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What language do you speak?

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English of course, since it was my primary language growing up, but Cantonese is my first language. I can still understand it, but being able to speak it is a no go (it's really awkward and I'm convinced I don't know what I'm talking about). I know a bit of Japanese. I can read kana and the most basic of basic kanji, but my knowledge goes just a bit further regarding the spoken language. See mom? I am learning something from watching a ton of anime 8D

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I speak English, I used to know Indonesian and like, 4 words in Brazilian. xD And some Spanish, like.. the basic words. Lol.

I learned Indonesian when I was 5.. but after my teacher left I didn't learn anymore and forgot it all. >.<

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English of course, since it was my primary language growing up, but Cantonese is my first language. I can still understand it, but being able to speak it is a no go (it's really awkward and I'm convinced I don't know what I'm talking about). I know a bit of Japanese. I can read kana and the most basic of basic kanji, but my knowledge goes just a bit further regarding the spoken language. See mom? I am learning something from watching a ton of anime 8D


WOW I understand Cantonese but if you ask me to speak it, it'll sound really weird XDD

Where are you from anyway? o-o

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Malaysia OTL My mother went to Hong Kong a few months ago xD


omg I fail at typing cantonese xD


At least you can. I stopped learning Canto when I moved to America 10+ years ago, and my parents didn't push me to continue with the language. It's one of the things I wish they did; I regret not being in touch with my native language D:


-stares at characters-


Fcuk, I don't remember what they mean.

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I'm fluent in English obviously, as it's my primary language. I used to study Japanese in primary school, but I never continued with it in high-school and chose French instead. Unfortunately, I can't speak French very well, nor write it well. Japanese I only know the basics, and despite being Italian the only word I know would be ****, I blame my father saying it too frequently for me to catch onto what it meant.


Oh! I also speak 1337, depending on if you consider that a language.

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Well I know how to speak English and.......well, I guess that's it..... I can understand some Japanese and German, but that's it (I want to get better at Japanese, only because I want to not have to wait for games to be in English and read manga and anime without the need for subs and dubs) There's my irrelavent post :D

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O: portuguese looks hard. it's somewhat similar to spanish though, am i right? so is italian.


Portuguese is NOT italian. xD

Anyway, they both sound alike because they both come from Latin.

Portuguese is easy, but not for americans.

Brazilians have no trouble learning english

yet Americans just CAN'T use the sounds of portuguese.

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