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Wolf on the Run

Roleplay Wars

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something strange is happening around all the known universes and worlds hero's and villians are disappearing with out a trace but were to the answer so not an easy one to understand.

it looks as if the heros and villians are being taken to an unknown realm were they must find the secret to escape or will they turn on each other so one can escape instead of the others all i know is that along with them heros and villians disappearing it looks as if there old enemys are appearing on this world looking to take them down and stop them from escaping once and for all.

Okay kind of robbing this idea of corruptedkeyblade but was sad when this didnt last to long for him so i hope it works better for me.


Okay Rule time and ill be inforcing these more then ever

1:Normal Rping rules of course

2:No God modding

3:No Controling other peoples original characters with out Permission

4:So i know you read the Rules type i will obey at end of sign up

5:Lets keep it PG13

6:I'll let cursing be permitted so go nuts with it i dont mind

7:No killing other peoples characters with out Permission

8:Character you use must be from a rp you were in and you can use more then one but if they have the same name make a way that we can tell appart whos talking and stuff

9:posts must be at least four lines long


That should take care of the rules now

the set up

Just take it from what ever RP your character was in but be shore to add

RP Character was in:

For example my set up



Name: Joe

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Keyblade: Outhkeeper, Kingdom Key, Way to the dawn, Destiny's Place the LD-Blade and a Gunblade

Home world: Destiny island also has a wide varity of ninja weapons and tools

Appearence: high around 6:1 blue eyes muscler build wears a black jacket and dark blue jeans along with a Blue t-shirt and wears a Hidden leaf ninja headband on his right arm

Bio: an pretty average boy from the island who lives with his parents but whos grandfather is always around making him train for some strange reason which joe soon descoved to be training for him to become a keyblade master once joe became a keyblade weilder he meet alex azura quentin and vexitus and together they fought many battles side by side until joe watch as his friend took down there worst enemy athxson his worst enemy up until he meet Ezio a Dark wielder unlike any other who would kill a person in the most cruel way with out even a second though

RP Character was in: Return and Survival of the Keyblade and Battle of the dream realm


Okay theres the basic idea and i hope this RP goes well

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(I'll go first)


Name: Silver Kuroi

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Home World: Twilight Town

Appereance: A Roxas look alike, but has grey eyes instead of blue.

Bio: A boy with a long, and troubled past. He was once looked for a close relative, but several other incounters forced him to stop. He is generally laid back, and protective of his friends.

Roleplays he was in: Org. XIII vs. Incarceron, Org. XIII vs. Incarceron (Sequel), Kingdom hearts- Lights Real Darkness, System Replica True Core.

I will obey.

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Set Up:

Name: (give surname) Rixku
Keyblade and other weapons: Soul Eater and Way to Dawn
Appearance:Posted Image
Bio: The unknown number in Organization 13 'The Light's Shadow'. She is very odd even for a nobody because of how she reacts to pretty much anything. She'll either show nothing or strong emotion like she has a heart right now. She's ready to help and she's also going to help with any practice needed for you guys.
System Replica True Core/ Beginnings, Two Sided, and Kingdom Hearts Lights Real Darkness
I will obey

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name: rose


age: 12


type of wizard: armor magic


old guide: fairytale


problem: gets mad easly


most pwerful spell: armor change


rp: fairytale


i will obey

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Name: Alius.

Age: 40.

Gender: Male.

Keyblade: Master Xehanort's Keyblade.

Extra weapon(s): Ethereal Blades.

Bio: Alius was Master Xehanort's final attempt to live again. Using Vexen's Replica Program, Master Xehanort created a copy of himself in Terra's body. Everything when according to plan till the replica started changing. The replicated parts of Terra started to emerge and over come the replicated Xehanort. Master Xehanort tried to stop it. He was finally able to merge to two personalities together. He falsely believe this replicant would follow him. The replica, with Terra's morals, abandoned Master Xehanort to his fate. Taking the name Alius, the replica went out into the worlds to become an invisible guardian of the Balance between Light and Darkness. He has been very careful for no one to know who he is, or even that he exists. He also seeks the same answers as Master Xehanort, but has Terra's influence to keep him from going off the edge. He has memories from both Terra and Xehanort, but there are gaps in his memory.





Posted Image


Same as picture except: No ascot. Lab coat primarily open. A metallic gauntlet on his left hand for his armor, which he uses to conceal his identity.

Picture of armor:




Posted Image

Personality: Cold and serious like Xehanort. Considers himself more Xehanort then Terra. While curious about Kingdom Hearts, he won't go to the extremes that the original did to find answers. Has Terra's want to protect. Alius believes that the Balance between Light and Darkness in important and that true power comes from learning how to use both together.

Special Power:

Side: Dawn.

Homeworld: The World That Never Was.

Summon: Guardian.

RP: Until The End.

I will obey (not really, but it's good to say anyway :D)

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Home world: Twilight town.

Apperance:Posted Image

Bio: A quiet boy to be honest. He hasn't had any real friends to support him through out his life. Whenever he is approached or greeted by someone, he later shuns them away...Unless they have a reason why. He prefers to be alone and quiet solitude.

