived,he go to the pokemon center to cure all of his pokemon.then he take some fresh air and see if there's a trainer around here....

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Kenneth spotted a trainer, and thought that he might be looking to score some points. "Absol, quick get into the pokeball!" ,Kenneth whispered. Absol complied, then Kenneth walked into the Pokemon Center holding a book called "Learning to be a Poke-Doc 101" and wasn't even taken as a trainer at all. It's a good thing I got that book from mom, otherwise I'd be in pretty bad shape. I only have three hundred points, and that was out of pure luck, Kenneth thought.

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Ursaring, though strong, was unused to this new body she had and couldn't handle the might of the two attacks. August saw his point count drop down to 550 as Ursaring fainted.


"Thank you very much for battling with me. I learned a lot and Teddiursa evolved. I'm going to head to the pokemon center now to heal them up, but I hope I get the chance to battle you again in the future."


August headed straight to the pokemon center, determined to get stronger in the future.

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"I'm putting Gastly back and getting a old pokemon out there too. How about I give you something there for such a good battle?" Starly now flied around Rixku as Froslass and Drifblim came up as well. "It would be nice if you took it and it might help you out a bit after I get my pokemon out. Oh I've missed using him so much I can't believe I put him in there and not kept him out. He's also one of the best fighting types in my opinion."

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"Actually I'm not a trainer....I'm a....visting my Aunt!" ,said Kenneth nervously, "Then he ran inside the Pokemon Center. Aunt Joy!!" Immediatly the Nurse Joy ran out and said, "Oh my gosh Kenneth!! How are you dear?" Then they began talking about his travels to Johto and Kanto, and remenissed about his Hoenn adventures and all the times he had to visit her.

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As soon as the mysterious challanger left Kenneth let loose a huge sigh of relief. "Aunt Joy, Eevee and Sneasel fainted again," Kenneth said shamefully. "Oh, what are we gonna do with those two?" ,Nurse Joy replied laughing. She healed his pokemon, and after they were healed he decided to go sleep in the back room in a chair.

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"Starly your not the gift so get back over here." Out of surprise Starly ran into a wall as it jumped back up and cocked it's head in confusion. "I was actually wanting to trade another pokemon for one of yours if you would be so nice to do so or I could give you a item?" Now at the pokemon storage at the pokemon center as she put Gastly in and brought out another. "My special pokemon is helping me once again!" Throwing out the pokeball as Inferanpe came out as it went over to Cassidy before putting up it's fist in a happy manner.

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"Well for a trade I have a certain normal type that I believe would love you and I wouldn't want anything for it. I believe it would make it happy. An item would be a HM I picked up sometime ago that I have no use for any more." Looking at Infernape with a smile as she looked back at August. "The pokemon I would give would be this Bibarel right here." Taking out it's pokeball as it came out staring. "It's a lonely nature though."

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"Well then here you go then but you got to make sure nothing happens to my first caught pokemon now and his name is Dull." Handing August the pokeball for Dull as she smiled before she put the rest of her pokemon in pokeballs as she smiled. "I need to swap my Drifblim as well because I need another rather old pokemon of mine." Walking up to the machine as she put in Drifblim in and getting out a Dive Ball from it. "Now to hit the sea's!" Heading out the door with a smile.

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"Come on Dull!" August said to the Bibarel. "I have the HM Surf that I think you should learn, that way we can see new places! Plus it's pretty effective in combat." Dull smiled in agreement before returning to his pokeball while August grabbed his other pokeballs from Nurse Joy. August then headed out to sea, ready to venture to new realms and meet new pokemon, and possibly new friends.

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"Now come on out Milotic!" A female Milotic came out of the dive ball with a bow around her neck as it chimed in happiness of being out again. "Come now to the ocean for new pokemon! Where going to find that other trainer and go against him with you and Infernape!" She put her fist up as she jumped on Milotic. "Now let's go!"

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