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I wish

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I wish I was more like a guy. I hate that guys think they have to act macho in order to get a girl to like you. Also, I hate when girls come on to strong. Lol, it scares me. I wish I was normal and not feel things like a real man if that's what a real man feels like. Otherwise I suck.

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Nah, "real men" actually do feel things, but they're just really good at not showing it (at least in American culture). NOT to say that you should develop such a skill. This is actually pretty sad, because when people don't allow their feelings to come out they withdraw and become depressed. Depression can lead to negative outlets such as violence, and poor health, which is also a possible explanation for why women have a longer lifespan than men on average in the United States (men think they have to "tough it out" and wait a long time before they see a doctor, only to find out they have, say, Stage IV cancer). Sadly, most of the men who experience depression in the U.S. go undiagnosed because 1) They're too embarrassed or ashamed to go to the doctor in the first place, or 2) Doctors (especially male doctors) don't like the idea of diagnosing men with depression, and try to come up with some other explanation. That's not to say all doctors suck--some are, of course, very good, and say it like it is, while others are misguided. I could go on and on about this (I've been researching this topic a bit lately), but hopefully you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

Don't feel bad because you don't hide your feelings. It's actually quite healthy emotionally and physically to express yourself. Don't let cultural norms tell you otherwise. You don't suck. And there are girls who appreciate the guys that aren't afraid to say how they feel--you just have to be on the lookout for them. Being macho and cold and insensitive isn't a universal trait that only "real men" around the world have--it's a narrow cultural expectation that is distasteful and sad. Um, haha I hope that was at least somewhat encouraging for you. Fight the cultural expectation and prove that real men can actually have feelings!! :D

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Meh, most girls do go for the macho look but they quickly get over that stage(probably because those guys are just jackasses). From what I understand from girls(which is practically a null thing, because they change their mind every freaking 5 seconds), girls like a guy who has the maturity to:

1. be presentable;

2. don't crack dirty jokes every 10 seconds;

3. admit you're wrong at some point;

4. take up your own crap;

5. and don't throw it onto others;

6. be at the very least a bit interesting(conversational-wise);

7. know how to show your feelings(not too much though);

8. be serious once in a while(kind of involved with point number 2);

9. eh, it helps if you have an athletic body, sometimes.

My point being, you have to act like your age. Girls like a man, not a boy who's always running away from things(but remember, being courageous ISN'T being always in a fight with someone or going head first into some crazy situation). They like someone dependable, who they can trust with serious and non-serious matters.


(now if only I could use my own advice xD)

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