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Wolf on the Run

Roleplay Wars

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Silver nodded to Kiru, to show he was ok. He barely managed to reach Lacey and the boy when a magical field blocked Silver from reaching them. "Crap." Silver muttered, and hoped the boy knew how to fight. Silver stood there watching, calculating the way the field rippled and moved. Perhaps, Silver thought, There is way to temporarily open the field, allowing entrance. Silver dismissed the thought, knowing the battle was for Lacey and the boy.

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"Interesting............." Rixku stood not to far from Silver as her appearance seemed off by her hair not done up and being in a yellow vest. "I wonder if it would work here............." She had her hand to her head as she seemed bothered and frustrated bu something but no matter how much she tried she couldn't figure it out. "I'm not going to like the out come for this at all............."

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"What the heak!" I said. I just stared at them. Whats up with the stare down I thought. I saw a black force filed around us. I'm not here, they'll not fight with me here. I looked at them are they going to fight or what. I feel stuiped. I think this is easyer than it looks, clones maybe I thought. I have made a mastake I'm makeing friends, I might even have a crush on some one. I looked at them. I hate this. I'm not here. Well I can't help him that's all ways a rule. Well I'll see what happens. I looked at the ground. I sighed. I'm only helping if he needs it.

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Alex was now walking fast. "This is not cool! I have to fight someone that I have helped greatly in life? Well that only leaves one person and that's..." Alex then stopped walking when he saw a girl with silver hair, purple eyes in a dark dress (Like this:http://imageshack.us...anime16vg0.jpg/). "No..." Alex then back away as the girl walked closer to him, a scythe appearing in her hands. "No... stop it... Alexia! Stop this!" Alexia did not stop walking and was getting ready to attack Alex. "I can't do this." Alex then turned around and ran for it. "If I know Alexia, then I should be able to outrun her." Alex then noticed that he was slowly getting away from her. "I can't fight her, there's no way I could even lay a finger to hurt her. Damn it, who ever did this is going to pay. I'd never hurt my Meister and I'll never hurt her because I love her." Alex gritted his teeth. "Deffinently not cool! And what's worse is that she can use her soul perception to find me, there is no escape."

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(ahhh whats happening?!)


i kept walking around the place. 'grrr....i need to find some people around here!' i took out a bar of sae-salt icecream and started to eat it, it was so salty and sweet. 'those guys arent gonna miss all the stuff that i stole.' i thought




ill add more

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(you guys go to fast, or maybe i'm too slow T^T)


*Insert grunts and battle cries*

"Why isn't this bat working!" Dilan had trouble fending off shadows, why wouldn't the struggle bat work?

He gave up and threw his bat on the ground "Maybe I should instead give up and run away like a coward?" He said quietly

"HEY!" A friend of his threw his struggle bat performing a strike raid like attack only bumping on shadows.

"Run!" His friend later rand off like a coward, Dilan stood still after being cornered.

"It's no use...I'll just die out here!" He pushes his way and later gets scratched severley unable to fight back.


"It's time to appear...Open the door"

A light shines around his hand forming a type of sword.

"!" The heartless back away fearing the blade

"What is this?! When did I get this!? Wait a minute....."

It looks like that one with the girl I met...

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(Oath a tournament has begun in which for the first round we must all fight someone we helped greatly then after we beat them we can take one of there powers then after that we are given a clue to who are next enemy is but it wont be one you have ever faced before it will be one of the other rper members enemys or allies from the rp there character was in also just thought of this but we should give each other an idea of everyones enemy now P50L its a bit of both)


Mark looked at seth who then drew his keyblade then firing beams of light at mark mark just managing to dodge mark was finding this hard back when seth was alive he considered seth one of his bestfriends mark then shock his head "no hes dead just need to remember that" mark then activated his keyblade armour and ran at seth and the two began to clash




Minato threw a shurigan at joe then doing a hand signal "shadow shurigan jutsu" over a thousand shurigan then appeared and joe jumped to a building then running along the side of it to dodge the attacks when minato then appears infront of him with a rasengan in his hand then hitting joe hard and sending him flying back causing an explotion

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I just stand there watching them fighting. I need to get out of here I thought. "Um one sec, I need to get out, voice help me please." I asked. I see there everywhere. I keep almost getting hit. I jump out of the way. "Please I need out of here." I say. I look up at the top of the force filed. I put my hand on my face and corved my eyes. I sigh to my self. I need at break, I really do. I need to fight to live but I'm stuck in here. I uncover my eyes. Silver I think to myself. I need help out of here I think. I just love this...wait no I don't. I sigh again. "Please." I beg the voice.

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"What is this!?"

Dilan slashed his blade at a charging shadow, it dissapeared into a blob of dark smoke

"Apperanlty this key actually is better then that bat."

A neoshadow which acted as a commander appeared behind the shadows

"SO IT SEEMS YOU'RE BEHIND THIS!" Dilan yelled at the neoshadow

"..." The neoshadow dived down into the walls moving around.

"Show yourself coward! HAH" Slashing those shadows around like the scum the are while shouting I see...

"Come face me!"

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Silver looked to Lacey, who seemed to be trying to escape the force field. He ran near her postion. "I'll help! Just stand back!" Silver said, summoning his Oblivion. "Open the Keyhole!" A lance of light ran from the Key to the force field, opening a temporary hole in it. "Quickly, that won't keep the thing open for long."

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"Oh thank goodness." I said and ran out. "What's next Silver?" I asked. I looked at him. I was really quite tired. Silver didn't look much better. I could tell that my time would be here soon. I sick of these games. "Silver we must stop them." I said quitely. I looked at him eye pleading. Please they seemed to say. I can't fight a love one I thought and shock my head. I knew that there must be some way to stop this but how? I have to try something, humm but what? I have to make a plan, for it's all I'm really good at. I sighed. I must stop this with all my powers.