Roleplays: It's been a while since I roleplayed....Kingdom hearts civil war part 3, Pokemon academy year 1, Fading Data...There's more..but I can't remember DX


P50L Shall obey to the great master named Joe

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its meant to be RPs this character has been in not you but since you Obey me Plus i cant not accepted you so Plus50living accepted

and the rp can begin people still have permission to join as well jump in and join at any time people

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(I Start xD)

"What the!?" Slowly getting up as she looked around the unknown place. "I was in Castle Oblivion and now this........" Face palming as she knew this was going to be a long day. "Why do I have such bad luck? I guess finding other people is my only option right now." Limping as she got up before looking around again. "Now of all times where did Guardian go? I need one of them now." Sighing as she wince and started walking.

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(Curse you Rixku. Curse you! :P)


Silver walked through The Castle that Never Was. With Demyx traling behind. "Demyx, what did I say about following me around?" Silver absentmindedly asked, hopng to get his mind off the boring day. "Um...that you would feed me to the Dusks, or worse, force me to be a guniea pig for Vexen's experiments?" Demyx said, followed by a sigh from Silver. Silver kept walking, except he was soon intercepted by a very tall, serious man. "Hmph." Saix grumbled. "Lord Xemnas requests your presence, traitor."

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joe along with his students were in the middle of rebuilding the Land of Departure castle joe was lifting lumber from place to place and after a few hours joe sat down to take a brake "son of a this is so dam hard rebuilding this place out of all the things ezio and ashton did they had to destroy the castle out of all the luck" joe was about to take a drink when he closed his eyes for a second then opening them again joe found himself falling out of the sky over a city joe looked down "owe come on just when i was about to have lunch this sucks" joe then spun in the air landing on his feet when he reached the ground "well that wasnt any fun" a cup then landed in joes hand joe looked at it but there was nothing in it "owe come on this is just mean" joe then looked around "now were am i"

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Seeing a boy land maybe not even a foot away from her. Rixku jumped back surprised before getting in a fighting stance as Way to Dawn and Soul Eater appeared in white lights before her face got serious. "Who are you and how did you get here!?" Not noticing the usual tone with it's meaning of answer or you're not going to like me understanding. She also absently minded started to let light flow in her right hand as darkness came in the other.

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Name: Dusk

age: unknown looks 15

picture: http://naroco101.dev...gehog-260824567

Bio: A artifical life form life Shadow, but created in the year 2322. he is extremly kind and doesnt really fight unless he has to.

Powers: chaos control, spear and blast, and fire power

Home world: mobius (robotropolus)

rp from: Sonic AF

I will obey

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Naroco accepted


joe slightly turned hearing a girl behind him who looked to be a few years younger then him "who me owe im joe Master joe what ever you feel like calling right now cause all im interested in at the moment is looking for something to eat i was about to eat my lunch when out of nowhere i find myself falling out of the sky and ending up here thought it was that dam nine tails trying something again but i guess not" joe then looked around "so anyway who you and how did you get here"

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Name-Koja, Koja Kurura.


Roleplay-A new character in the rp "Two Sided.".






Weapon-A Right Handed Trident.


Sub Weapon-A Left Handed Claw.






History-A man with an unknown background who can't remember who he is or where he came from only that he can remember his name is Koja, Koja Kurura.


Bio-A Strange and Mysterious man who prefers to keep to himself in order to not danger those around him.


Personality-Kind,Caring,Loving,Cool,Calm,Collected,Grumpy,Has a quirky sense of humour and an unusual bloodlust in battle.


Appearance-Long black spiky hair, Thick black eyebrows, Thin black mustache/beard, Red cat like eyes, Blue bodysuit, Yellow greeves, Green cape and a special holder on his back to place his Trident with.


Alignment-Neutral though Good.


Voice Actor-Steven Blum.


Japanese Voice Actor-Toshio Furukawa.


Theme Song-Phil Collins, Son of Man.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoinDexowKc.




Sorry if this added extra infomation doesn't follow the character sheet set up but if it's allright mind if i can keep it or not, it's allright if i can't just please notify me first though obiviously, I will obey your character sheet.

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Silver sighed again. Undeterred, he still went to the meeting room, and located Xemnas. "What is it that you have requested, No. I?" Silver said, trying not to get on Xemnas' 'bad side'. "We have reportsfrom the Dusks that there is high activity in a new world. Records say that a frined of yours is there. Since you're the only person who would be able to speak with this person, you're going. NOW." Xemnas snapped his fingers, and a dark corridor appeared. Great. Silver thought, Another adventure. Yipee.

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"I'm older than you even though it doesn't look like it......." She let go of Way to Dawn and Soul eater before devilish smile appeared. "You now your appearance isn't bad i'm using it for now Joe and my name is Rixku but my real name is Riku." A slight flash happened before Rixku looked almost exactly like Joe with the exception of the still aqua blue eyes. "See you later Joe......." Turning as she began to walk away hands still glowing white and black.

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lamkingdomhearts1000 denied read the rules and say what rp this character is from then come back


Joe looked at Riku "what the some kind of transformation but dam the only other time i saw one this good was when Sakura was showing me the transformation jutsu but this isnt that" joe began to think "owe well might as well get some food" joe then tried to open a light corridor but it wouldnt work "wait what the" joe then tried again but again had no luck "okay something is up here"

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