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What language do you speak?

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Yea spanish does. Like Puto is the masculine form of bitch and puta is the feminine version




Couldn't you have compared something else besides that xD?







o-o slightly retorical question btw, peoples.

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@ Chronic Tumor



@ Luzze

You don't speak English fluently, Luzze o.o?


@ Clue


I tried learning Italian once. I also failed epically. 8D

I only know Spanish and English fluently because I knew how to speak them since, like, I was born, lol.

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Me too, lol. Spanish just comes naturally to me since it's my first language and all, so sometimes when I'm talking to my friends in school I'm like, "Esa palabra...no me acuerdo".


They stare at me like I ate a cat or something. 8D

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Besides the English language over the past few years I took upon myself to learn the language of my ancestores, The Cherokee Indians. I don't know everything, sadly, but I know alot. My friends say it sounds a little japanese the way it is pronounced, but written is different than spoken. Through the language lead a door into my family's past, allowing me to find which clan I was from and which state my family's indian heritage came from (Olkahoma), But now i'm just the emotionless boy, California's Native American Werewolf I sometimes call myself.


Ani' Tsa'la'gi, Ani' Waya - Tsa'la'gi Yun' Waya.

(Cherokee Nation, Wolf Clan - Cherokee Werewolf)

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I know Portuguese (of course), English and a bit of Spanish, I can understand it well but when I'm speaking I fail at spelling(and writing sometimes too).

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I speak English and Japanese fluently. My friend is teaching me French and my parents are forcing me to learn Spainish. I want to learn one more language, any language.

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English, and then some basic French and Spanish. But, next year, I'm hoping on taking some more advanced French courses, so that I can say more than "How are you?" (Comment

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