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page posted nude pictures on facebook

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Okay, the girl IN the picture is under 18, child pornography is illegal. But right now there are 3 types of people commenting,


Those that think the internet is a place not to take things seriously.



Then there are the one people that DON'T take the internet seriously, but know that there are limits

"Okay, I know this is the internet and all, But this is just wrong on so many levels, this is basically asking for the internet police to arrest you. *facepalm*"



and there are those that DO take internet seriously.

"I am reporting this page and picture right now, I hope you get arrested!"


...Look, n00dz are alright if they're only with a trusted person you are with.


But this girl actually uploaded it for like 2 minutes and later took it down, and guess what, it's going viral. as we speak, it is being saved and sent to many other accounts, even tumblr.

koko, kaiso, if you see it, please ignore it :L


I blame both of these 2 people.

The girl should have never uploaded that picture in the first place.

And the page that posted it and getting laughs off of it.


Yes, I am raging on the internet, shut up and get used to it, I don't take child pornography as a joke.

No, I am not giving a link to the page or posting the image here.




chill.you'll live longer.im not saying that this should be allowed,but next time just report the picture instead of going into a whole spiel about it.

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