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Kingdom Hearts: Coming Together

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"They shouldn't be too different from swoop bikes." Jules said. He adjusted his robes and made sure his lightsabers were right where they belonged at his side. "I'm ready when you are."

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"Never come out, eh?" Aria said. "Sounds like fun."

Just then, Heartless appeared around them.

"Hold on, just a little target practice," Aria said, pulling out a sniper.

Suddenly, four large canine-like Unbounds appeared and destroyed the Heartless. They turned to face TK and Aria.

"Geez, what's with them?" she said. "The bigger they are, the harder they shatter!"

Aria blasted one between the eyes, killing it. Another jumped at her. She dove out of the way and sliced through it with her gunblade.

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Flash and Jules were teleported to somekind of driving course or something. Flash saw motorcycle like thing and said: "Those must be which Tron mentioned, Lets go!" Flash took some time to get used to vechile but it was pretty easy after all. "There's heartless up ahead, dont let your guard down!" Flash took hi's rifle and aimed on heartless. "Piercing shot" Flash shoot powerful round what went right trough anything wich it touched. "Looks like attacks like that have more power in world like this"

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"Leon, you can defeat this type of unbound using music. So play!!!!!" TK said while taking out The Keyblade of the Dark and killing one of the monster. Then 5 more appeared, "Great now there are 7 of them left. Leon it would be great if you could hurry." "Okay, here we go!" Leon yelled out then started to play

Then the Unbounds started to fall down and explode. "Okay that was bad. CLEAN US UP!" TK used a spell to clean Aria and him from the unbound goo, "Okay now lets get in there before something else happens. Leon, I am trusting you to stay here and coming running if I scream for you."

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Aria beamed.

"Well, I can't say I get a dull moment with you," she laughed.

TK heard a faint voice from Aria's headset.

"Aria, you're back. Get to it!"

"No," she said politely, "I'm kinda held up at the moment. I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

"No, you'd better focus on the mission at hand. E-3 has been activated, and I need him now!"

"Hold your pegasuses," Aria said, winking at Leon. "I said that I'm busy. I'll help you in-"

"That's it!"


Aria bent over with a cry. She screamed in pain.

"TK!" she shouted.

She writhed around a little, and then stopped. When she stood back up, her eyes had a red glow to them.


Aria turned to walk away. As TK tried to follow, she drew her shotgun (which now had a dark glow, and aimed a shot at his feet.)

"I need to return," she said in a emotionless voice. "The next shot will be at your head."

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Aria turned to face him.

"Your Aria is but a puppet. Should she step out of line, her puppetmaster is free to bring her back," she said. "Once she arrives home, she'll lose memory of you and this silly adventure."

Aria summoned her dark gunblade and charged it.

"So now just to remove you from the equation!"

Aria fired a charged shot at TK.

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The charged shot was blocked by the last thing TK could guess it would be. Blocking the shot was Dasama. "Master, I have a bone to pick with you! Why did you kill me parents?" TK asked Dasama. "I had to. I was being processed by my master. I didn't want to destory your life. That is why I took you to a new family and became your master. Now don't you think we need to snap Aria out of it." Dasama said. "Aria, snap out of it. You are not a puppet. You are not even my friend. You are more than that and I won't lose you now!" TK was blasted with something that he never had before. He was growing with a super ultra light, even his keyblade turned into the KEYBLADE OF LIGHT! With being with the power of light, TK blasted Aria with a big shot of light snapping Aria out of it.

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Aria fell onto the ground. She sat up and rubbed her head. Her eyes had returned to their regular brown. She looked up at TK and Dasama.

"Who, are you?" she asked.

She searched her mind. She was Aria. She had power over guns. She lived in Acedemia. She was looking for something. That was it. Nothing else.

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"Oh no. It is too late she doesn't remember who you are." Dasama said. "No, it can't be." TK went over to where Aria was and gave her a kiss, thinking love would make her remember. Leon played while TK and Aria were kissing:

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(Aww, Pokemon reference!!!!!!)


Aria looked confused at TK. She couldn't understand why he was upset.

"I'm sorry," she said, making her gun disappear. "I can't."

She walked forward and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know you and I can't remember anything but who I am and where I came from. I'm sorry if anything happened. I'll help you find what you're looking for if you need. I'm looking for something too. And your horse is funny. What's his name? Oh, and what's yours?"