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Silver nodded curtly. "Yes. Stopping these people is a good idea. They stole the 'Black cloak' idea from Orginization XIII." Silver said. But on the inside, the real reason he wanted to stop them was so he couldn't hurt the his loved ones. "But first, we don't know who they are, or whre their base is. How do we hope to beat them if we don't know anything about them?" Silver said, putting away his Keyblade.

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"Well I can help with that." I said and looked at Silver. I looked around at everyone. I must help I thought. I looked back at Silver. "I've had dreams...in witch I've seen things, I think it might help us." I said. I smiled at Silver. You are too easy going I thought. I looked around. "No one can here what I'm about to say, okay?" I looked at Silver. I got closer to him. Not to close though. "I don't know if it'll work, but we've got to try, RIGHT?" I said and I started to rack around my brain. "You got that?" I asked him. I winging it I thought. I looked at him. A plan I thought.

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joe pulled himself out of some rubble "man thats what it feels like to be on the other end of that move no wonder so many go down to it easy it packs one major punch" joe then looked at his arm seeing a strange marking joes eyes narrow "yellow flash" minato then appeared behind joe but joe jumped dodging "you told me about that move so i know how to avoid it remember" joe then cuts along his arm were the mark was joes arm now pouring blood "i need to end this now"




mark and seth clash with one and another over and over jumping over each other trying to attack while cutting under each other at full speed both breathing heavly covered in cuts from one another

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Name: Mato(Moonlight) Kuroi

Age: 18

Gender: Female

HomeWorld: Twilight Town

Keyblades: Chaos Ripper

Appearance: Has the appearance of black rock shooter, except has long rockstar like hair(like raditz from dbz xD)

Bio: a teenage girl with a heart aching past, she saw her parents die at her feet and knew she was the blame, she took responsibility in taking care of her knlw lost brother Silver. After creating her now defeated group (incarceron) she became enemies with her own members. After many wars with incarceron, she ran away. Now, many years later, she has returned to stop what she has started and to find her brother Silver. She can be very cocky at times but is a very reasonable person.

Roleplays she was in: Keyblade Assassins, Org. XIII VS. Incarceron, Org. XIII Vs. Incarceron(Sequel), After the battle.

I will obey (????)

(Gonna help out with my fellow roleplayers.-.-)

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(YEAH! But, I thought moon was 18. That's what I am.)

Kiru summoned his key-blade as he prepared for the inevitable onslaught of enemies. He looked over at Silver and Lacey, then at Rixku. He sighed. How would the battle begin. This whole thing was torturing him, as no one had come to attack him yet. Who would be the enemy he was going to face. A friend, like Xander, or an enemy, like Xemnas? He seriously hoped it wasn't Xemnas. His anxiousness was rising up, so he turned to Rixku and was about to say something when he realized he couldn't talk to her. So this is how they were gonna play it, eh? No friends? He turned and got ready for the enemy. He was about to laugh at the fact that there was no enemy until he saw him. Xemnas.

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"The black cloak fit the description with him somehow in charge......." Face palming as she knew she wasn't going to like this one. "I wish I was still in Castle Oblivion hightailing Noah..........." She mumbled before giving a good glare at both Xemnas and Kiru then settling at Xemnas as she had hated him more than Xehanort at this point. "If I ever get the chance i'm going to stab you with your own blades Xemnas. You made who was here pretty obvious with the coats anyone would no it evolved you." She then started getting a bit nervous. "Please not be as much trouble than with Riku and Sora.........." She whispered so maybe the people around her could hear.

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Kiru looked at Rixku, and burst out suddenly. "Don't worry. He's my fight. I killed him at the castle that never was, and he's back to haunt me!" Xemnas laughed. "It is true. My spirit has been summoned to fight Kiru in this arena. Come Kiru, you must have gotten even stronger, and you must be able to beat me. I want to see your full power. Don't hold back!" Kiru summoned his key-blade. "Oh, don't worry. I won't hold back, if only to send you back to where you belong. To nothingness!"

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"That's not how he went for me. He got pretty beat up by Riku and Sora before his whole Kingdom Hearts plan failed on him as he faded away like almost all of the others...." Silently turning her gaze to Kiru before a devious smile appeared on her lips you know what i'm fighting him too. He's going to pay regardless of how he got back or even if he's the one I know at all. From what I remember ours got back with Ansem before Xehanort came back and gave everyone a god gamble for sticking around." Holding out her hands as Soul Eater and Way to Dawn appeared.

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Kiru nodded. "I think we found a loophole. Since he's both our enemy, we can both fight him, as an enemy for you hasn't appeared yet, this must be yours too." He summoned his key-blades. I seriously hope I don't have to use Xehanort's power for this. I can't let my anger hurt my friends. I just can't. He summoned his key-blade, and got ready for the fight. Xemnas smirked. "Do you honestly think you can beat me?" Kiru nodded. "Our light will beat you, even with darkness in us. Are you ready, Rixku?"

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"I don't have darkness you have to thank Xehanort and Riku for the times I do because there how I get otherwise i'm solid light." She quickly got into a fighting stance. "I believe Xehanort would be more focused on him than me so give it one hell of a shot. I need someone to get me higher for some abilities I have anyways." A sly smile appeared as she waited for Kiru.

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Kiru charged at Xemnas, ready to bash his skull in. Xemnas just grabbed him, and threw him across the are. KIru smashed into the ground, then jumped up. He wasn't about to get beaten. He shot a darkness ball towards Xemnas, but when Xemnas dodged, he smashed Xemnas in the face. Xemnsa laughed. You are pretty good now, Kiru. But I seriously doubt you will last long." Kiru smiled. "Ha, that's what you think. Rixku, you're turn!"

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