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Unto The abyss

pokemon Collison of Centuries

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Hazimie arrived in Sootopolis city,Hoenn by using Aerodactyl and he got 500 points along the way.-well,at least we start here.....huh?-hazimie saw a two trainer battle each other.hazimie record all of the pokemon's data with his pokedex.-hmm.....let's just watch and learn....-hazimie said as he watch the battle....

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"GO! Keckleon use lick!" yelled the boy


"Sealeo use ICe beam!" yelled Rai and to his surprise the keckleon was frozen. "now go sheer cold!" sealeo let loose a massive wave of ice that immediatle annialated keckleon. the counter went to 600. "you only had 100 points and you bet them all." he said as he walked away.it began to rain and Axel was happy when it began to rain and ran through it to find himself thrown onto his back by an unusual opponent a venonat. "why you little. GO ultraball. wait why did i throw that?" hd said nevouzly as it shattered the ultra ball and ran aoff. then he arrived in foretree city

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while Hazimie record his pokedex,a young from hazimie's back ask him.-AHA!a trainer,Let's Battle!-the trainer said as hazimie agreed.the trainer sent out Starmie while Hazimie Sent out Rhydon.-Swift!-the trainer said as Starmie use swift but Rhydon dodge the attack by using double team.-now,Shock Wave!-hazimie said as Rhydon use Shock Wave on Starmie and fainted.-OH NO!!i forgot to heal the other two....you win this time....-the trainer said as he run away.-even though my pokemon is a ground type,but it has many advantaged....after all,i need to become stronger like him....-Hazimie said as he hoping it and watch the two trainer battle again....

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Axel looked at his counter " 600... This wont be enough i need lots more." he said as he ran to the PC and got his milotic and wingull then he ran to the next route. when he arrived the rain raged like wild. "what the!"




"what was that!" yelled axel looking around. then he saw the teardrop shaped pokemon. "a water type alright! go wingull Hurricane!' the bird flew out of the pokeball and immediatly a great storm raged and crashed into the pokemon. it flew back. "now use air slash!" wingull slashed at the castform multiple times. "go great ball!" he threw the pokeball and it hit the pokemon. then a beep. "yes now thats 5" he continued to the next town.

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With Herdier down for the count, Teddiursa asleep, and Hoothoot on his last legs, it looked like August was about to lose the battle.


"Hang in there Hoothoot! Use Symphony of Destruction on Drifloon! Synchronoise, Round, and Echoed voice! Follow it with Roost!"


A crashing wave of sound crashed into Drifloon, the nature of Round and Echoed voice changing to flying type due to Synchronoise's influence. Luckily Teddiursa was finally able to wake up.


"Now Teddiursa, I know that you just woke up and that you can't hear me when your asleep (Teddiursa doesn't pay attention well at all), but I'm going to need you to use Rest, then continuously use Snore. You think you can handle that?"


August knew that Snore wouldn't have any effect on the Ghost type pokemon, but he hoped that it would at least keep them distracted. Teddiursa looked like it was going to throw a fit for a moment but instead switched the paw it was sucking on and curled up into a ball, snoring soon after.

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"No you don't now Drifloon use Charge Beam on Hoothoot!" A yellow beam came from Drifloon launching it's self at Hoothoot before long it hit as Drifloon got ready again. "Now use it again while going Gyro Ball!" Drifloon began spinning as Charge Beam went around before going after Hoothoot. "Gastly use Energy Ball on Teddiursa!"

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"Well then I do the same now let's let Froslass come back from the dead." Smiling as she had a chance when Froslass got up ready to fight once again as she had another trick to use.

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"Herdier, remember what we worked on! Use Dark Tempest to get rid of that Drifloon! Crunch, Payback, Aerial Ace, Wild Charge, Thunder Fang, and Thunderbolt!"


Herdier launched himself through the air with a vengeance, powered by a fusion of electricity and darkness.


Hold on you guys, we might still be able to pull this off.

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"Froslass use Psychic on Herdier!" Herdier lifted off the ground as Drifloon used Psychic. "Now Drifloon use Hypnosis on Herdier!" As this happened Herdier was put into a deep sleep. "Gastly use Destiny Bond on Hoothoot! Drifloon use Psychic on Gastly!" As Gastly took damage from Drifloon it fainted taking Hoothoot with it. "You did a good job now rest." Holding out it's pokeball before it went in. "Now we can't lose it you two!"

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(Wait, what? Why was Ghastly taking damage from Drifloon? They are both on your team! Do you mean that Ghastly took the hit from Herdier for Drifloon? And what exactly did Drifloon use Psychic on?)


The first one was to stop herdier. The next one was to make Gastly faint and to activate Destiny Bond and it is possible to hurt your own pokemon in a double battle.)

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(Yeah, that's fine. Just trying to get my facts straight.)


"Herdier, eat your Chesto berry now!" Herdier suddenly sprang wide awake and luckily Teddiursa followed suit. (Herdier hadn't been put to sleep up to this point so it would make sense that he would have a Chesto berry)


"Herdier, Dark Tempest on Drifloon once more, and Teddiursa use Rock Slide on Drifloon as well!"


Herdier was on the verge of collapse and Teddiursa was as nervous as ever, but August had hope.

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Hazimie watch their battles then he go for a walk.then he saw a wild Gyarados and try to attack hazimie but it was protected by Hazimie's Kangaskhan.-okay Kangaskhan,use Outrage!-Hazimie said as Kangaskhan use Outrage on Gyarados and it was super effective.-Gyarados's weakness is electric,grass and dragon.....that was hit the spot.-Hazimie said as he go to nurse joy to cure all of his pokemon and find the trainer who wants to battle with him.....

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"Sorry but your out of luck now. Froslass use Protect to keep Drifloon up!" The barrier appeared blocking the attack as Cassidy got ready for more. "Froslass use Wake up slap on Herdier! Drifloon use Hypnosis on Teddiursa!" Both launching at them to do there attacks as Teddiursa fell asleep and Herdier had been dealt a lot of damage from a very effective move.

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Axel reached maville city and noticed he was exaghsted. so he found a hotel and got a room to stay in for a couple days.


(until all of you catch up Axel will be in mauvill city training and gathering items. kay but i still will be watching)

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(Note that because Herdier used a Chesto berry he was able to wake up and use Dark Tempest, so Wake Up Slap wouldn't be very effective, it would just be an attack.)


That was it, Herdier's most powerful and effective move was just blocked and now Herdier was out like a light. "Come on back Herdier! Good job buddy."


The sleeping Teddiursa was all he had left. This was going to suck.

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(I used Protect and then Wake up Slap)

"Sorry but this is the end Froslass use Wake up Slap!" Then looking toward Drifloon with a smile as she was going to win this. "Drifloon use Thunder on Teddiursa!" Smiling as she looked at Froslass and Drifloon. "I believe we won this guys!"

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