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Is it just me?

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Am I the only 15 year old not allowed to play m-rated games? All the guys at school never shut up about CoD and my friends sometimes mention games like Assasin's Creed and Bioshock. Not that I want to play CoD, but it kind of makes me feel left out when I hear other people talking about games I can't play. So am I really alone here?

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Well I'm allowed to play M rated games if I choose, although I don't really go for the Call of Duty and such games. I don't understand it when my friends talk about that sort of stuff, but I don't really mind. Sometimes I'll listen half-heartedly and try to see what's so attractive about it, but mainly I'll just go off and talk to my friends, who don't play it either and are the same as me.

If all of you're friends play it and talk about it at the same time, then sorry. But that's life. You can always tell them how you feel and see if someone will change the subject, otherwise, sorry mate.

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It's all up to the parents. Some don't care, some don't want their kids playing them, and others don't even know. My dad would never let me play M-rated games until I turned 17, though I used to sneak one of the GTA games and play it when he wasn't home.

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Well... In my county believe it or not M rated games are 7+! I mean like Azure said it first depends of the parents. My parents dont have a problem if i play this kind of games but they give me their advice that i don't need this kind of games and I dont like COM it's just killing and stuff...

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I have the ability to play any game I want, but I generally stick to rated T and under. Why, you may ask? Because when I play video games I do so to have fun and I enjoy getting that warm fuzzy feeling. Blood, guts, and language everywhere is not my idea of a good time. There are of course exceptions (can't wait for Bioshock Infinite, looks a lot different from the first two), but that's the general rule I go by.

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Well I'm allowed to play M rated games if I choose, although I don't really go for the Call of Duty and such games. I don't understand it when my friends talk about that sort of stuff, but I don't really mind. Sometimes I'll listen half-heartedly and try to see what's so attractive about it, but mainly I'll just go off and talk to my friends, who don't play it either and are the same as me.

If all of you're friends play it and talk about it at the same time, then sorry. But that's life. You can always tell them how you feel and see if someone will change the subject, otherwise, sorry mate.


I feel the same!

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I'm 15 and my parents let me basically play (or even watch anything, unless it's... You know...) anything. But I usually don't play M rated games mainly because the games I like are usually rated T.

But it's funny to play Mortal Kombat in front of mother!

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I didn't play, let alone buy M games until my 17th birthday (RE4)...so I pretty much stuck to the rules, now that I think about it, my parents never really payed attention to the ratings. @w@ Heh, but since I did turn 17, my younger brothers got into the RE, CoD, etc series.....so even though I stuck to the ratings......I ended up tainting my brothers (16yrsoldnow) in the process. Awesome. x'D

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16 here and my parents don't even get to look at whatever games I'm playing... I play "The Godfather" for PSP and when they ask I just say "A game..." and continue playing. They've understood that, by now in this day and age and with all the influences, there's nothing they can do from stopping me from playing bloody games or whatever. Even Disgaea, which is for 12 year olds, contains extreme words (like in 4 there's this character who calls anyone who insults the main character "bastards" or calls his own female teammates "biotches" when they start going into a tea cup party about the main character's love relationships). But either way, CoD isn't that much fun, so you don't have to feel left out. AC or Bioshock are, though, for people who like that sort of thing.

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well if your parents allow it do it. for ps3 create an account that makes you 18 :P


not playing some games is not the end for the world... played cod it same ... bioshock is good but waste case you wait one eyar and then you can catch up like a speed demon

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My parents really dont care what i play because of two reasons:

1: They dont know anything about electronics.

2: In their opnion every single game is useless and stupid so no difference what you play...

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Well I'm allowed to play M rated games if I choose, although I don't really go for the Call of Duty and such games. I don't understand it when my friends talk about that sort of stuff, but I don't really mind. Sometimes I'll listen half-heartedly and try to see what's so attractive about it, but mainly I'll just go off and talk to my friends, who don't play it either and are the same as me.

If all of you're friends play it and talk about it at the same time, then sorry. But that's life. You can always tell them how you feel and see if someone will change the subject, otherwise, sorry mate.


I agree with that, Just try to change the subject.

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It's really the parents' choice. M-Rated games aren't everything; it's not like it's the end of the world if you can't get M-rated games.


My parents, although protective, know that I'm mature enough to not be negatively influenced by a silly game, so I can play them.

Hell, even if I went to the GameStop near me and just asked for an M-Rated game on my own, I'd probably get away with it.

Not because I look like I'm older or because I have fake ID, it's just because GameStop doesn't care anymore.

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