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"You know my name. It is TK and the horse is Leon and the guy next to me is Dasama. Master is there anyway of putting the memories into her?" "The only way is to have you two become intertwin. So you two would have to stay with each other for the memories to be there in her. Do you want this?" Dasama asked TK. "Yes, more than anything. I want to be with her." TK told Dasama. "Then TWO BECOME ONE!!!!" Dasama used a move to make TK and Aria connected. "Did it work?" TK asked Aria.

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TK saw a bright flash of light.



A younger Aria was sitting at a table, laughing with her mother, father, and pet cat. The door burst open.


Another flash of light.


The family except Aria was all laying dead. Aria struggled against some force. She was knocked out.


Another flash of light.


Aria was lying unconcious in a lab. There was a man's voice.

"If I imbune the pure power of the crystal into this girl just as her familiar dies..."


Another flash of light, this time, red.


The voice again.

"Your focus is to obey me and only me. If you ever step out of line, your memories will erase themselves to unexistence. You shall lose all bonds with those before, and the bonds shall be unlinkable! My two l'cie-children, the first of my army!"


A flash of red light.


The man spoke again.

"Blast, the Coming Together of worlds has ruined my research. With E-3 missing, I've lost half of my power! A-3, go find him and bring him back! Use the name Aria!"


A flash of white light.

TK was standing before Aria. She rubbed her head.

"Wow, you've got some history," she said weakly. "I saw you talking about me, but I couldn't see myself. Are you okay?"

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"Well, I'm feeling alright, confused, but alright," Aria said. "I feel like there's something we should be doing, but I can't remember."

Just then, a large, blue dragon Unbound flew up from the crystal fissure, right at the party.

"That thing, it's a... Unbound!" Aria shouted. "We've got to get rid of it!"

She summoned her rocket launcer and fired a blast at the Unbound, but it spun and evaded it.

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"Leon music time!" TK said while hoping on and heading straight to the Unbound and attacking it with TKs new found light. Leon was playing:

. The unbound fell to the ground and then Dasama said, "I take it from here." Just then Dasama took out his Void Gear keyblade and killed the monster and the goo went everywhere. "Just like old times right, Aria?" TK asked.

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(Personally, Unbeatable would have been more appropriate! :P )


A strange light shone in Aria's eyes. From the exploded Unbound, there had been a faint light shining. Aria raised her hand and absorbed the light. She glew blue for a second.


"It seems familiar, but I can't place it," she said. "That light I absorbed from the Unbound, what was it?"

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Aria stared at the boy.

"Something fuzzy maybe, but I'm not sure," she said. "I feel like these thing could be important, but..."

Aria looked up to the sky.

"I was sent on a mission to investigate these by the Doc," she said. "That was my... focus?"

Aria closed her eyes.

"Focus?" she murmured.

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"Wait did you say Doc? You are with him. It is no wonder she doesn't remember anything besides what the Doc put in her. TK and Aria both of you come with me, I think I can fix Aria." Dasama told. Dasama led them to his room and went into the 2nd room of his place. "Okay, Aria. I need you to go into this machine. It is the only way to fix you. TK you be my assiant." Dasama said while showing them a big stand-in machine.

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  On 11/20/2011 at 7:53 PM, 'dusk' said:

Flash and Jules were teleported to somekind of driving course or something. Flash saw motorcycle like thing and said: "Those must be which Tron mentioned, Lets go!" Flash took some time to get used to vechile but it was pretty easy after all. "There's heartless up ahead, dont let your guard down!" Flash took hi's rifle and aimed on heartless. "Piercing shot" Flash shoot powerful round what went right trough anything wich it touched. "Looks like attacks like that have more power in world like this"


Jules hopped on and drew a lightsaber. He drove forward, slashing at any Heartless he passed. He then grabbed his other lightsaber, steering the bike with the Force as he slashed at the Heartless.

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Aria looked unsurely at the machine.

"Doc told me never to trust machines from strangers," she started.

A look at TK soothed her.

"But fine, I'll do it," she said, shaking her head, and the broken bits from her comm fell to the floor. She stepped into the machine.

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"Okay, there is a 10% chance that you could be injured but that has never happened before." Dasama said. Then he started up the machine and it started the process. "The machine is quite the well...machine. It starts out with knocking the person into a deep sleep, then I will have you put on this helmet, then the memories of a real person will take that of a l'cie and make that person into a real person again, then we have what they used to be with the memories of what has happened." Dasama told TK. Step one was done so TK put on the helmet and begin the memories into Aria. After that was done Aria came out of the machine. "Did it work?" TK asked Aria.

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