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Lu Xun

Do you have any of the Final Mixes released so far?

Do you have any of the Final Mixes released so far?  

110 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have any of the Final Mixes released so far?

    • Yes, I do! I have every Final Mix released so far!
    • Yes, but only have two of them.
    • Yes, but I only have one of them.
    • No, and I don't plan on buying any of them, unless they remake it in the future.
    • No, but I want to get them soon!

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I was very close to getting both Final Mixes for Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, but at the time, the money wasn't really in my budget to buy them and the Japanese playstation at the same time :P But I have recently revisited the idea and it may happen soon :3

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I just have Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix. :P I don't plan on buying the console Final Mixes. I'll wait for the remakes in the future with the added content. ^__^

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Can't vote for any of these options. I don't have any of the Final Mixes. Nor do I want them. And I doubt I would buy them if they ever remade them in HD.


Al though Re:Chain of Memories would be nice. Dam Americans not buying a good video game.....

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